compassionate progressive puts uppity clerk in her place

blind sheeple just as god freaks will go to any leangth to be right, like changing the issue or threatening to tattle...they use any sideline they can and will evan attack grammar or spelling, all this before evan aproaching the topic that has set them off,...typical responce from a good Obamanist follower.
blind sheeple just as god freaks will go to any leangth to be right, like changing the issue or threatening to tattle...they use any sideline they can and will evan attack grammar or spelling, all this before evan aproaching the topic that has set them off,...typical responce from a good Obamanist follower.


Obamanist? Seriously?
Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot! Smoke more pot!

there, my two cents on the matter:bigjoint:
I love the vertical spaces in that. Like the stripes in a Chicago mobster's suit. cn
I would have just gotten my groceries and gone on...she is obviously not very bright talking politics to customers why start something...just let her jabber and then grab your crap and go do whatever you are need to scare old ladies to get your point across...the fact that in the beginning he pities her for society having torn her down, and then he finishes proud to have further torn her down...
I would have just gotten my groceries and gone on...she is obviously not very bright talking politics to customers why start something...just let her jabber and then grab your crap and go do whatever you are need to scare old ladies to get your point across...the fact that in the beginning he pities her for society having torn her down, and then he finishes proud to have further torn her down...

No shit, totally primitive thinking here... and they say the Republican's are the only ones appealing to peoples emotions lmao..soo childish..
Tell me one business where you are allowed to spout political rhetoric to your customers/clients/patrons and not get fired for it? He asked her to stop and she tried to continue with her diatribe of rhetoric and misinformation. He then threatened to go over her head. And in all fairness, he did state that he felt bad for his approach. Personally I think he could have handled it better. I would have said something similar. Sans the word FUCK of course.

One business? No. Profession? Yeap school teachers/professors can spout there reteric all day long with no fear of losing Their jobs.
No shit, totally primitive thinking here... and they say the Republican's are the only ones appealing to peoples emotions lmao..soo childish..

How did you manage to turn even this into something partisan? Will you never grow up and out of that?

I told you, even if the situation were reversed, the guy starts spouting his opinion off about GWB during his presidency while he's at work, the woman would be right to put him in his place.

People need to know when certain things are appropriate and when they're not, and not standing up and saying something about it keeps them ignorant of that.

Boo hoo the bitch might have got her poor little feelings hurt.

As is life. Get over it.


How did you manage to turn even this into something partisan? Will you never grow up and out of that?

How did I manage to turn this into something partisian? lol, I didn't. The article is about just that, Funny your the one defending a man threatening a lady, an older lady who is down on our luck because she happens to be of certain political persusian vs someone who is of your political persusian, sounds like your the one rolling with the partisianship. I am siding with intellucatal outlook on this and the philosophical outlook of good manners and respect for others.

I told you, even if the situation were reversed, the guy starts spouting his opinion off about GWB during his presidency while he's at work, the woman would be right to put him in his place.

People need to know when certain things are appropriate and when they're not, and not standing up and saying something about it keeps them ignorant of that.

Boo hoo the bitch might have got her poor little feelings hurt.

As is life. Get over it.


Apparely for you it would make a difference! If she threatened him then no she would be wrong, convient you leave the threat part out of your example..Whats the point in going around giving people a hard time and argueing/threatening? There is none, this is childish and primitive, it is not an intellectual endevour here and further it is worse that a man is treating a lady like this. You must be about nineteen years old atleast mentally if you around treating women lke this. Going around threatening poor peoples jobs acomplishes nothing. Violence, Threats, Coheresion is a cowardly tactic.

The man was right when he said something to her initially but as soon as he made a threat he was imedietly in the wrong.
How did I manage to turn this into something partisian? lol, I didn't. The article is about just that, Funny your the one defending a man threatening a lady, an older lady who is down on our luck because she happens to be of certain political persusian vs someone who is of your political persusian, sounds like your the one rolling with the partisianship. I am siding with intellucatal outlook on this and the philosophical outlook of good manners and respect for others.

No, you did that. The guy mentions she's complaining about Obama, but you make it seem like he speaks up because he supports Obama, because he's on the left. That's pretty clear at this point. Just like you accused me of earlier, you said that if it was the other way around I wouldn't have anything to say, which is wrong. The opinions of these people aren't wrong, how could they be, they're opinions, what's wrong is the way they go about handling the situation. I even refer to the guy in earlier posts as "the douche" completely inferring he is also at fault in the confrontation. You just can't admit the lady did anything wrong at all, everything she did was completely acceptable because, as far as I can tell, a) she might be a little older, b) she's a woman, and now c) she's might be of a lower economical class (like me). That's it. As I mentioned before, none of these things shield you from criticism in the real world when you say something inappropriate or dumb. What if this lady yelled "FIRE!" in a movie theater, are people wrong for escorting her out because she's an older poor white woman?

Time and a place, my friend.

Quote where I "defended" the guy.

Apparely for you it would make a difference! If she threatened him then no she would be wrong, convient you leave the threat part out of your example..

What do you think the next words out of her mouth were going to be?

Whats the point in going around giving people a hard time and argueing/threatening? There is none, this is childish and primitive, it is not an intellectual endevour here and further it is worse that a man is treating a lady like this.

She was complaining, he POLITELY asked her to keep it to herself, she was offended and suspected he held other opinions and PHYSICALLY portrayed it, he recognized it and before she had time to say anything offensive back, he beat her to the punch and actually was rude. We can go back and forth on this all day, I can't draw it out any more clear than that. You read what you read, I read what I read. The point in bringing this up in a confrontation like that, I would think, would be to make them a little apprehensive to act stupid or say something dumb in public in the future. I don't use the tactic, and I'm not "defending" it here, that's my guess as to why someone like this would use it. I've learned people are too stupid to argue with like this, and there are better ways to accomplish that goal.

Makes sense though right, it's why you don't see retards talking about creationism much anymore, because they're embarrassed to bring it up, because they know it's a dumb opinion.

You must be about nineteen years old atleast mentally if you around treating women lke this.

Nice assumption. You assume my age, assume I use the tactic because I think the lady is wrong, assume I treat women terribly.

No, you did that. The guy mentions she's complaining about Obama, but you make it seem like he speaks up because he supports Obama, because he's on the left. That's pretty clear at this point. Just like you accused me of earlier, you said that if it was the other way around I wouldn't have anything to say, which is wrong. The opinions of these people aren't wrong, how could they be, they're opinions, what's wrong is the way they go about handling the situation. I even refer to the guy in earlier posts as "the douche" completely inferring he is also at fault in the confrontation. You just can't admit the lady did anything wrong at all, everything she did was completely acceptable because, as far as I can tell, a) she might be a little older, b) she's a woman, and now c) she's might be of a lower economical class (like me). That's it. As I mentioned before, none of these things shield you from criticism in the real world when you say something inappropriate or dumb. What if this lady yelled "FIRE!" in a movie theater, are people wrong for escorting her out because she's an older poor white woman?

Time and a place, my friend.

Quote where I "defended" the guy.

What do you think the next words out of her mouth were going to be?

She was complaining, he POLITELY asked her to keep it to herself, she was offended and suspected he held other opinions and PHYSICALLY portrayed it, he recognized it and before she had time to say anything offensive back, he beat her to the punch and actually was rude. We can go back and forth on this all day, I can't draw it out any more clear than that. You read what you read, I read what I read. The point in bringing this up in a confrontation like that, I would think, would be to make them a little apprehensive to act stupid or say something dumb in public in the future. I don't use the tactic, and I'm not "defending" it here, that's my guess as to why someone like this would use it. I've learned people are too stupid to argue with like this, and there are better ways to accomplish that goal.

Makes sense though right, it's why you don't see retards talking about creationism much anymore, because they're embarrassed to bring it up, because they know it's a dumb opinion.

Nice assumption. You assume my age, assume I use the tactic because I think the lady is wrong, assume I treat women terribly.

I just think its cute you assume this even happened. Like the weasel who wrote how he threatened down an old woman would actually do it publicly. He probably was jacking it while he wrote it thinking about how awesome it would be.
The entire purpose of this thread was to portray progressives/liberals as evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff. I mentioned a while back it was going to be like this the closer we get to the elections. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Corporate America is damned good at dividing us.
The entire purpose of this thread was to portray progressives/liberals as evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff. I mentioned a while back it was going to be like this the closer we get to the elections. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Corporate America is damned good at dividing us.

I thought it was to mock a chestbeating old lady threatening blogger.
The entire purpose of this thread was to portray progressives/liberals as evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff. I mentioned a while back it was going to be like this the closer we get to the elections. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Corporate America is damned good at dividing us.

Not that progressives/liberals ARE NOT evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff, but the reason I started this thread is to show that progressives/liberals are elitist snobs who see themselves as better than "low information" voters, and are so unlacking in self-awareness that they post their drivel on public web sites for all to see.