Closing threads

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I would say it more resembles taping the mouth shut on every dog in the neighborhood because your dog barks too much/ loud/ late at night. Yes, some posters are offensive and really have little of merit to add, but even in that climate people can add value to the conversation. Would it not make more sense to remove the troublesome posters for some defined period of time rather than punish the whole community? Shutting down the thread seems to avoid the moderators having to make a values judgement on the merits of a post(s) but is akin to punishing the group for the transgressions of the individual. I understand that I may be asking too much of the moderators. Perhaps we need to have a conversation on weather "brakes" are really preferable to free speech.

this is not the only street and not every dog is unable to control itself . . .and ya if the HMO says your dog needs a muzzle . . . .then to bad
i take full credit for this.

very recently, several members: echelon1k1, gagekko, slavenomore, nietzschekeen, and shotgun420, have all come out as very proud holocaust deniers.

that puts them in a special category of horrible human beings.

And I take full credit for calling things like I see it. War mongering douche bag.

I can't speak for everyone because as much as you would like to lump a bunch of people you disagree with into one category we are all different people , have differing views so Ill speak for the one in bold. You bring up the holocaust a lot since the once time I did. I questioned the number of the death toll , time frame and the ethnic groups slaughtered. Whats wrong with questioning and studying history? Because your married to someone jewish you can censor anyone? Yet they can speak about anything else just not jewish. You seem to only care about one group of people even though people from all over the world died during WW2. How do you feel about the worlds biggest genocide that happens during The Russian Revolution Why no outcry? Doesn't suit your peoples interests?

Keep crying because you can't censor members Your list keeps growing.

although the recent arrival of the tacoburrito group has mellowed my trolling of you. you even noticed that in this very thread.

Yes red notice how is he trying to kiss your ass now for some support never mind the fact he labeled you and tossed whatever at you every time he disagreed with you. lol

the tacoburrito group has been gone for a bit. I can't speak for him I believe nietz got tried of your cry baby trolling and decided to shut it down.

No worries tho buck this group is still there for you to cry about in fact your one of the main reasons I made the group so people can talk about whatever without being called names , having there thread spammed and closed. It pisses you off knowing you can't censor what is in there. 1+ to Main Site Admin for keeping free speech alive and not allowing idiots to censor everything. 12 members and growing. I must have some kind of super xray vision to tell their skin color through the internet because according to you its a racist group. :grin:

you are what the very ting that is wrong with this section recently. just chill out, you bitter, bitter creature.

ting lol

Maybe you should look in the mirror m8. Threads get closed when you start your name calling bullshit. That is your main way to censor poltics you disagree with. Had I been saying israel is great and Palestine is bad you would of been trying to be my best friend. I guess in your mind people on a website on the internet can say whatever they want but only if buck agrees.

Go back to reading about your hero Genrikh Yagoda .
I think you're reading too much into this. I doubt I have anymore issues with authority than anyone else. I just have become disappointed to return to a debate to only to find it closed. I admit to being unaware that the worst posts were being deleted. I would suggest that, after a poster must be deleted several times, he/she be suspended from posting for a day or more. Closing the debate entirely seems to be punishing all for the sins of the few. I really can't blame the moderators, they are performing a service for no reward. I can't see any bias or favoritism in their actions. I just think they could be more effective shooting the ringleaders instead of the whole mob. It may very well be that closing the thread is warranted in some cases. I guess that someone is always going to disagree when you act on what is basically a judgement call.

so as long as you silence the dogs you dont like its ok . . . . and now the subjective part who decides which dog is barking to loud . .as often is the case it is a blow for blow rant and argument

i never thought a real discussion could be had without dissenting opinions. . . .

real easy way to deal with , beefs and members who get out of control . . .dont engage them . . .. dont feed the situation and then log off (washing hands of it) just to come back later and go . . . . .oh, did that got out of hand?
Ive literally seen it where your are responding with (quote while editing was occurring) and the quote changed right before my eyes.

No. If you capture it by using Reply with Quote, the original capture remains. I've used this at times to amuse and instruct (if even only myself). ;) cn
No. If you capture it by using Reply with Quote, the original capture remains. I've used this at times to amuse and instruct (if even only muself). ;) cn

Yes, and one can suffer long con troll if I don't get to edit my posts. Like that time I thought FDR was actually never elected to President, but I accidentally said he was. Remember that? :) And Buck said I didn't even know who FDR was, so I played along? Federal Democrats of Ringo....remember that?

Yes, and one can suffer long con troll if I don't get to edit my posts. Like that time I thought FDR was actually never elected to President, but I accidentally said he was. Remember that? :) And Buck said I didn't even know who FDR was, so I played along? Federal Democrats of Ringo....remember that?

This being the Internet ... such squabbles are ordinarily remembered much longer and more sharply by the principals than the bystanders. Fwiw. cn
Well, in the grand tradition of parsing words, I took that to mean, now, he actually lives here. But, perhaps he just means he's moved from the cheap seats to a Sky Box. Much can be passed without comment, at that point. :)
This being the Internet ... such squabbles are ordinarily remembered much longer and more sharply by the principals than the bystanders. Fwiw. cn

Exactly, but I'm quite sure I don't have the facts straight... :) For me, iac, it was a long con from a typo and and one of my best.
i take full credit for this. very recently, several members: echelon1k1, gagekko, slavenomore, nietzschekeen, and shotgun420, have all come out as very proud holocaust deniers. that puts them in a special category of horrible human beings.

Still putting words in people’s mouths, I see. I used to get upset when I would find out that you were trying to smear me, especially when I had no clue you were doing it, i.e. I could not defend my character. Now, after "talking" with dozens of people about it... I've realized just how many people don't pay you a bit of mind and know you're a troll full of BS. None of them has had anything good to say about you... so I've moved on. Say what you want about me, I'm haven't bothered to respond for the past couple of weeks, have you noticed? No one cares what you have to say, no one believes anything you have to say, you can't validate any of your aspersions, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time arguing with you. I stress the word arguing because you aren't capable of anything that requires a higher intellect; you've illustrated this yourself, as you don't know when to quit and wind up getting a logical ass whoopin' and a rhetorical black eye.

I don't have anything better to do today, so I felt I would respond just this once. If you would like to prove yourself to be a man instead of a cowardly troll... the invitation to a debate is always open; you just have to let me know.... posting something, then getting no response from me does not equal a victory in anyone's book. Furthermore, I really don't think YOU are in ANY position to judge someone's character or worth. Since you never seem to be able to find any faults in my logic... I've left a few grammatical errors in this post for you to point out... See how many you can find.
Ive literally seen it where your are responding with (quote while editing was occurring) and the quote changed right before my eyes.
It posts the quote as-is when you click Reply with Quote.

It can't just change, it's not's just text.
I applaud the mods here at RIU. Years ago, I contributed to some other sites. IME, other sites do much more censoring than RIU..
RIU keeps a good balance of keeping the peace and letting people speak their mind, imo.
I applaud the mods here at RIU. Years ago, I contributed to some other sites. RIU keeps a good balance of keeping the peace and letting people speak their mind.
Don't give away your first amendment right...

"Private property" does not permit the owner to deny others their Constitutional rights, otherwise you basically support slavery (in a roundabout way) and a host of other crimes.
I applaud the mods here at RIU. Years ago, I contributed to some other sites. IME, other sites do much more censoring than RIU..
RIU keeps a good balance of keeping the peace and letting people speak their mind, imo.

Agreed, a few sites I'm a member of will ban you over the littlest things; well they seem little anyway. There is one where you get suspended and publically chastised for resurrecting old threads, lol. Then the thread is closed...
Don't give away your first amendment right...

"Private property" does not permit the owner to deny others their Constitutional rights, otherwise you basically support slavery (in a roundabout way) and a host of other crimes.

I do agree that some sense of civility must be maintained, RIU does a good job at letting things which aren't a big deal slide. But sometimes, I think they could eliminate a lot of the problems from the source but choose not to for whatever reason. I guess the virtual world isn't real, so nothing that happens here really matters as long as people are still able to get, give, and otherwise exchange information and advice.
Keeping the peace might not be the best way to say it.. you know what i mean. Basically, closing threads when things get out of hand. Removing content that does nothing but rub people the wrong way, bringing down the moral of members..?
I suck at English.
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