Closing threads

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I do agree that some sense of civility must be maintained, RIU does a good job at letting things which aren't a big deal slide. But sometimes, I think they could eliminate a lot of the problems from the source but choose not to for whatever reason. I guess the virtual world isn't real, so nothing that happens here really matters as long as people are still able to get, give, and otherwise exchange information and advice.

Yes, civility... editing threads to try to keep things civil around here..
"Private property" does not permit the owner to deny others their Constitutional rights

I'm not sure if that really applies here.. If that was the case, then a McDonals manager could not kick you out of a restaurant because you are screaming vulgarities and chasing away customers...

I think Admin has the choice to enforce whatever rules he/she sees fit (assuming they are legal). I do not think that closing threads is illegal.

I assume they are doing what is best for RIU as a whole, as a site. Obviously, this isn't going to be what everyone wants..
Keeping the peace might not be the best way to say it.. you know what i mean. Basically, closing threads when things get out of hand. Removing content that does nothing but rub people the wrong way, bringing down the moral of members..?
I suck at English.

Well, I've had some of my posts uncharitably edited by some moderators right before the thread was closed... so I don't put much faith in a couple of them. I just have to wonder about how interested they are in civility as some highly caustic posts are allowed to remain, while others which are comparatively peaceful are removed or edited. I can totally see that it would be easier to allow ALL posts to stay instead of having to judge each one by some unwritten criteria, but like I said... that's not always the case; especially when a moderator may be emotionally invested in a topic.
Still putting words in people’s mouths, I see. I used to get upset when I would find out that you were trying to smear me, especially when I had no clue you were doing it, i.e. I could not defend my character. Now, after "talking" with dozens of people about it... I've realized just how many people don't pay you a bit of mind and know you're a troll full of BS. None of them has had anything good to say about you... so I've moved on. Say what you want about me, I'm haven't bothered to respond for the past couple of weeks, have you noticed? No one cares what you have to say, no one believes anything you have to say, you can't validate any of your aspersions, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time arguing with you. I stress the word arguing because you aren't capable of anything that requires a higher intellect; you've illustrated this yourself, as you don't know when to quit and wind up getting a logical ass whoopin' and a rhetorical black eye.

I don't have anything better to do today, so I felt I would respond just this once. If you would like to prove yourself to be a man instead of a cowardly troll... the invitation to a debate is always open; you just have to let me know.... posting something, then getting no response from me does not equal a victory in anyone's book. Furthermore, I really don't think YOU are in ANY position to judge someone's character or worth. Since you never seem to be able to find any faults in my logic... I've left a few grammatical errors in this post for you to point out... See how many you can find.

I agree with UB's assessment of you.
Shut-up, Jill.

I agree with UB's assessment of you.

Right and I remember we had a very short chat in which you refused to look at my actual posts and only wanted to believe what UB said... that makes you a lemming, an indolent specimen and a self disgracing imbecile. This also means you have no basis for your assertions, you've cheapened the value of your already superfluous opinions and you don't deserve any further responses from me.
Right and I remember we had a very short chat in which you refused to look at my actual posts and only wanted to believe what UB said... that makes you a lemming, an indolent specimen and a self disgracing imbecile. This also means you have no basis for your assertions. You don't deserve any further responses from me.

I have seen enough of your posts to know what to expect from you anyway. I don't "believe what UB says". I agree with his assessment. If those seem identical, maybe you should take a philosophy class or two instead of making yourself out to be a college professor.

Take note, this is how you convey "you're stupid" with out committing ad hom fallacy.
I have seen enough of your posts to know what to expect from you anyway. I don't "believe what UB says". I agree with his assessment, if those seem identical, maybe you should take a philosophy class or two instead of making yourself out to be a college professor.

Ok, I lied. On what basis do you venture to "agree with his assessment"? If you want to get into philosophy of language, semantics, and propositional logic... feel free to lead the way; judging from your suggestions to take a philosophy class or two... you've no idea what I'm holding in my deck. I refuse to debate this in this section though. Let me know when you've created a thread in the philosophy section, or would you rather me do it... since that would require some effort.
see you guys are already ruining this thread with nothing to do with the topic :D point proven. take it to PM stop ruining threads for others like you all do
I have seen enough of your posts to know what to expect from you anyway. I don't "believe what UB says". I agree with his assessment. If those seem identical, maybe you should take a philosophy class or two instead of making yourself out to be a college professor.

Take note, this is how you convey "you're stupid" with out committing ad hom fallacy.

How would a philosophy class correct a catachresis error?

Take note, this is how not to convey "you're stupid" with out committing ad hom fallacy
Right and I remember we had a very short chat in which you refused to look at my actual posts and only wanted to believe what UB said... that makes you a lemming, an indolent specimen and a self disgracing imbecile. This also means you have no basis for your assertions, you've cheapened the value of your already superfluous opinions and you don't deserve any further responses from me.

Ah, making assessments of each other and holding a person, you don't even know, to supposed standards. And no one can repeat these standards straight, twice in a row....too stoned, I hope.

In addition, no one, and I mean no one can uphold your own, made up, standard. No one, even you, can uphold your own damn standards. Just camel noses under the other guy's tent that is anonymous and hidden on purpose, as mercurial as the latest troll. So, you have no idea, really. Idiotic.

..... There is your problem, right there. Let's see.

Crying for dark mind influence. Applied.

Minimum service charges still, however....$65 :)
Ok, I lied. On what basis do you venture to "agree with his assessment"? If you want to get into philosophy of language, semantics, and propositional logic... feel free to lead the way; judging from your suggestions to take a philosophy class or two... you've no idea what I'm holding in my deck. I refuse to debate this in this section though. Let me know when you've created a thread in the philosophy section, or would you rather me do it... since that would require some effort.

You must think I'm new here.

Hi, nice to meet you, the reason why you're an ass hole, is because you're a social darwinist. I have read enough of your prattle in both sections. I agree with UB's assessment of you and your views on groups including Judaism. I do not wish my criticism of Zionism associated with you. Your philosophy disgusts me.

If you have something to say, defend Nietzsche against my assertions in the section where you perceive you are an authority. I directly challenged your view on multiple occasions logically and I was the one who briefly turned focus in that section toward the subjective/objective debates.

You'll not draw me into mudslinging in another section. It is your bullshit and that of your friends who provoke these bickering matches with your bigotry.

I'm done with you. I'm not trying to get threads closed. I'll leave that to UB.
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