Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

A racist is not a good role model that's for sure. However a person can be a racist, which I think we both find distasteful, but still correct on other issues can't they? So it is possible to abhor a persons racism, but applaud another point they may be making isn't it?

Note to race card users ...I am not defending Bundy's racism if it exists.

There is much irony in this fact - Most of the land the "United States" acquired and claims to own was acquired thru racial genocide.

Stupid is alive and well, so is hypocrisy.

I would not agree with anything that a creationist has to say about science just like I would not agree with anything a racist has to say about politics.
LOL, Who says anyone has to claim charitable donations to the church. Is it possible to give thousands to the church and not report it on your taxes? If I don't report my donations, does the church HAVE too claim it also? You have proved nothing to me and actually solidified my belief that they are very good at misrepresenting themselves to the easily foolable. Why does the church even require the use of money? It's supposed to just be a place to worship whoever you want, since when does that cost money Red? If everyone is so charitable at the church why does the church require money to operate.
The IRS says the church has to Even Christ said to give unto Caesar...... . Let's not pretend your beliefs are based on facts while you pretend I give money to the church. The worship is free, the charity they do, the building, utilities, etc. cost a bundle. Why are such obvious things beyond your ability to see? You've let your dogma blind you. You are the easy mark you spoke of. I've been thinking about putting solar panels on my roof, for the free power. You'll get the privilege of helping to pay for them.
red, how can you say we don't know how old you are when we know you let your second family die in an act of negligent homicide in 1982?

that clearly puts you at around 60 years old, old man.
If the Catholics would allow birth control there would be a lot less impoverished people dying. Mother Theresa would have been a true hero if she would have passed out birth control pills and condoms instead.
Since when did the Catholic church have the ability to stop anyone from using birth control? Yeah, I guess living and working with lepers all her life for two sets of clothing and a mat on the floor to sleep on counts for nothing compared to handing out rubbers and BC pills to people who refuse to use them. I find it amazing how you can turn others good deeds into evil if they differ from you.

Well, it's easy to see why he didn't want to cite his source. I remember how people said Princess Diana did more for the poor in India than Mother Teresa because she raised $15 million for them in two years while the Sister raised less than half that in a lifetime. So less than 1% of what the liar claimed.
Since when did the Catholic church have the ability to stop anyone from using birth control? Yeah, I guess living and working with lepers all her life for two sets of clothing and a mat on the floor to sleep on counts for nothing compared to handing out rubbers and BC pills to people who refuse to use them. I find it amazing how you can turn others good deeds into evil if they differ from you.

Catholic priests and other church figureheads actually keep people from accessing condoms, birth control pills and abortions in poor countries.
The IRS says the church has to Even Christ said to give unto Caesar...... . Let's not pretend your beliefs are based on facts while you pretend I give money to the church. The worship is free, the charity they do, the building, utilities, etc. cost a bundle. Why are such obvious things beyond your ability to see? You've let your dogma blind you. You are the easy mark you spoke of. I've been thinking about putting solar panels on my roof, for the free power. You'll get the privilege of helping to pay for them.
so this shit never happens and this is the first case of something like this happening? you my friend live a very delusional existence, have you looked into you having Alzheimer?
so this shit never happens and this is the first case of something like this happening? you my friend live a very delusional existence, have you looked into you having Alzheimer?
Where did I say it NEVER happens? When it does, its the exception, not the rule. What first case? You didn't provide an example. So your reply is to misquote me and then insult me. You're way out of your league.You keep on worshiping government, I'll keep on being undecided about whether there is a god or not. I refuse to worship someone who lies to me and takes my money.
Where did I say it NEVER happens? When it does, its the exception, not the rule. What first case? You didn't provide an example. So your reply is to misquote me and then insult me. You're way out of your league.You keep on worshiping government, I'll keep on being undecided about whether there is a god or not. I refuse to worship someone who lies to me and takes my money.
How could there be a god when he lets children burn in house fires?
The IRS says the church has to Even Christ said to give unto Caesar...... . Let's not pretend your beliefs are based on facts while you pretend I give money to the church. The worship is free, the charity they do, the building, utilities, etc. cost a bundle. Why are such obvious things beyond your ability to see? You've let your dogma blind you. You are the easy mark you spoke of. I've been thinking about putting solar panels on my roof, for the free power. You'll get the privilege of helping to pay for them.
You still never gave me a acceptable answer on why a church needs a tax exemption anyway. It should take nothing to run a church therefore need not accept nothing from the congregation. A church does not need electricity or utility's. They only claim to need this to have a reason to take your money. Their god provides a humungous free light in the sky for them, whats wrong with sky lights. Bring your own water from home to the service, and build a outhouse for the sewer. Explain to me again why they need money.
How could there be a god when he lets children burn in house fires?
Yeah, keep pretending you have the moral high ground while mocking the death of my children. You prove your character when you derive pleasure in the death of innocent children. You have proven yourself unworthy of my attention. You can now join your fellow cretins
The IRS says the church has to Even Christ said to give unto Caesar...... . Let's not pretend your beliefs are based on facts while you pretend I give money to the church. The worship is free, the charity they do, the building, utilities, etc. cost a bundle. Why are such obvious things beyond your ability to see? You've let your dogma blind you. You are the easy mark you spoke of. I've been thinking about putting solar panels on my roof, for the free power. You'll get the privilege of helping to pay for them.

Isn't everything God's? Coins had Caesar's image on them. So to have such coins is praying to a false God, like Baal the golden calf.

Jesus was a Buddhist. People didn't understand him back then.

Jesus liked prostitutes, beggars, gay people, respected other religions. That doesn't sound like what Christians think.

Christians these days are just bitches.

[URL='' said:
Mennonite[/URL] Dale Glass-Hess]
It is inconceivable to me that Jesus would teach that some spheres of human activity lie outside the authority of God. Are we to heed Caesar when he says to go to war or support war-making when Jesus says in other places that we shall not kill? No! My perception of this incident is that Jesus does not answer the question about the morality of paying taxes to Caesar, but that he throws it back on the people to decide. ...

And from a Hindu, which is very much related to Buddhism.

[URL='' said:
Jesus evaded the direct question put to him because it was a trap. He was in no way bound to answer it. He therefore asked to see the coin for taxes. And then said with withering scorn, "How can you who traffic in Caesar's coins and thus receive what to you are benefits of Caesar's rule refuse to pay taxes?" Jesus' whole preaching and practice point unmistakably to noncooperation, which necessarily includes nonpayment of taxes.
Yeah, keep pretending you have the moral high ground while mocking the death of my children. You prove your character when you derive pleasure in the death of innocent children. You have proven yourself unworthy of my attention. You can now join your fellow cretins
Yeah, keep pretending you have the moral high ground while mocking the death of my children. You prove your character when you derive pleasure in the death of innocent children. You have proven yourself unworthy of my attention. You can now join your fellow cretins

how was he mocking or deriving pleasure?

he was simply trying to reconcile the existence of a benevolent god with the horrible acts that take place on earth.

if anything, he was calling the negligent homicide of your children a tragedy.
Isn't everything God's? Coins had Caesar's image on them. So to have such coins is praying to a false God, like Baal the golden calf.

Jesus was a Buddhist. People didn't understand him back then.

Jesus liked prostitutes, beggars, gay people, respected other religions. That doesn't sound like what Christians think.

Christians these days are just bitches.

And from a Hindu, which is very much related to Buddhism.
I agree that many actually do worship money. Others actually worship government. But just having those things doesn't mean you worship them. Jesus wasn't a Buddhist, he was a Jew. Nor did he respect other religions. You insult Christians while pretending they are all like this stereotype you have. Would it be fair for me to say that all liberals take pleasure in the horrific death of innocent children just because so many here do? Your comment is much like that of Klansmen stereotyping Jews, blacks and whoever else they hate.
I agree that many actually do worship money. Others actually worship government. But just having those things doesn't mean you worship them. Jesus wasn't a Buddhist, he was a Jew. Nor did he respect other religions. You insult Christians while pretending they are all like this stereotype you have. Would it be fair for me to say that all liberals take pleasure in the horrific death of innocent children just because so many here do? Your comment is much like that of Klansmen stereotyping Jews, blacks and whoever else they hate.

So Jesus was an asshole bigot just like you? Seems very unenlightened for the son of God and all. The Buddha respected all religions. The Buddha also made similar statements about taxes based upon his father considering taxes stealing.

Why are you so full of hate? You're exactly like other Christians. Getting insulted over petty shit, and then comparing what I said to dying kids and what Klansmen think. If what you say is true, Jesus can go get fucked. While you need to meditate more and find yourself.
So Jesus was an asshole bigot just like you? Seems very unenlightened for the son of God and all. The Buddha respected all religions. The Buddha also made similar statements about taxes based upon his father considering taxes stealing.

Why are you so full of hate? You're exactly like other Christians. Getting insulted over petty shit, and then comparing what I said to dying kids and what Klansmen think. If what you say is true, Jesus can go get fucked. While you need to meditate more and find yourself.