Cliven Bundy, conservative hero and rancher, is actually a bigoted POS.

Haz, sadly you are right. There are plenty of big churches being started by some minister, taking in a lot of money. A significant portion goes to do good works, but more often than not, to large a share is kept by the founding minister as his income.

I'm not against the guy being able to live off of the revenue his church generates. But sometimes, or most of the time, the pastor is becoming wealthy.
Many pastors get nothing at all from their church and must work elsewhere in order to feed their families. But yeah, some are using the system to get money. And not just big churches.
Why would churches have to account for every cent of their spending if nothing fishy is going on or has ever gone on, I mean Red, they go to church and believe in christ for gods sake, wheres the trust at?
The IRS trusts nobody, not even God. They have to account for every dime of income and expense. How old are you? You seem remarkably unaware of how things work when it comes to tax exempt status
The IRS trusts nobody, not even God. They have to account for every dime of income and expense. How old are you? You seem remarkably unaware of how things work when it comes to tax exempt status
how is that every cent can possible be accounted for every church across the U.S when 90% of the income is cash??? You are too old and have too much trust to actually know whats going on around you. You are their perfect mark red, I pity you.
how is that every cent can possible be accounted for every church across the U.S when 90% of the income is cash??? You are too old and have too much trust to actually know whats going on around you. You are their perfect mark red, I pity you.
Since I am not a member of any church, and haven't even been in one since I was a child, I could hardly be called their"mark". The donors may report their donation on their taxes, if they haven't accounted for it, there's hell to pay. You are the one who has exhibited complete ignorance when it comes to donating to charity and taxes. Claiming I'm "too old" when you have no idea what my age is is typical of you believing things simply because you want them to be true. What other false assumptions have you made? Is your whole take life on life based on what you wish were true?
Since I am not a member of any church, and haven't even been in one since I was a child, I could hardly be called their"mark". The donors may report their donation on their taxes, if they haven't accounted for it, there's hell to pay. You are the one who has exhibited complete ignorance when it comes to donating to charity and taxes. Claiming I'm "too old" when you have no idea what my age is is typical of you believing things simply because you want them to be true. What other false assumptions have you made? Is your whole take life on life based on what you wish were true?
"When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk"
LOL, I see what you did there,lol

you didn't see the irony in your own statement?? again I pity you red, your just a ignorant W.O.S.
I showed every belief you have to be based solely on unfounded, biased assumptions and you call me ignorant? You keep being a failure in your imaginary world.
Yes, churches are known for forcing donations at gunpoint. Frankly, you are so eager to denigrate him, you try to turn acts of charity into evil.

They dont need a gun. They just tell you, you are going to hell if you dont and they limit your participation and even your entry status until you have settled your tithing debt

Tithing settlement is the name of a formalized series of meetings held at local congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). During Tithing Settlement, each member of the church is individually interviewed by the bishop or branch president of his or her congregation and asked to declare whether he or she has paid a full tithe to the church, which is defined as ten per cent of the member's income. In most congregations where the tax year ends on 31 December, tithing settlement meetings are held in November and December. In countries where the tax year ends 31 March, Tithing Settlement is held in February and March.
During the meeting, each member is given a copy of his or her donation record for the year, and asked to confirm it is correct.
Each church member is required to choose one of the four following tithing statuses as defined by the church:[1]
  • Full-tithe payers have paid one-tenth of their income as tithing.
  • Part-tithe payers have paid tithing, but the amount is less than one-tenth of their income.
  • Non-tithe payers have not paid tithing during the year and (in the view of the church) are not exempt from paying tithing.
  • Exempt members have no income and have not paid tithing, but they declare that they would have paid a full tithe if they had income. Full-time missionaries and those completely dependent on church welfare assistance are also exempt.
Church members are invited to make a payment to correct any deficiency before the records are closed for year-end.
If a church member declines to participate or attend a Tithing Settlement meeting, the bishop or branch president is required to choose a tithing status on their behalf. However, bishops and branch presidents are not permitted to enter a status of "exempt" on another's behalf.[1]
It is church doctrine that the payment of tithing is mandatory for all "accountable" (baptized) members, including children. The minimum age for baptism is 8 years old. Church members must be "full-tithe payers" in order to receive a temple recommend and attend the temples.

Want a source?
Google it
Churches aren't in the business of making money. lol. That's a good one. (sarcasm)

Time magazine estimated in 1996 that the church's assets exceeded $30 billion.[1] This figure represents only one side of the balance sheet and does not include current liabilities for maintenance, although the LDS Church incurs virtually no long-term liabilities.[11] After the Time article was published, the church responded that the financial figures in the article were "grossly exaggerated."[25] Three years later, annual revenues were estimated to be $5 billion, with total assets at $25 to $30 billion.[26] Whatever the actual figure, some estimate that about two-thirds of it is made up of non-income-producing facilities and the land they sit on, including thousands of meetinghouses and 141 temples the church operates worldwide, as well as educational institutions, such as Brigham Young University.[citation needed] The remaining assets include direct investments in for-profit businesses largely managed through Deseret Management Corporation. Although the church is a tax-exempt organization, its for-profit entities generate "unrelated business income" that is subject to federal, state, and local income and other taxes.
The church's holdings include:
I view the Mormons as being more like Muslims because the Mormons had a prophet that perfected Jesus' teachings that also happened to be a pervert like Mohammad was. At least Joseph Smith slept with adults, making him superior to Mohammad.
They dont need a gun. They just tell you, you are going to hell if you dont and they limit your participation and even your entry status until you have settled your tithing debt

Tithing settlement is the name of a formalized series of meetings held at local congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). During Tithing Settlement, each member of the church is individually interviewed by the bishop or branch president of his or her congregation and asked to declare whether he or she has paid a full tithe to the church, which is defined as ten per cent of the member's income. In most congregations where the tax year ends on 31 December, tithing settlement meetings are held in November and December. In countries where the tax year ends 31 March, Tithing Settlement is held in February and March.
During the meeting, each member is given a copy of his or her donation record for the year, and asked to confirm it is correct.
Each church member is required to choose one of the four following tithing statuses as defined by the church:[1]
  • Full-tithe payers have paid one-tenth of their income as tithing.
  • Part-tithe payers have paid tithing, but the amount is less than one-tenth of their income.
  • Non-tithe payers have not paid tithing during the year and (in the view of the church) are not exempt from paying tithing.
  • Exempt members have no income and have not paid tithing, but they declare that they would have paid a full tithe if they had income. Full-time missionaries and those completely dependent on church welfare assistance are also exempt.
Church members are invited to make a payment to correct any deficiency before the records are closed for year-end.
If a church member declines to participate or attend a Tithing Settlement meeting, the bishop or branch president is required to choose a tithing status on their behalf. However, bishops and branch presidents are not permitted to enter a status of "exempt" on another's behalf.[1]
It is church doctrine that the payment of tithing is mandatory for all "accountable" (baptized) members, including children. The minimum age for baptism is 8 years old. Church members must be "full-tithe payers" in order to receive a temple recommend and attend the temples.

Want a source?
Google it
Being a member of a particular religion is still entirely voluntary in the US. By your standard, Mother Teresa is burning in Hell because she only saved tens of thousands because she had to. I find it amazing the contorted logic you clowns go through to turn good deeds into evil. Just a bunch of haters. Even Obama denigrated his own grandmother for being white.
I showed every belief you have to be based solely on unfounded, biased assumptions and you call me ignorant? You keep being a failure in your imaginary world.
LOL, Who says anyone has to claim charitable donations to the church. Is it possible to give thousands to the church and not report it on your taxes? If I don't report my donations, does the church HAVE too claim it also? You have proved nothing to me and actually solidified my belief that they are very good at misrepresenting themselves to the easily foolable. Why does the church even require the use of money? It's supposed to just be a place to worship whoever you want, since when does that cost money Red? If everyone is so charitable at the church why does the church require money to operate.
Being a member of a particular religion is still entirely voluntary in the US. By your standard, Mother Teresa is burning in Hell because she only saved tens of thousands because she had to. I find it amazing the contorted logic you clowns go through to turn good deeds into evil. Just a bunch of haters. Even Obama denigrated his own grandmother for being white.
Mother Theresa if there is a hell is definatly burning there.
She let people in her care die when they could of been saved
If the Catholics would allow birth control there would be a lot less impoverished people dying. Mother Theresa would have been a true hero if she would have passed out birth control pills and condoms instead.
We all know the name Mother Teresa. She won a noble peace prize for her humanitarian work and founded the Missionaries of Charity. When She was on her world tour she gathered millions (rumored to be billions) of dollars from the rich because they believed that she would be able to help the poor and suffering in India. Many people would believe that India was and currently is eternally grateful to her. But what did she really do with all that money? It surely wasn't used to improve the conditions of the suffering.
Mother Teresa's money was mostly spent on religious activities and not on the poor. She built a hundred facilities all over the world with her name and organization 'Missionaries of Charity' on each one. Most of them were nunneries used to train uneducated and obedient young women of her ways of God worship. Making other women act like her, thus sprang her 'cult of suffering'.
I can imagine her Home for the Dying in Calcutta India is the most depressing place to be. Even though Mother Teresa had billions she couldn't even give these dying people proper beds. They're all little hammocks and some have to share with others with different diseases. They weren't allowed to go anywhere else but on the beds. They had to go in this unsanitary toilet in front of other people. They aren't allowed visit from their friends or their relatives. Strange.
Your already dying but do you have to suffer like this? She didn't believe that these people really need any antibiotics because they were going to die anyway. How much did she cared about her health? When she got sick, she took herself straight to the best heart specialist in New York. I think she really does believe in getting rid of suffering but also believes that other people need to suffer...except for her.
She wasn't interested in curing any of these sick people even though she had a ton of money to do so. Why would Mother Teresa intentional want people to suffer? "The suffering of the poor is something very beautiful and the world is being very much helped by the nobility of this example of misery and suffering," a quote from Mother Teresa herself. Sounds like she had an obsession with the suffering of other people.
Sadism is the pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. Sounds so much like her doesn't it?
People might argue that she wanted people to live in poor conditions so that she could identify with the people whom she was with and be closer to Jesus. It basically means she wanted to feel better about herself by watching people die. Which make her sound even more of a sadist really.
No matter what those who believed in her from the beginning will always try to make excuses up for her.

I aint gonna cite shit.
Try google