Climate Deniers’ Favorite Scientist Quietly Took Money From The Fossil Fuel Industry


Well-Known Member
One of the world’s most prominent climate researchers publishing scientific papers that doubt humanity’s role in climate change has received at least $1.2 million from the fossil fuel industry to fund his research and salary, according to documents revealed this weekend.


According to the documents, Soon received at least:

$409,000 from Southern Company, a huge utility company whose giant coal plants regularly top the list of largest greenhouse gas emitters in the country

$274,000 from the nation’s main oil and gas lobby, the American Petroleum Institute

$335,000 from ExxonMobil, though the oil giant stopped funding Soon in 2010 despite stopped funding Soon in 2010

$230,000 from the Charles G. Koch Foundation, a billionaire whose money has been made mostly through oil refining

$324,000 from anonymous donations via DonorsTrust, a fund set up to funnel money from the Koch brothers and other conservative funders to groups that promote climate science denial like the Heartland Institute and Americans for Prosperity

When asked about his funding sources in 2013 at an event in Wisconsin (video here), Soon pushed back forcefully on the questioner.


“The only condition as I always tell anybody is: ‘I would never be motivated by money for anything.’ And to put it even more simply, if you’d be so kind as to listen, is that if Al Gore wants to fund me, if Greenpeace wants to fund me, I will be happy to take their money. Unless their money is so dirty, by the way. If it’s from stealing people’s money I will not take it because it’s not principled. I’m a very principled man.”

Fucking awesome news. If only he could land some of that government cheddar, think of the good he could do if he had access to those deep pockets.

Unfortunately, $1.2 million is chump change, especially when you're debunking a sham that has billions of dirty money behind it.
Fucking awesome news. If only he could land some of that government cheddar, think of the good he could do if he had access to those deep pockets.

Unfortunately, $1.2 million is chump change, especially when you're debunking a sham that has billions of dirty money behind it.
I wonder when you'll realize people are laughing at you and not with you...
Yeah a lot less than Gore has ranked in. They're all crooks, though- this isn't news or politics, it's common business.
Yeah a lot less than Gore has ranked in. They're all crooks, though- this isn't news or politics, it's common business.

This objection to Al Gore and his bank account seems inconsistent with traditional right wing ideologues and their constant praise for the free market and capitalism. They love making money more than anything else, yet they're opposed to Al Gore making money... I see...

Except the reality is climate change deniers think he's (as well as the overwhelming majority of climate scientists, institutions, organizations, committees, councils and universities) making money off lying to the public... Except here in the OP we have pretty condemning evidence suggesting just that with one of the leading climate change deniers and the first reply was about Al fuckin' Gore...

Stupid doesn't begin to explain it..
This objection to Al Gore and his bank account seems inconsistent with traditional right wing ideologues and their constant praise for the free market and capitalism. They love making money more than anything else, yet they're opposed to Al Gore making money... I see...

Except the reality is climate change deniers think he's (as well as the overwhelming majority of climate scientists, institutions, organizations, committees, councils and universities) making money off lying to the public... Except here in the OP we have pretty condemning evidence suggesting just that with one of the leading climate change deniers and the first reply was about Al fuckin' Gore...

Stupid doesn't begin to explain it..
Then do something about it. Don't hide behind anonymity and complain on a pot growing forum. There are lots of political forums online and this is the only one I've seen where no one actually talks about politics. Advertising sensationalist news stories and calling your dissenters names is not a political discussion.
Then do something about it. Don't hide behind anonymity and complain on a pot growing forum. There are lots of political forums online and this is the only one I've seen where no one actually talks about politics. Advertising sensationalist news stories and calling your dissenters names is not a political discussion.

Are you suggesting climate change deniers aren't stupid?
Then do something about it. Don't hide behind anonymity and complain on a pot growing forum. There are lots of political forums online and this is the only one I've seen where no one actually talks about politics. Advertising sensationalist news stories and calling your dissenters names is not a political discussion.

good job on using "sensationalist" where it does not apply. did that come up in your thesaurus near 'alarmist' or something?

Only the bootlicking, liberal dumbshits.


How did that boot in the ass last november turn out for you? And then the double tap with kitzhapers boot getting a double. That included your ass for the double.

i have never seen someone who claims to be straight so interested in anal penetration of other males.

probably a completely heterosexual interest in male anal penetration though.
how'd that "romney landlside" you were hearing about and posting about work out for you?



You will eventually lose the taste in your mouth for that victory. As soon as your head falls out of BarryO's ass to make room for the boot it will taste different. Good luck in 2016.