Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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Well-Known Member
Thats What Im Saying We Could Sit In The Same Place Read The Same Thing...ii Would Come With A Very Simple Say Say,....while Someone Else Could Come With A Scientific Answer For Whats So Simple....never Said You Would Enslave Another Man Jus Saying Your Good At Twisting Simplicity In2 Some Scientific Jibberish....everything Doesnt Have A "scientific" Answer....ii Mean What Is Science Can You Answer That?without The Dictionary Or Google Inbetween Post,lol?dought It....its Just A Bunch Of Contridicting,donkeyjawbone Having People That Want To Have An Answer To Everything In Existance....


Well-Known Member
an online bible-study group and disputed wiki page?
and the history channel? is that the same channel who says aliens are real?

come on Zen -- you should know me better than that by now.
Well you put your faith behind professionals (which the history channel is compiled of) as long as you agree?

The response I got in my prayers was nothing short of a miracle. Coincidence factor is at a 00.00% chance. I have never spoken of that day, nor will I.

On a lighter note, little prayers can be answered as well. Years back I had an appendectomy performed however I didn't have health insurance earlier that month so the bill I was looking at was $21,000. I was looking at something that would hang over my head for years, to say the least I was pretty worried, and I prayed on it. Shortly following, out of the blue I got a letter in the mail saying charity picked up the bill. I've prayed for my friends when shit when bad for them, and it really helps.


Well-Known Member
Well Im Done Seems We All Know Whats "right"....seems We Look To Diff People Some People Are Just In False Realitys So They Have False Outlooks...
Don't go - i find your viewpoints refreshing and interesting. I agree that false realities equals false outlooks but the problem is knowing what is false and what isn't.

My opinion is the folks who are sure their reality and outlook is correct are the most likely to be looking at things through a false outlook. But if my outlook is false (and it very well may) then how would I know?


Well-Known Member
Thats What Im Saying We Could Sit In The Same Place Read The Same Thing...ii Would Come With A Very Simple Say Say,....while Someone Else Could Come With A Scientific Answer For Whats So Simple....never Said You Would Enslave Another Man Jus Saying Your Good At Twisting Simplicity In2 Some Scientific Jibberish....everything Doesnt Have A "scientific" Answer....ii Mean What Is Science Can You Answer That?without The Dictionary Or Google Inbetween Post,lol?dought It....its Just A Bunch Of Contridicting,donkeyjawbone Having People That Want To Have An Answer To Everything In Existance....
Science is a method or way of understanding the world around us. I am not twisting anything - i am trying to clarify. There is far more that science doesn't know that it knows - i don't think anyone is saying otherwise. And one of the great things about science is if the evidence changes then science changes so yeah - you're going to have some contradictions while evidence accumulates.

And I would add that i find it odd that someone would disparage science while using a computer over the internet which wouldn't even exist without science and applied technology.


Well-Known Member
To Me What Is False Is What Uve Been Told Since A Baby...we Were All Programmed And Ii Dont Like The Ways Ii Was Need To Find Peice Of Mind....ii Have...the Voice In My Head Isnt Ii Listen To It,it Doesnt Lie And Ii Listen To Leads Ii And Ii Go There....who Feels It Knows It Is What Ii Live By Someone Couldve Told You Something Was Right Your Whole Life And Thats Because Thats What They Were Taught...and On And On...the Right Messeges Got Lost In Time Just Like In The You Need To Find Your Road...


Well-Known Member
Well you put your faith behind professionals (which the history channel is compiled of) as long as you agree?

The response I got in my prayers was nothing short of a miracle. Coincidence factor is at a 00.00% chance. I have never spoken of that day, nor will I.

On a lighter note, little prayers can be answered as well. Years back I had an appendectomy performed however I didn't have health insurance earlier that month so the bill I was looking at was $21,000. I was looking at something that would hang over my head for years, to say the least I was pretty worried, and I prayed on it. Shortly following, out of the blue I got a letter in the mail saying charity picked up the bill. I've prayed for my friends when shit when bad for them, and it really helps.
History channel gives credence to bigfoot, UFOs, etc... - i think advertising dollars are more important than scientific accuracy. So I do not consider the history channel (or any other television) a legitimate source of info. They may be right - they may be wrong but I wouldn't call them skeptical historians.

I am glad you had your prayers answered. I would imagine that not everyone is so lucky. And besides, wouldn't it have been better for God to just go ahead and heal your appendix? And why is that organ there anyway?

And i'm going to go ahead and be a total dickhead - why not pray for world peace or something?


Well-Known Member
To Me What Is False Is What Uve Been Told Since A Baby...we Were All Programmed And Ii Dont Like The Ways Ii Was Need To Find Peice Of Mind....ii Have...the Voice In My Head Isnt Ii Listen To It,it Doesnt Lie And Ii Listen To Leads Ii And Ii Go There....who Feels It Knows It Is What Ii Live By Someone Couldve Told You Something Was Right Your Whole Life And Thats Because Thats What They Were Taught...and On And On...the Right Messeges Got Lost In Time Just Like In The You Need To Find Your Road...
Finding your own path and listening to your own inner voice sounds like a fine way to live to me and more power to you for leading that kind of life.


Well-Known Member
ITS FUNNY YOU SAY THAT II BARELY KNOW HOW TO USE THIS COMPUTER IM 19 YEARS OLD....if you knew me you would know im working to get out of the city away from power lines and television.and buildings...ii dont want this,screen...but ii make use of bad things parsay inna good me science is a way to tryntry to understand things around them....ii overstand....they say hello...ii say hi....its just not for me...ii guess...for example a scientist a pick up a bug and want to know how they can make there own bug...ii pick up a bug ii jus want to know "how its doing"


Well-Known Member
History channel gives credence to bigfoot, UFOs, etc... - i think advertising dollars are more important than scientific accuracy. So I do not consider the history channel (or any other television) a legitimate source of info. They may be right - they may be wrong but I wouldn't call them skeptical historians.

I am glad you had your prayers answered. I would imagine that not everyone is so lucky. And besides, wouldn't it have been better for God to just go ahead and heal your appendix? And why is that organ there anyway?

And i'm going to go ahead and be a total dickhead - why not pray for world peace or something?
I didn't ask for my appendix to be healed, just help on my financial stress, which I have had some help as well on different occasions. We really aren't sure why the appendix is there, doctors think they may have been required to help digest bone back when we had a harsher diet. Again, nobody knows.

Praying for world peace is too arrogant. That would affect a massive amount of people with their own lives and it could interfere with God's personal plan for each individual. Instead, I pray for the leaders of men, they the ones needing God the most. People blame God for man's problems, yet we have the audacity to continue to sin and continue our evil ways and expect God to make it all better. If we followed what the Bible teaches, there wouldn't be war.


Well-Known Member
Thats What Im Saying We Could Sit In The Same Place Read The Same Thing...ii Would Come With A Very Simple Say Say,....while Someone Else Could Come With A Scientific Answer For Whats So Simple....never Said You Would Enslave Another Man Jus Saying Your Good At Twisting Simplicity In2 Some Scientific Jibberish....everything Doesnt Have A "scientific" Answer....ii Mean What Is Science Can You Answer That?without The Dictionary Or Google Inbetween Post,lol?dought It....its Just A Bunch Of Contridicting,donkeyjawbone Having People That Want To Have An Answer To Everything In Existance....
Babylonburn is right, pretty much everything you have been told through schooling and television has all been a lie. The government has brainwashed people into believing what they want us to believe. I know it seems crazy but its true.


Well-Known Member
ITS FUNNY YOU SAY THAT II BARELY KNOW HOW TO USE THIS COMPUTER IM 19 YEARS OLD....if you knew me you would know im working to get out of the city away from power lines and television.and buildings...ii dont want this,screen...but ii make use of bad things parsay inna good me science is a way to tryntry to understand things around them....ii overstand....they say hello...ii say hi....its just not for me...ii guess...for example a scientist a pick up a bug and want to know how they can make there own bug...ii pick up a bug ii jus want to know "how its doing"
LOL - that's awesome! i think one of my inner voices sings the same song as yours. The allure of the primitive is very strong in many of us - myself included.

And not to beat a dead and half-buried horse, i don't think the scientist picks up the bug to create one of their own - just to try to understand it better. Sure what it is made of is important since the same stuff that makes other animals makes us too - in different quantities and proportions. I think science can be a uniting force since it proves we are all made from the same stuff. To use Carl Sagan's turn of phrase... star stuff


Well-Known Member
ii couldve told you that lol...saying were not all made out of the same thing is like saying the lord loves one more than the love,one feel,one life,one is a moment...ii respect where your coming from email and easy skanking and good vibes to you as ii would say...ii love thy neghbor as ii love thy savior...


Active Member
If only the writer had some litterary tallent. Remember dont trust any publication that consistanly uses absolutes like always, never, all, none, etc... but theyre right. christian, muslem, jew, its all the same shit. BULL SHIT! imho


Well-Known Member
H.I.M. emperor hailie selassie I said that" religion is division a true seperation of people and class"...religion was created to keep people enslaved and inline...everything that religions preach goes against the spirituality that faith was based on....i am in no way a religious person..however i am a very spiritual person with a strong belief in a god of my understanding....whom i chose to worship in my own way....


Well-Known Member
this is my favorits sellasieI saying

"That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained and until the ignoble but unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique, and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and goodwill; until all Africans stand and speak as free human beings, equal in the eyes of the Almighty; until that day, the African continent shall not know peace. We Africans will fight if necessary and we know that we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil" – English translation of 1968 Speech delivered to the United Nations and popularized in a song called OpenDNS by Bob Marley.
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