Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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To clarify mores
from Wikipedia:
"Mores (pronounced /ˈmɔːreɪz/) are norms or customs. Mores derive from the established practices of a society rather than its written laws. They consist of shared understandings about the kinds of behaviour likely to evoke approval, disapproval, toleration or sanction, within particular contexts."


New Member
Now that you guys have debunked christianity, maybe you should move on to hindi, or possibly maybe buddhists? thos tibetans really piss me off for believing in enlightment. or possibly, the secret of the old clock...?

But no really, I am going to show this whole thread to my religous studies class and show them that you guys have the mystery solved.


Well-Known Member
Oh my God! I used to have that book! :lol:

I still want someone to explain to me how a faith can be "debunked". :?


Well-Known Member
Now that you guys have debunked christianity, maybe you should move on to hindi, or possibly maybe buddhists? thos tibetans really piss me off for believing in enlightment. or possibly, the secret of the old clock...?

But no really, I am going to show this whole thread to my religous studies class and show them that you guys have the mystery solved.
:mrgreen:...thats funny


Well-Known Member
I read the piece and felt that it more than lives up to its title. Obviously Christians won't like it, but it clearly raises valid issues, makes very valid points.
IM not a Christan, Nor do i claim any religion. But, this piece was obviously written by some one who has a biased view of Christianity. And they sound as if there still in college. IM not defending Christianity by any means, but this is one of the WORST arguments against Christianity/religion as a whole iv ever heard. Ok he said if Jesus were really god, he would have told people the earth is round.. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the fact that Jesus was the messiah. That he did not mention bacteria and germs is also just as irrelevant to the fact. Why would that matter if he were the Messiah? It wouldnt, at all.Thats such a small detail, if he did exist he wouldnt even think of it. If he were put on earth as a human, why do u think he would have superlative knowledge of the earth?He was flesh and blood, but apparently the blood of a GOD. He would have lived life as any other,IE same basic education as others, same every thing. Yes there is a buck to make off of peoples fears of the uncertainty of death and an afterlife; but who isn't scared out their skin about death??
This author try's to befoul the adoration of Christ, but fails. He fails because he's making arguments that are as old as Christianity its self. Iv heard nothing new from this Scrub of an author. It honestly reads like a Writing 101 Final. Is this kid going to try to debunk Islam next?
BTW if i were to claim a religion, it would b Islam. I honestly c Islam as the one true religion after doing research. It predates Christianity by Hundreds of years! The Christian Bible makes numerous references to passages and characters from the religion of Islam. Like i said, im not religious by any means, for FUCKS SAKES my favorite music would DAMN me to the bowels of hell. I love Brutal Death metal and TRUE fucking BLACK MetaL.Thats right, a BLACK METAL fan is some what defending Christianity!!! But only because if people were going to not believe because of literature like this; i think its bullshit that some one with such a naive view of Christianity could influence people. Thats why i have the stance i do on this subject. Because if your going to Bash a religion, especially one such as Christianity you better have a DAMN GOOD and ORIGINAL argument as to why people should throw out their bibles and break their crucifixes. Catholicism not so much,Judaism, i could sorta careless. But if your going to challenge the most widely believed religion second only to Islamic practice, you better come out swinging buddy!! Dont come to me with this over used BS every one has already heard. Lets hear something new and fresh.


Active Member
this is true. after all, no matter how much knowledge, logic, science, and pure facts you throw at someone, "faith" will ultimately be their cop out. you cant argue with faith. because it is based on nothing but pure fealings.


Well-Known Member
IM not a Christan, Nor do i claim any religion. But, this piece was obviously written by some one who has a biased view of Christianity. And they sound as if there still in college. IM not defending Christianity by any means, but this is one of the WORST arguments against Christianity/religion as a whole iv ever heard. Ok he said if Jesus were really god, he would have told people the earth is round.. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the fact that Jesus was the messiah. That he did not mention bacteria and germs is also just as irrelevant to the fact. Why would that matter if he were the Messiah? It wouldnt, at all.Thats such a small detail, if he did exist he wouldnt even think of it. If he were put on earth as a human, why do u think he would have superlative knowledge of the earth?He was flesh and blood, but apparently the blood of a GOD. He would have lived life as any other,IE same basic education as others, same every thing. Yes there is a buck to make off of peoples fears of the uncertainty of death and an afterlife; but who isn't scared out their skin about death??
This author try's to befoul the adoration of Christ, but fails. He fails because he's making arguments that are as old as Christianity its self. Iv heard nothing new from this Scrub of an author. It honestly reads like a Writing 101 Final. Is this kid going to try to debunk Islam next?
BTW if i were to claim a religion, it would b Islam. I honestly c Islam as the one true religion after doing research. It predates Christianity by Hundreds of years! The Christian Bible makes numerous references to passages and characters from the religion of Islam. Like i said, im not religious by any means, for FUCKS SAKES my favorite music would DAMN me to the bowels of hell. I love Brutal Death metal and TRUE fucking BLACK MetaL.Thats right, a BLACK METAL fan is some what defending Christianity!!! But only because if people were going to not believe because of literature like this; i think its bullshit that some one with such a naive view of Christianity could influence people. Thats why i have the stance i do on this subject. Because if your going to Bash a religion, especially one such as Christianity you better have a DAMN GOOD and ORIGINAL argument as to why people should throw out their bibles and break their crucifixes. Catholicism not so much,Judaism, i could sorta careless. But if your going to challenge the most widely believed religion second only to Islamic practice, you better come out swinging buddy!! Dont come to me with this over used BS every one has already heard. Lets hear something new and fresh.
What you are asking is not possible scientifically. I think anyone who understands science agrees that you can not prove a negative. You can't prove Christianity is false or that god doesn't exist. So debunking Christianity, UFOs or Bigfoot all have the same problem - you can't prove a negative - scientists can't prove bigfoot doesn't exist. But what science can say is - show me your physical evidence - a body, some blood, stool, bones, anything besides something that could be falsifiable (like an eyewitness story aka anecdote, hearsay, or video of a guy in a bear suit for example).

What people are saying is there is no scientifically acceptable evidence for a god. And others, myself included, have also used rhetorical logic to show the contradictory values the god in the bible would have to have in order for the world to exist as it does today.

I don't think Islam predates Christianity. There may be imans who twist some verses around to make it appear so but this would not be historically accurate. How could it be? Muhammad wasn't born until five centuries after Jesus supposedly lived and died (i say supposedly because outside the bible, there is no evidence jesus ever existed). Islam is based on Judaism (just like Christianity). All of the big-three monotheistic paternal religions all worship the God of Abraham - it is the whole messiah thing that causes problems.

And ultimately it is up to you to find what belief system (or lack thereof) works for you. If you think faith is a virtue and believing is something that is important in your life, no one has the right to stop you. But at the same time, if you attempt to push your faith-based beliefs into the natural world of science - you must expect some friction and demands for scientifically acceptable evidence.


New Member
this is true. after all, no matter how much knowledge, logic, science, and pure facts you throw at someone, "faith" will ultimately be their cop out. you cant argue with faith. because it is based on nothing but pure fealings.
how is "faith" a cop out? I think i said once to someone on Riu already, "just because i dont believe in you, doesnt make you not real." I think emotions are weak, but i dont tell you you are weaker for it, and I dont think you arecopping out because you need or want them. Well, i kinda do, but nevermind.
That being said, some mormons tried to landshark me yesterday.Bastards. They are really nice though, but i dont like people trying to squeeze into my personal space.


Well-Known Member
i dont know who said this..but it is one of my favorite was a speach on how religion is evil and corrupt and was put in place by the same people that control governments blah blah blah, but he sums up the speach with..."i dont know what god is..But i do know what he is not"......

just thought id share that :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think Islam predates Christianity. There may be imans who twist some verses around to make it appear so but this would not be historically accurate. How could it be? Muhammad wasn't born until five centuries after Jesus supposedly lived and died (i say supposedly because outside the bible, there is no evidence jesus ever existed). Islam is based on Judaism (just like Christianity). All of the big-three monotheistic paternal religions all worship the God of Abraham - it is the whole messiah thing that causes problems.
Not even Islam claims to predate Christianity. Otherwise, how could it acknowledge Christ as one of Allah's messiahs/messengers?

Still, no one has explained to me how one debunks faith. It's FAITH! For Christ's sake, let them have it.


Active Member
how is "faith" a cop out?

Faith is a cop-out. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can’t be taken on its own merits.Dan Barker, "Losing Faith in Faith", 1992

“Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.”

Richard Dawkins


Active Member
I honestly c Islam as the one true religion after doing research. It predates Christianity by Hundreds of years! The Christian Bible makes numerous references to passages and characters from the religion of Islam.

If that is your reasoning, they why aren't you a pagan? Like with Christianity, even parts of Islam have connections to the previous pagan religions.

Just because something came first, doesn't make it more correct, or less wrong.

We were told the earth was flat, before we learned it was round. Should we go back to thinking the earth was flat because that idea came first?

Plus, the Bible was written hundreds of years after Christ even supposedly lived.


Well-Known Member
christ just lived his life a rightful man...he said nothing of religion just of light and dark,as ii would say,live......the devils dead,and to all thse that worship a dead cant take life from the life giver.....


Active Member
i see faith as crossing the street with your eyes closed. and when people are like dude! that doesnt make any sense! you just say oh i have faith. As far as the judaeo based religions go, none of them are original. the dead sea scrolls pretty much proved that i think. even though the catholic suppression machine, who by the way was lead by the current pope, tried and mostly succeeded at filtering out the material that could possibly contradict christ.


Well-Known Member
IM not a Christan, Nor do i claim any religion. But, this piece was obviously written by some one who has a biased view of Christianity. And they sound as if there still in college. IM not defending Christianity by any means, but this is one of the WORST arguments against Christianity/religion as a whole iv ever heard. Ok he said if Jesus were really god, he would have told people the earth is round.. That is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the fact that Jesus was the messiah. That he did not mention bacteria and germs is also just as irrelevant to the fact. Why would that matter if he were the Messiah? It wouldnt, at all.Thats such a small detail, if he did exist he wouldnt even think of it. If he were put on earth as a human, why do u think he would have superlative knowledge of the earth?He was flesh and blood, but apparently the blood of a GOD. He would have lived life as any other,IE same basic education as others, same every thing. Yes there is a buck to make off of peoples fears of the uncertainty of death and an afterlife; but who isn't scared out their skin about death??
This author try's to befoul the adoration of Christ, but fails. He fails because he's making arguments that are as old as Christianity its self. Iv heard nothing new from this Scrub of an author. It honestly reads like a Writing 101 Final. Is this kid going to try to debunk Islam next?
BTW if i were to claim a religion, it would b Islam. I honestly c Islam as the one true religion after doing research. It predates Christianity by Hundreds of years! The Christian Bible makes numerous references to passages and characters from the religion of Islam. Like i said, im not religious by any means, for FUCKS SAKES my favorite music would DAMN me to the bowels of hell. I love Brutal Death metal and TRUE fucking BLACK MetaL.Thats right, a BLACK METAL fan is some what defending Christianity!!! But only because if people were going to not believe because of literature like this; i think its bullshit that some one with such a naive view of Christianity could influence people. Thats why i have the stance i do on this subject. Because if your going to Bash a religion, especially one such as Christianity you better have a DAMN GOOD and ORIGINAL argument as to why people should throw out their bibles and break their crucifixes. Catholicism not so much,Judaism, i could sorta careless. But if your going to challenge the most widely believed religion second only to Islamic practice, you better come out swinging buddy!! Dont come to me with this over used BS every one has already heard. Lets hear something new and fresh.
you need to go back and do some more reasearch....islam is the youngest of the main 3 monotheist religions....if you read your bible,quran or the torah you would know that monotheist religion started with the isrealites were were led from pharohs kingdom to freedom by moses..thus the begining of judaism...then came jesus to start cristianity followed lastly by the prophet mohammed to introduce islam.....:hump: and i stated all three holy books because each one makes reference to the belief system of the faith before it...and in most cases..except when it comes to jesus....borrows and makes reference to the faith before it...
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Well-Known Member
i see faith as crossing the street with your eyes closed. and when people are like dude! that doesnt make any sense! you just say oh i have faith. As far as the judaeo based religions go, none of them are original. the dead sea scrolls pretty much proved that i think. even though the catholic suppression machine, who by the way was lead by the current pope, tried and mostly succeeded at filtering out the material that could possibly contradict christ.
did you know pope john paul II was a cyanide salesmen for a chemical company in poland and his biggest customer was the nazis...after the war was over he joined the catholic church to get amnisty for his war crimes....true story...


Active Member
thats pretty f-ed up about john paul but not suprising. regarding the originality issue what i was saying is that none of them are original if you "believe" in carbon dating which is supposed to be extremely accurate these days the dead sea scrolls which contain many aspects of the religions in question predated all of them.
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