Choosing a rosin press

My indoor yields were garbage compared to my outdoor. I think outdoor heads are bigger. Just an observation from pressing, I've never grown the same strain indoor and outdoor at the same time to compare.

It's a crap shoot with what strain is going to press well, ime, frost doesn't always equal large returns. Bodhi is a great start though, great genetics at cheap prices. One of the first strains i pressed was Bodhi's Cocoon , not the most impressive looking sparkle wise, but it was one of the better yielders and tasted great.
I yield more outdoors, but I have unlimited space and the sun does my flipping for me. Outdoors is a lot more leafy than indoor. That's been my experience anyways. I've run clones of the same plant indoor and out. Potency and flavor go to indoor. Outdoor fills my mountain of jars and gives me a cusion so I give my indoor time to cure.

I'll definitely be trying the dragonsblood hasplant. Who wouldn't want red rosin!
I yield more outdoors, but I have unlimited space and the sun does my flipping for me. Outdoors is a lot more leafy than indoor. That's been my experience anyways. I've run clones of the same plant indoor and out. Potency and flavor go to indoor. Outdoor fills my mountain of jars and gives me a cusion so I give my indoor time to cure.

I'll definitely be trying the dragonsblood hasplant. Who wouldn't want red rosin!
What are your yield results pressing your outdoor?
Outdoor bud is one of the main reasons I want a press. Looking into bubble bags, and dry sift. Would you say taking those extra steps before press is a waste of time, or a waste of flower? It's a long time until next November, but I said that about Christmas last january.
Outdoor bud is one of the main reasons I want a press. Looking into bubble bags, and dry sift. Would you say taking those extra steps before press is a waste of time, or a waste of flower? It's a long time until next November, but I said that about Christmas last january.
Yes, you can refine by pressing hash/sift. I had great results and was happy just pressing flower. I always pressed at low temps for short periods which gave me the best tasting/ lower yielding rosin.
Got a decent bag of kongs krush ready to press just now. About to fire up the press. 5g bags for concievable yield. I tried more of the rosin its not that bad tasting. For some reason so far my home grown home pressed just isnt as wow tasting as store bought dabs.


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Got a decent bag of kongs krush ready to press just now. About to fire up the press. 5g bags for concievable yield. I tried more of the rosin its not that bad tasting. For some reason so far my home grown home pressed just isnt as wow tasting as store bought dabs.
They are probably adding terps to the store bought stuff. To enhance the flavor you want fresh frozen flower.
Bag pushed outside of the platen, need put bag furrher inside the platen. But it blew out on the other side. Its yielding ok but not fondly. Nucleation.


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Oh yea, sampling dab its good. Same thing happened with my first home grown and home press. Great after taste. I just needed get used to it.

Last batch hissed in banger.. Perhaps was too wet to press but dont recall that. Made sure to listen this time and its fine.

Gonna press a few oz any day now of the rest of this stuff. It was cut in phases. I about got the hang of the harvest, dry and cure/press. I was journaling myself a book in the harvest section but out of nowhere started going by feel.
Higher temps dont seem to give more yield, not tried that on this weed yet but didnt help with the last weed. Pressing slower and longer with less pressure ruined it. Had to scrape off paper. Less yield I think.

Pressed like 1.5 tons. Its like I have to get it just right with these two strains.


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Got more comin. 60rh bag rest. Lat press I moved quick 1 min and 15 sec and got the same yield but it harvests properly. 5gs and 1.2-1.5 tons. I notice it yields properly when going very slow then squeeze the rest out but it blows out after 1.8 tons.


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So that bag climbed to 74rh, put back on dry erb shelf to dry 22hrs and now its 59rh right away checking rh. So need time to confirm but thats what throws me off.

The how to cure pinned in harvest section. It says it will sweat in jars assuming they mean fresh harvet. But it says when in optimal cure zone it wont read that for up to 24hrs.

I either witness that or it dries out to where it reads right away and stays there or even drops over course of 24hrs.

Is this weed ready or would you wait 12-24 hrs before taking that as the official reading and moving on?
I feel like I am jarring too early or pressing too early as it breaks down and smokes wet still and now I hear some hissing in the banger when dabbing.

Before this I managed to do fine drying it out almost to a crisp at 50rh so it broke down and smoked good but no cure. Also risked losing chance to yield rosin.

But this how to I feel like I almost have it down I just need to wait 24 hrs for accurate readings before jarring or pressing. Or could be fine idk. None of my cured weed is breaking down and smoking normally since following the how to.

I thought I could always dry it to a crisp but can only cure it once.
You're using 60 micron bags? I don't think you should go any smaller than 90 microns for flower. 60 is going to be tough to squish through and I suspect that's at least part of the reason you're experiencing blow outs.
You're using 60 micron bags? I don't think you should go any smaller than 90 microns for flower. 60 is going to be tough to squish through and I suspect that's at least part of the reason you're experiencing blow outs.

90 micron, nug smasher said 64rh% and up, use 120 and anything under 64% use 90 micron but the two dont affect yield much if at all is what I currently understand it as. Only thing is pressclub says dont press anything above 64rh.
How long of a certain reading would you take to press? I ought to press this today or wait till Friday to do it around work hours and its like 3 oz, gonna take a min to press. I have to do it one at a time with this strain too. Its been almost 3 hrs reading 61rh.
Hmm I never checked humidity before pressing. You're talking about the material being 64% or the room? Sorry if that's a dense question but I never even thought to check/be concerned. I only press after a harvest. Once it's ready to jar, it's ready to press. Cured bud doesn't do as well for me. Less yield, darker color usually.

As far as pressing goes, I'm a firm believer less is more. Less material in the bag. Less time pressing. Less pressure. Lower temps.

185 is a good starting point. Press to 0.5T and hold for a minute or two. Then every 30 seconds, increase pressure by 0.5T. Don't exceed 3T ever. Increase pressure until you get a good flow. Usually 2-2.5T is the sweet spot for me.

You don't want more than 3-4 minutes under pressure above 1T.

That's not meant to be the definitive guide to pressing but it's what has worked very well for me.