Well-Known Member
You have come to the crossroad. There is no farther. You have arrived. All Presidents are just citizens. This one is as green as a stick.The Brits for the first time since the 1700's voted against going to war, for the sake of the government's request. They seem to be aware of the international consequences of waging one with Syria, and for that matter Russia. This is would make Iraq a walk in the park in comparison. Everyone in the world seems to understand that except the US, which again seemingly wants to lead the way. This is bullshit, and I think first off, get the truth about whose weapons they were, which seems like common sense. Obama's WH is starting too look much like GW's, in that respect.
Or was.

Notice they all have those "fatal flaws" as do we all. The President is a bad ass in a bad ass position. He is the actual enforcer of last resort of the World Casino. The Godfather in every way. My wife was worried Obama was not enough of an Asshole, her main qualification. She saw steel in Romney, I could not.
Now its...sure, he's an asshole, doing OK. That is the best she ever gives a President.
You are no longer suffering, perhaps so badly, from Mind Fuck by the Press.
Good Job!