Well-Known Member
WTF! Draw blood! Yes, I'm shouting, I find that just tooooooo much. I never had that either and I have had the best insurance my entire life and I never had to give blood just to get insurance. That is bullshit, Obama said that if you had pre-existing conditions it wouldn't affect your coverage or the cost or am I wrong? I thought this was supposed to be the panacea of healthcare, wft.
I expect to get my cancellation any day now.
Edit: I wonder if they test it for THC.
You are not wrong, now the criteria is different. the luck of the draw is different, now it hinges on age. The older you are the more likely you will have to pay more - even if you are healthy. They don't seem to be looking at the particulars of health any more. It is age, and in some states, smoking history. You are young? great, you don't have to pay much, but you have to pay something. You have a solid income? you may not get the bonus, but so what? If you can afford your lifestyle then you can afford to pay more for insurance. Recall the scenario I gave. A couple making 90 K, paying a couple hundred for shit insurance. One of them gets sick and finds that insurance pays shit. They declare BK and get out from under, but that doesn't mean that someone doesn't have to pay - who pays are the folks who are struggling to pay their current premiums, or worse, those who see their taxes over all go up, or the distrubtion of those taxes change. That is you and I paying for those who opted to take a chance and lost.
I don't like paying for someone who made stupid choices and then walked away from their obligations, and a part of my 800 a month has always gone in that direction. Now maybe they won't.