CBO Estimates More Than 80 Miilion Will Lose Their Healthcare

WTF! Draw blood! Yes, I'm shouting, I find that just tooooooo much. I never had that either and I have had the best insurance my entire life and I never had to give blood just to get insurance. That is bullshit, Obama said that if you had pre-existing conditions it wouldn't affect your coverage or the cost or am I wrong? I thought this was supposed to be the panacea of healthcare, wft.

I expect to get my cancellation any day now.

Edit: I wonder if they test it for THC.

You are not wrong, now the criteria is different. the luck of the draw is different, now it hinges on age. The older you are the more likely you will have to pay more - even if you are healthy. They don't seem to be looking at the particulars of health any more. It is age, and in some states, smoking history. You are young? great, you don't have to pay much, but you have to pay something. You have a solid income? you may not get the bonus, but so what? If you can afford your lifestyle then you can afford to pay more for insurance. Recall the scenario I gave. A couple making 90 K, paying a couple hundred for shit insurance. One of them gets sick and finds that insurance pays shit. They declare BK and get out from under, but that doesn't mean that someone doesn't have to pay - who pays are the folks who are struggling to pay their current premiums, or worse, those who see their taxes over all go up, or the distrubtion of those taxes change. That is you and I paying for those who opted to take a chance and lost.

I don't like paying for someone who made stupid choices and then walked away from their obligations, and a part of my 800 a month has always gone in that direction. Now maybe they won't.
There's not a chance in hell I'd let that much personal information go over a fax machine, let alone through the fucking mail.

I can for see many security problems to come, the average person is unaware how easy their information can be jeopardized by things like this.

You are right about not a chance in hell I will fill out all that financial info...I filled out page one with my basic info and signed and dated and thats it..The rest of it is none of there business..I just want them to sell me some Ins thats it.....They seem to be set up to give loans and analyze your income but if they have a simple buyer like me that just wants to get it done they go silent on the phone...So I am not sure if they will sell it to me or not right now..
You are right about not a chance in hell I will fill out all that financial info...I filled out page one with my basic info and signed and dated and thats it..The rest of it is none of there business..I just want them to sell me some Ins thats it.....They seem to be set up to give loans and analyze your income but if they have a simple buyer like me that just wants to get it done they go silent on the phone...So I am not sure if they will sell it to me or not right now..

We all must weigh the results and advantages of our handing out our personal information.

I never ever give my SSN to anyone who does not legitimately need it. I had an altercation at a piss test mill. I was sent there by a hiring company. They asked me for my ssn. I asked why they needed it and they said, "why, for identification purposees". I replied that ANY number would do and I gave them a nonesense number. I think they were so shocked that they took that number and I was on my way to fill a cup.

What is your insuance worth? I figure that my saving some money at the grocery store is worth my address and name but not my phone number. I figure that I am willing to give a lot more information away in order to get health insurance - and I will hold the accountable for it.
howdy, righties!i noticed you guys were all over here hanging out in this delusion thread, i thought i'd drop on by to invite you over to the "reality sucks for you!" thread.https://www.rollitup.org/politics/747541-another-referendum-obamacare-obamacare-wins.htmlsee ya soon!regards,unclebuck.

This is a health care reality thread Buck....I found out OMIP is dumping me at the end of Dec. So I am trying to fix my problem....and your link didn't work when I clicked on it..
This is a health care reality thread Buck....I found out OMIP is dumping me at the end of Dec. So I am trying to fix my problem....and your link didn't work when I clicked on it..

Well Done. That is raw Irony in it's natural state. Very hard to capture at its fleeting touchdown..

The symmetry aspect alone is profound.
Nitro, turns out you live in a state where the state representatives decided that a state-run exchange is best. Which ironically are both Democrats. Does Oregon take subsidized funding from Obamacare?
Nitro, turns out you live in a state where the state representatives decided that a state-run exchange is best. Which ironically are both Democrats. Does Oregon take subsidized funding from Obamacare?

I really don't know if they do or not...maybe?...I am going to send in my app today and let people know here at RIU how it goes...I am sure they are going to call me....
The state wants me to down load this 20 page app and sent it or fax it to them...But it is just to much info.. check out this app


People should look very close at this info grab...The IRS is in control, they want you to spill your guts on every body in your house, They want to know about immigrants whether they have SSI numbers or not and pretty much everybody's SSI numbers and names of people that could be staying with you....There is more to this than just Obama care..It looks like a government shake down....imo..
The state wants me to down load this 20 page app and sent it or fax it to them...But it is just to much info.. check out this app


People should look very close at this info grab...The IRS is in control, they want you to spill your guts on every body in your house, They want to know about immigrants whether they have SSI numbers or not and pretty much everybody's SSI numbers and names of people that could be staying with you....There is more to this than just Obama care..It looks like a government shake down....imo..

And when did you stop lying to the govt? There is no Constitutional basis for collecting this info. So.....well. You know what to do.
People should look very close at this info grab...The IRS is in control, they want you to spill your guts on every body in your house, They want to know about immigrants whether they have SSI numbers or not and pretty much everybody's SSI numbers and names of people that could be staying with you....There is more to this than just Obama care..It looks like a government shake down....imo..

they've got to make sure you're not abusing the system, which someone like you would undoubtedly do if it would save you a few dollars on your boat inheritance tax.

they're not collecting any different info now than if you were applying for food stamps or WIC before.

get some perspective, you doddering dimwit.
they've got to make sure you're not abusing the system, which someone like you would undoubtedly do if it would save you a few dollars on your boat inheritance tax.

they're not collecting any different info now than if you were applying for food stamps or WIC before.

get some perspective, you doddering dimwit.

I didnt realize food stamps and/or WIC was mandatory or subject to a fine...

Do those programs also allow convicted felons access to your information?
I didnt realize food stamps and/or WIC was mandatory or subject to a fine...

i didn't realize it was mandatory that he sign up for a state run plan.

he could always sign up in the private market, ya know.

derp dee der, kiddo.
they've got to make sure you're not abusing the system, which someone like you would undoubtedly do if it would save you a few dollars on your boat inheritance tax.

they're not collecting any different info now than if you were applying for food stamps or WIC before.

get some perspective, you doddering dimwit.


How could I have a boat inheritance tax?...I am not even dead yet?....What are you trying to do, sugar coat the info grab?...All they need to know is what my taxable income was for last year.

Not how much I make per month. There are some months of the year I don't make any income...The state had me set up with Blue cross "Regence" and I tried to call them to continue my coverage and it's like they didn't want to Ins me any longer because they knew I was in a high risk Ins pool...They told me to go to the cover oregon exchange because it would be a lot cheaper than what they would offer me..So it looks like they are still cherry picken...

I haven't even been to a doctor for any health problems, I am high risk because of my job...So it is not as easy as you think to get a private Ins company to Insure me..They insisted that I go some where else like cover oregon..Fucking Ins companies...

How could I have a boat inheritance tax?...I am not even dead yet?....What are you trying to do, sugar coat the info grab?...All they need to know is what my taxable income was for last year.

Not how much I make per month. There are some months of the year I don't make any income...The state had me set up with Blue cross "Regence" and I tried to call them to continue my coverage and it's like they didn't want to Ins me any longer because they knew I was in a high risk Ins pool...They told me to go to the cover oregon exchange because it would be a lot cheaper than what they would offer me..So it looks like they are still cherry picken...

I haven't even been to a doctor for any health problems, I am high risk because of my job...So it is not as easy as you think to get a private Ins company to Insure me..They insisted that I go some where else like cover oregon..Fucking Ins companies...

Insurance companies are like bookies.

You are betting that you are going to get hurt/sick. They are betting that you wont. Sometimes they dont want to take the bet...
Insurance companies are like bookies.

You are betting that you are going to get hurt/sick. They are betting that you wont. Sometimes they dont want to take the bet...

Now that we have Obama care the private Ins companies haven't changed from what I can tell. They will cherry pick who they want and send all the high risk people over to the exchange...But at least we have a place to go..This new system we have is going to help find people that are behind on there taxes and hiding from the government..If you get sick and need care the IRS is going to know about it...This just gave the government the best tool they have ever had for fucking poor people....And finding them...
Now that we have Obama care the private Ins companies haven't changed from what I can tell. They will cherry pick who they want and send all the high risk people over to the exchange...But at least we have a place to go..This new system we have is going to help find people that are behind on there taxes and hiding from the government..If you get sick and need care the IRS is going to know about it...This just gave the government the best tool they have ever had for fucking poor people....And finding them...

Umm... The exchange is still run by private insurance companies.

So, you have door#1 or government door#2... They both lead the same place. You do realize that right?

I am not sure why you hate insurance companies so much.
Umm... The exchange is still run by private insurance companies.

So, you have door#1 or government door#2... They both lead the same place. You do realize that right?

I am not sure why you hate insurance companies so much.

I get rejected a lot by Ins companies...If you had a job that the Ins people didn't like, you might feel the way I do...The good thing is I will get covered , and I am grateful for that...
I get rejected a lot by Ins companies...If you had a job that the Ins people didn't like, you might feel the way I do...The good thing is I will get covered , and I am grateful for that...

The government cannot even get the website going properly. There are many more problems with the system than that. First of all, doctors are not signing onto the program because they have not even been told what their compensation is going to be.

How happy will you be with your insurance if you cannot get to see a doctor?
The government cannot even get the website going properly. There are many more problems with the system than that. First of all, doctors are not signing onto the program because they have not even been told what their compensation is going to be.

How happy will you be with your insurance if you cannot get to see a doctor?

The only time I have been to a doctor is to get a pilots physical for riding a 200mph drag bike...And the Doctor that did that is my neighbor so he would more than likely see me if needed...But I know he can't take on everybody, so I don't know whats going to happen with the Doctor problem...