Obamacare Enrollment Estimates Less Than 50,000

I will disagree. Right-wing extremists can be found in some Mid-eastern states with either monarchies or oligarchies pursuing a totalitarian caesaropapism. I agree that today's Republican Party is right of center, but not far right since it doesn't espouse totalitarianism or even authoritarianism. I dismiss the dominionist splinter as ultimately inconsequential.
I see more authoritarian sentiment coming from today's Democratic Party, and they have gone well left of center with their emphasis on collectivism and Government control of more and more of private life.
The center belongs inter alios to the libertarians (not capitalized). They currently do not have an influential party representing them. The Libertarians fail to serve this need because their vision of utopia (witness Spooner), while not like the Communist extremum, is still an extremum inconsistent with human history and nature.

Inconsistent. First off, my comment referred to the US, which while not exactly obvious, means that I am referring to the groups that identify with those descriptions, according to accepted vernacular.

Now to the huge mistake you just made. You are denoting the group that identifies itself as "libertarian-lower-case" as occupying the center. You could not be further from correct. It is the most extreme right position. The term itself does not mean extreme right, but the position you mention does. The term itself is antonymous with authoritarianism with no connotation of left or right, because there are libertarians from both sides of the spectrum. However, the position you described, is most certainly not centrist.

To compound this mistake (libertarians are extreme right, not center) it seems that you mention this in response to what I said about conservatives. I'll point out, that what I call conservative, you call libertarian, and while we did not use the same language, I think we are referring to the same position.
I will disagree. Right-wing extremists can be found in some Mid-eastern states with either monarchies or oligarchies pursuing a totalitarian caesaropapism. I agree that today's Republican Party is right of center, but not far right since it doesn't espouse totalitarianism or even authoritarianism. I dismiss the dominionist splinter as ultimately inconsequential.
I see more authoritarian sentiment coming from today's Democratic Party, and they have gone well left of center with their emphasis on collectivism and Government control of more and more of private life.
The center belongs inter alios to the libertarians (not capitalized). They currently do not have an influential party representing them. The Libertarians fail to serve this need because their vision of utopia (witness Spooner), while not like the Communist extremum, is still an extremum inconsistent with human history and nature.

Amen brother bear. I can't imagine a party of; leave me alone, I'll leave you alone, if you need my help ask, I'll do what I can and hope I can count on you in kind being able to compete with the candy pushers. While I love the theories espoused by the big Ls, I still see a need to protect me from you, what I don't need is anyone to protect me from me.
My gosh, you didn't get the news? Employer mandate was postpone by Exec Order until 2015.

The plans are not a risk. Mine stayed exactly the same.

My gosh, did you notice my post was prior to that development? So, they postponed the cataclysm for a whole year for the sake of the upcoming elections. How noble and charitable this administration has become. And they did it on their own accord, not because of pressure from VOCAL opponents of ObamaCare and media like Fox News. Nope, those people getting HAMMERED by the libs for complaining deserve no credit for the stay of execution that now awaits us in 2015.
My gosh, did you notice my post was prior to that development? So, they postponed the cataclysm for a whole year for the sake of the upcoming elections. How noble and charitable this administration has become. And they did it on their own accord, not because of pressure from VOCAL opponents of ObamaCare and media like Fox News. Nope, those people getting HAMMERED by the libs for complaining deserve no credit for the stay of execution that now awaits us in 2015.

No, I never notice too much of anything about the dates on revived thread....my gosh, so sorry. :)

But I am pretty sure 2015 will be business as usual, as usual.
Obama flubs during health care conference call with community organizers, claims 'more than 100 MILLION Americans' have enrolled

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...cans-successfully-enrolled.html#ixzz2l6q4RuVP

The POTUS says whatever pops into his head that he considers helpful to his cause.
Facts be damned, because his good intentions are beyond reproach.

The end justify the means, simple as that.

Problem with the means this time is, the progressive's lies are now exposed and I see the end coming.
Suddenly, It's OK to Talk ObamaCare Repeal Investor's Business Daily

Back in May, nobody batted an eye when Bill Maher blasted the GOP's efforts to repeal ObamaCare. "At some point," he said, "obstruction becomes, I don't know, treason?"

What a difference a few million canceled health plans and a crash-prone website make.
On Sunday, the New York Times — the bellwether of acceptable discussion topics for liberals — openly acknowledged the possibility of overturning ObamaCare.

We have to pass the bill so we can repeal the bill.

Suddenly, It's OK to Talk ObamaCare Repeal Investor's Business Daily

Back in May, nobody batted an eye when Bill Maher blasted the GOP's efforts to repeal ObamaCare. "At some point," he said, "obstruction becomes, I don't know, treason?"

What a difference a few million canceled health plans and a crash-prone website make.
On Sunday, the New York Times — the bellwether of acceptable discussion topics for liberals — openly acknowledged the possibility of overturning ObamaCare.

We have to pass the bill so we can repeal the bill.

Obama is never ever never never never going to repeal the bill with his name on it...

Gonna take a backstabbing senate to do that... Would require almost complete mutiny.
Obama is never ever never never never going to repeal the bill with his name on it...

Gonna take a backstabbing senate to do that... Would require almost complete mutiny.

or a competent republican candidate for presidency, which you guys just simply can't manage.

also, is obama's name "patient", "protection", "affordable", "care", or "act"?
take it easy on the kid.

he may not know the difference between a bill and a law, but he is adamant that he knows the difference between prejudice, bigotry, and racism.

That is to say nothing of the fact that his name was not on the Bill or in the Law. That is just something the Press says.