I'll take my lumps there, I can't prove what I've said (well, not willing to go to the lengths necessary to prove them, or attempt to), and you have presented evidence.
Therefore, by the preponderance of the evidence standard, you win.
I wouldn't give it to you on "clear and convincing" thoug because out of 53k posts, probably 15-25k, if not more, in this political sub forum, I cannot believe you have only mentioned the CBO a few times.
I know I have read you using CBO projections as evidence to prove, or lend credence to a democratic issue. Others may chime in and say if they also, or also don't.
I will at least give you credit for one thing. Through my earlier posts I may have indicated that you had never before said the CBO can be junk, you clearly have in the past, so good for you, I was wrong there. I can't be expected to have read every post you have made. I might have overstated with my hyperbole, but the substance of my post is true, you have used CBO estimates as supporting factors in your arguments in the past and presented them in such a way to imply they were fact.
By the way, I don't always use the voice to text function. Only from my phone. I don't spell well, that is a weakness of mine. My grammar is ok, not perfect. I hardly see what that has to do with anything.
As to the full time/part time thing. It is my understanding the VAST majority of those earning minimum wage, or very close to it (say $8.50 or less) are part time workers. What does your data tell you on this? I'm sure there are some full time workers who earn minimum or very near it, but percentage wise, it's very low. I am sure there are a lot not making $10.10, but I would be willing to bet over 75% or more full time workers earn over $9/hr. [edit- the data, to be accurate, would need to compare it at federal minimum, and ignore those states who have raised it. It is dishonest to use min-wage workers from California or wherever it is that has higher, and lump them with the lower federal min-wage workers and say both are min-wage workers. Valid data would need to use the number of workers working at or very near the federal minimum.]
I've not seen any data on that, just basing it off of experience. I don't know anyone working full time personally who earns under $10/hr. The staff at subway was all part time, except management, and I think she made $11, and the assistants $10.
If you won't post the instagram stuff, at least send it in a pm. I'll be honest if it's me or not, and hell I might even send you a Facebook link for your trouble.