Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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But you get to force YOUR beliefs on others? They aren't deciding what is and is not medicine. they just don't want to subsidize it. Your argument is nothing but misdirection.

it's called cost containment. the point of the health care bill was to slow down costs of health care. so we make access to preventive care free because a stitch in time saves nine. birth control pills, being preventive care, fall under this umbrella.

go cry in your corn flakes.
Who said anything about free speach? We're talking freedom of religion. Try to keep up.

he claims to work with nobel prize winners, but can't spell words like "compliment", "exercise" or "speech", even though it was spelled out for him in the post he was replying to.

I was so angry that my tax dollars went to fund the street team which made sure the drunks that were infected with TB took their medication

I mean wtf

That's socialism

How can we force people to take their medication?

Isnt it their right to infect the rest of society with their diseases?
stellar understanding of women there. tell that to women with ovarian cysts, or someone like my wife who would get cramps bad enough to keep her from school or work without birth control pills. so much fail here.
Your (homophone!!) deliberately misconstruing hormone therapy with contraception. In other words, lying. Just because your wife is lazy doesn't mean she's sick. Her complaint of "cramps" is just a way to avoid fucking you, ShitBritches.
Your (homophone!!) deliberately misconstruing hormone therapy with contraception. In other words, lying. Just because your wife is lazy doesn't mean she's sick. Her complaint of "cramps" is just a way to avoid fucking you, ShitBritches.

the saying is shit bridges
Yeah I saw thatlink too on google. I couldn't find it there.

So I went here: You do not have to be a member.

Searched for user Red1966.

Got this:
1. Invalid User specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.

Now this means 1 of 2 things:

1.Account deleted

2.No account ever

They dont put up with trolls over there

Im going with #1
the irony in this is thick. the guy who wants to force his religious beliefs on other people's health care is asking what authority someone else has to impose their beliefs on others. :clap: fail award.
I'm not forcing anyone to use or not use BC. I don't even believe the use is immoral. I would prefer more people used it. So how am I forcing my religion on others?
more irony. the stormfront member is calling other people bigots for pointing out the overreach of the catholic church. white supremacists gonna white supremacist.
Back to slandering me? I guess that means you acknowledge you have no argument.
actually, it would be following the law of the land, which was upheld as constitutional. remember? LOL!
If you will remember, the court did not address the contraception issue, as that is already being litigated elsewhere. Misquoting SCOTUS ain't gonna work.
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