Ursus marijanus
Making people contribute to an affront to God is immoral.
There is no proving what, if anything, affronts God imo. I remain interested in Red1966's reply, should he condescend to address me.
Making people contribute to an affront to God is immoral.
Still on that lie? Where was this confirmation? Nadda. Searches by several here proved I was not a member, as you well know. You can't say I didn't give you a chance. You just can't stop lying. You're much like a child. A bigoted, bed wetting, pants shitting, lying, foul-mouthed, lazy child.that hits home for red1966, who is a confirmed member of (neo nazi white supremacist website).
There is no proving what, if anything, affronts God imo. I remain interested in Red1966's reply, should he condescend to address me.
It's in the bible,
I also don't think people should be forced to pay taxes to finance things they find morally repugnant or disrespectful to God,
Why should I have been forced to financially contribute to nuking Iraq and Afghanistan if I believe it is immoral, It should be an opt in or opt out kind of thing.
Really? Can't tell. He/She sure isn't mellow. How would that make me a bigot? Oh, that's right, the label doesn't have to fit, once you make the assertion, I'm obligated to prove it wrong. Sorta like the stormfront thing. Others have proved it was a false accusation, but you just keep on saying it. You're not capable of speaking truthfully, are you?mellowfarmer is a woman, you bigot. go back to stormfront already.
Too bad his mother wasn't.Well I for one will pay my fair share of the tax burden and the only joy I get out of it is knowing that UB's woman is on birth control. I hope the rest of the non working socialist moochers are doing the same. We pay enough for them already.
They're still free to make those decisions.freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to make decisions about other people's health care.
Give me your address and I'll personally refund your fucking i'll just walk up to the IRS building and tell them to refund the portion of my taxes that went to support the iraq war?
I reject the Bible's divinity. This means: I do not think that God is at all represented by the Bible and its followers. So I don't see an affront to Abrahamic religions as a tenable affront to a putative God. cn
If they're between a patient and a doctor, why does someone else have to subsidize it?pretending this is about religious freedom is not only a lie, but retarded. this is about medical care, nothing else. medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor, there is no room in there for your religious beliefs.
What govt contract are you referring to?no but the company would have to follow the law since they are contracted by the govt that's how govt contracts work
And Ron Paul will represent your right to consume birth control or to donate to clinics that provide it to those in need if we give him the opportunity to represent us,
I find nuking Iraq and Afganistan to be horrible and wish I could say I had nothing to do with it but I know I pay taxes so I am not without blame, just as we deemed all Germans to be guilty for contributing to the Nazi cause I fear someday I shall to be judged, not to mention the ultimate judgement that I believe will be made by God, I know God is responsible for life so I believe abortion and birth control are against God and I wish not to partake in their use or to financially contribute to their use.
Sorta like the stormfront thing. Others have proved it was a false accusation,
Your claiming that I'm forcing beliefs I don't even have by stating it is unconstitutional to force others to subsidize what they consider to be a mortal sin? You them one trying to impose your beliefs on others, not I.says the guy who thinks freedom of religion means the freedom to impose your religious beliefs on others' health care.
Quoting a libtard doesn't help you're (homophone!!!) argument.
Only Abrahamic God would bother to threaten humans with judgment. But I have unqualified admiration for the way you worked a Ron Paul pitch in there. Well played. cn
I worked The war veteran Dr Ron Paul, the Congressman from Texas, in for mccumber, but it is the truth.I guess a political section in a mj forum already lacks any credibility whatsoever. But this Paul spam surely isn't fucking helping. I've said it multiple times already, some mod should just make a Ron Paul sub section. His whole fan club can jerk off to the thought of Paul as President, and I wouldn't have to see Ron Paul being mentioned in EVERY FUCKING THREAD. Win win imo.
All I proved is that stormfront isn't racist.
cnYou must spread some Reputation around before giving it to beardo again.
97% were covered before RomneyCare. Not much of an improvement.Nearly every Massachusetts citizen is covered. A recent study showed that 98.1% of adults and 99.8% of children now have medical insurance. This is by far the highest rates in the nation. The overall national rate is 83%, with Texas having the worst rates in the nation at 74%. RomneyCare remains exceptionally popular among state residents. Studies repeatedly confirm that 67-84% of Massachusetts residents are happy with the plan and would not go back to the old system if given the chance. taken from LOL
Perhaps if you didn't keep telling the same lies over and over? So, why are you spending so much time at Stormfront?i defend everyone. i've defended santorum and bush, too. funny that i don't get accused of being a santorum cock sucker. isn't it funny that it's taking red1966 all day long to read through this thread and reply to everyone with basically the same reply every time? it's funny every time he does it.
I'm not sure if you read the