Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Well-Known Member
Well I for one will pay my fair share of the tax burden and the only joy I get out of it is knowing that UB's woman is on birth control. I hope the rest of the non working socialist moochers are doing the same. We pay enough for them already.
too bad you don't pay any taxes on the money you make being brick top's fluffer.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately our present laws allow this type of discrimination in hiring, as well against people who wear blue socks or watch Nick at Night. Our discrimination laws are very very specific as to what you can't discriminate against. Everything else in the eyes of our government is fair game. ftr, I'm not defending the Catholic Church's archaic, idiotic policies, just their right to have them.
You fell for his false argument that only women are not being subsidized for birth control. Duh!


Well-Known Member
That doesn't give them the right to discriminate against woman who practice what they consider a mortal sin.
They're not discriminating. They just shouldn't be forced to subsidize what they consider to be a mortal sin. Pretending this is about discrimination is a lie.


Well-Known Member
i don't get why the religious want to drive people into more gay sex to prevent pregnancies.
Gay sex prevents pregnancy. I would make all my employees be gay just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
I do miss seeing him spank you for hours on end and you had to run to your mod friends(when you had them) for help. Even your typical dog-pile did not phase him from spanking you arse good !
what, nothing to say about your lover's well known propensity to cry to the mods until the posts he didn't like got deleted?

snitch lover.


Well-Known Member
I think what you are saying is that those who think business owners should cover birth control should picket owners that don't like you would picket my company for not covering pregnancy?
He said nothing like that. Misquoting = lying. Your "company" doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
They're not discriminating. They just shouldn't be forced to subsidize what they consider to be a mortal sin. Pretending this is about discrimination is a lie.
pretending this is about religious freedom is not only a lie, but retarded.

this is about medical care, nothing else. medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor, there is no room in there for your religious beliefs.


Well-Known Member
What's that ? I seem to recall you supporting a snitch before you became a cop calling snitch yourself.
what part of these words do you keep missing? i wouldn't be this much of a dick

edit: great job on spamming the pertinent info YET AGAIN.

brick top is calling, scurry off. old man ain't paying you to type.


Well-Known Member
lol, can't even answer the question without indulging yourself in your libertarian utopia fantasy.

You make a good point, since money was ruled free speech, then they are stealing our free speech and making us abort babies and kill people overseas with it.


Well-Known Member
Really? So since I'm sure you've received federal funds of some sort at some time in your life, you must give up your rights?
no but the company would have to follow the law since they are contracted by the govt that's how govt contracts work
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