Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Not subsidizing what one considers immoral is not practically possible. Consider the DEA. cn
This true. I guess the Catholic Churches only option is to close their hospitals and other charities. Or just stop insuring their employees and pay the penalty. Oops, TAX. Not sure that's what Obama wanted.
Yes sir, you are right. and a virgin bore a healthy baby boy that later rose from the dead and then she floated up to heaven.
Now you're just being retarded. I don't even believe in immaculate conception. Your assumption that I'm a Christian is wrong.
Nearly every Massachusetts citizen is covered. A recent study showed that 98.1% of adults and 99.8% of children now have medical insurance. This is by far the highest rates in the nation. The overall national rate is 83%, with Texas having the worst rates in the nation at 74%.

RomneyCare remains exceptionally popular among state residents. Studies repeatedly confirm that 67-84% of Massachusetts residents are happy with the plan and would not go back to the old system if given the chance.

taken from LOL

Yeah my aunt told me she had to go to court and pay thousands of dollars for not being insured in mass. She became unemployed for 18 months, probably the first time in her life she was unable to get a job. Her husband is severely disabled so the judge told her if she couldn't pay they would just liquidate the home and take the money from that. Nice to help an elderly couple become homeless. I don't know ayone living in mass who likes what ol mitt did there.
You ever heard of the craigslist scam where the buyer wants to send you a certified check and then after it is sent it was for too much and they want you to wire the extra money back? last week I had the scammer send the check to the police department this weekend he was texting me about the extra money I told him to check the actual address on google havent heard back from him since Hi, Thanks for your quick mail,Your payment has been sent but there is something i think i must bring to your notice immediately. I just discovered there is an error in the payment sent to you. My sister sent the payment meant for another item thats more expensive than yours. I have called the post office to see if they could retrieve it but nothing positive. I really dont know what to do now. Please and Please, you can go ahead and cash out the Money Order at your Bank when you receive it, deduct your payment and send the balance via western union to the details i will provide you with. Can i trust you to do that for me? Thanks
You should have waited until they sent you the address. I had a guy try to scam me on Ebay once. I contacted the local police. They had fake UPS deliver a package to him. After he signed for it, they entered his property and found thousands of dollars worth of Xboxes. Also, several fake credit cards, a bunch of ID thief shit on his computer.
You should have waited until they sent you the address. I had a guy try to scam me on Ebay once. I contacted the local police. They had fake UPS deliver a package to him. After he signed for it, they entered his property and found thousands of dollars worth of Xboxes. Also, several fake credit cards, a bunch of ID thief shit on his computer.

Thanks for your update now that you have cashed the check please go ahead
and send my balance

via western union money transfer to the following details

ADDRESS:357-359 Green Lanes

make sure you take care of everything today and send me the transfer details i.e
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) senders name and the total amount sent
after charges. I will need the money to take care of some pressing bills and pay
for pick-up.please let me know the best time for the mover

to come for pick up

hope to read from you soon
it's called cost containment. the point of the health care bill was to slow down costs of health care. so we make access to preventive care free because a stitch in time saves nine. birth control pills, being preventive care, fall under this umbrella. go cry in your corn flakes.
"cost containment"? Putting a label on it doesn't define it. So far, the bill hasn't slowed the costs at all. Silly you, trying to claim victory where none exists.
freedom of religion does not mean you get to impose your will into the health care decisions of other people.
Not subsidizing those decisions is not imposing my will on anybody. freedom of religion does not mean YOU get to impose YOUR will into the health care decisions of other people.
guilty and guilty on occasion. the last part? that's a lie. now scurry on back to stormfront.
No, that's not a lie. We've seen your claimed taxes, remember. I made more than you working part time at my first job. You would be homeless without help from others, loser. The bit about stormfront is a lie, since you obviously can't tell the real world from your fantasy life.
he claims to work with nobel prize winners, but can't spell words like "compliment", "exercise" or "speech", even though it was spelled out for him in the post he was replying to. lol.
That's your answer to my argument? Sounds like you agree with me.
Now you're just being retarded. I don't even believe in immaculate conception. Your assumption that I'm a Christian is wrong.

I didn't assume a damn thing. I said that your statement was a true as the immaculate conception. This is retardedly retarded so incredibily fucking retardedly retarted I stopped ignoring this thread full of chumps:

This true. I guess the Catholic Churches only option is to close their hospitals and other charities. Or just stop insuring their employees and pay the penalty. Oops, TAX. Not sure that's what Obama wanted.


the evil greedhead fucks have so much wealth and land and pay no taxes but it shouldn't surprise me so that you are so ignorant of that fact! Isn't the sand mighty hot this time of year? Maybe pull that over sized melon on out for a bit? Might do you some good. :blsmoke:
Garden variety bigot I'm going to say 20-23 years old white Works at a job that dont pay shit Doesnt get laid
Really? And you know this how? Because I disagree with you? I'm not in my twenties, I'm mixed race, I've got a well-paying government job with great benefits and good pay, I fucked your wife just a couple days ago. Seriously, you have to impugn my character because you can't argue that facts. You might as pull your panties up and go home. Now you're my bitch. Ha Ha Ha Ha .
I'm not sure if you read the thread. Check out the first response to the OP - he makes some interesting points, but then he is told in the next post not to be racist- proving that stornfront denounces racism Then the last post on the second page I believe is posted by Romney, his screen name is wnbritmex
Now you're just copy and pasting a prior post. Talk about phoning it in!
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