Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC


Im still following. Its so funny. I have virtually the same setup as you, and have been going through the exact same setup and design decisions as well. I even have the dual level veg setup EXACTLY the same. Im also a young guy myself so following along your Journal is almost like looking in the mirror. I was originally at 16 Skunk Special plants that were 4 weeks in and were FAT. I ended up tossing them out for peace of mind so I never got to recoup the initial investment like you as well. Ended up starting again on the same timeline as yourself. Finally finished w/ MedicalSeeds 1024 and I started flower on Dec 1st as well. My tallest girl is 30" tall now and she is just packin on the weight even for a heavy sativa she grows fast and the buds smell FRUITY. Germing GHS Indica Mix H now as well, and am loving your journal. Thanks for your reply to my PM.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Im still following. Its so funny. I have virtually the same setup as you, and have been going through the exact same setup and design decisions as well. I even have the dual level veg setup EXACTLY the same. Im also a young guy myself so following along your Journal is almost like looking in the mirror. I was originally at 16 Skunk Special plants that were 4 weeks in and were FAT. I ended up tossing them out for peace of mind so I never got to recoup the initial investment like you as well. Ended up starting again on the same timeline as yourself. Finally finished w/ MedicalSeeds 1024 and I started flower on Dec 1st as well. My tallest girl is 30" tall now and she is just packin on the weight even for a heavy sativa she grows fast and the buds smell FRUITY. Germing GHS Indica Mix H now as well, and am loving your journal. Thanks for your reply to my PM.
Thanks man, very nice to have you along.

As far as things go, they're "meh" - just been really busy with the holidays and whatnot, but the plants are all decent.

Flowering tent is getting stinky and putting on some weight, the seedlings are all doing well, the clones in the rapid rooters are fully rooted, and the clones in E&F are coming along.

Gonna transplant the seedlings and rapid rooter clones today, and will take some pics that I'll probably post tomorrow (also try to get some lights off flowering pics).

Other then that, not much to report.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bob how is the grow coming along? I am very interested in your NYCPD I just got some ordered from Nirvana. Havent seen to many people on RIU comment on it.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Not important with what, but everything's coming along "meh" - still have serious height issues with the flowering ladies, and the CO2 system didn't work out like it was s'posed to (already through a tank of propane, so back on compressed gas for the moment).

Have an army of 72 clones and seedlings on the top of my veg tent, ready to be cloned in a couple of weeks (still shooting for ~200 clones).

Flowering girls are all good (save for some slight nute burn from me being lazy about topping off with water, and the ones trapped directly under the light being light bleached and possibly heat stressed) - got my new reflector a couple of hours ago, so gonna install that sometime in the next couple of days - it's unbelievably massive, so the filter and exhaust fan will have to come out of the tent - might also do a whole overall and get the table shortened and the dehumidifier out of there to make some headroom, but we'll see about that (will decide in the next day or two).

Other then that, not a lotta to report - here's the pics.....

Okay, so it's not letting me post pics - I'll try later, I guess.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Hey Bob how is the grow coming along? I am very interested in your NYCPD I just got some ordered from Nirvana. Havent seen to many people on RIU comment on it.
My NYPD #2 is my favorite plant right now (for smell and weight) - anything specific you were interested in?


Well-Known Member
I have not grown the NYPD and was wondering how she likes nutes what she will look like...does she like being topped or super cropped anything that will help when i get my beans germinated. I havent received them yet but expecting them any day now.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I have not grown the NYPD and was wondering how she likes nutes what she will look like...does she like being topped or super cropped anything that will help when i get my beans germinated. I havent received them yet but expecting them any day now.
My NYPD #2 is branchy and my tallest plant - all my plants were topped (for height reasons, and clearly not enough).

As far as nutes, I just run Lucas formula (with Floranova Bloom), and as long as I top off with water enough to keep the PPMs <1500, the plants love it.

Also, have a new favorite plant - my Bubblelicious #1 is smelling like straight bubblegum and has some thick, resiny nugs - thinking I might run that instead of super skunk for my next run, or maybe a 1/2 and 1/2 of each flavor.

Also (somewhat) leaning towards 64 instead of 144 for my next run, but if it started today, would probably still do 144.

Also found the perfect tent for my plan of 4 3x3 tables covered by 600s - the DR240, which measures 8x8 - just need to talk to my "guy" and see if he could move 1lb+ every couple of weeks.

Was gonna get a "real" reservoir and stand for my 4x4 for the last month of his run and my next run, then measured and realized I'd only be saving myself about 6", so decided it wasn't worth it (won't need it for my next run, anyways, so it'd only be "necessary" for the next month).

Um, I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but that's a decent summary for now..........

Was gonna post pics and I still can't - does anyone know WTF is going on? I click the paperclip like I used to (to attach pics) and nothing happens.



Hey Bob. Great vids. love that generator set up. I wonder if you could cap off a couple of the heads on that thing to cut back on propane consumption. Those plants look fucking awesome! Great setup!

Uuuhhhhhh....yah-di-yada..... LOL

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Went out and made another short film to show what's going on, but before I posted that I decided to try Explorer and see if I could post pics that way - well, I can.

These are from a few days ago, but are fairly current - apologies for the light bleaching on the plants directly under the light, but unfortunately that's out of my control :?


Unless you have one, you can't comprehend the size of this reflector - the fucker is three feet long and over two feet wide. Would fit a 3x3 tray like a boss.


Veg tent shots - except for a couple of stragglers, all 60ish clones are showing solid new growth, and the seedlings are doing okay.


A couple more veg tent shots - the second one is a demo/example of what I'd expect the plant(s) to look like before I flipped them, if I go with 144 - FYI, they're about 3" tall.


Lights out - you can see some crispy leaves from the light bleaching. Oh well.


Lights just coming on.

Comments, questions, and criticisms are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Looking damn good. I love those magnum XXXL. I know a few who swear by them and go as far to say "you are wasting time without them" But whatever. In the back of my mind I am hoping to never buy another reflector again. Everything looks great Bob. Keep it up.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Looking damn good. I love those magnum XXXL. I know a few who swear by them and go as far to say "you are wasting time without them" But whatever. In the back of my mind I am hoping to never buy another reflector again. Everything looks great Bob. Keep it up.
Yeah, the Magnum seems like it's gonna be the shit - that's a full-sized treadmill in the picture, and the reflector's almost as large as it is.

Thanks for stopping by, and for the kind words.

Checked out your grow, and all's looking good - you're so far ahead of me at 17 days that I'm too intimidated to comment :-?

Just took 15 more super skunk clones and eight more bubblelicious clones (five minutes ago), getting ready for my next run - need to build up my army beforehand...............still undecided on 144 vs. 64, and need to make that decision at some point relatively soon.


Well-Known Member
I would lean toward a gradual buildup. Try 64 and if it looks like you can add more next time then cool. They will still bush out and fill the allocated space no matter what. No loss. If you fill it with 144 itsy bitsy fukrs they may just piss you off. Baby steps.

Are the babies under a HPS?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I would lean toward a gradual buildup. Try 64 and if it looks like you can add more next time then cool. They will still bush out and fill the allocated space no matter what. No loss. If you fill it with 144 itsy bitsy fukrs they may just piss you off. Baby steps.

Are the babies under a HPS?
Seedlings and rooted clones are under my 400HPS on the top shelf, and mamas and fresh cuttings (like an hour ago fresh) are under fluoros on the bottom shelf.

Honestly, I'm kinda leaning towards the 144 because I think it'd actually be less work then the 64 - have the trays that hold 18 4" pots a piece, so rotating the plants would be much easier then rotating 64 individual 6" containers.

Also, I think it'd be easier to do multiple strains, because the small pot size would be a limit on the height of all the plants, whereas with the 6" pots the taller strains would quickly overtake the shorter strains.

Also, last but certainly not least, there's the height issue - with 64, they'd all have to be ~2' tall to maximize production, which is pushing (if not over) the maximum height my tent can handle (with its current setup). Can keep the 144 much shorter (like 12") and maximize light distribution and headroom.

I really just don't know, but I appreciate your input.

I'll fuck it up either way, so it's really down to whether we want a "meh" fuckup or like a colossal fuckup of epic proportions.

I like to go big or go home, sooooo...........


Well-Known Member
I think they're going to push to the size their genetics wants them to. Your biggest problem is height, no matter how many you pop imo.

Go big or go home . . . all damn day! LOL.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I think they're going to push to the size their genetics wants them to. Your biggest problem is height, no matter how many you pop imo.

Go big or go home . . . all damn day! LOL.
Yeah, definitely leaning towards the 144 right now, if for no other reason then to be able to say I tried it.

EDIT: I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that the buds are really starting to pack on some weight, very noticeable from even a few days ago when those pics were taken (New Year's Day). Will take some new pics and post either tonight or tomorrow.

And again, that Bubblelicious #1 smells like straight fucking bubblegum, is highly resinous, and has some solid nugs on it - a definite keeper, and my favorite out of the group by far.