Breaking News From The Paul Camp..

Seriously? I would laminate it and put in my "book of shame".
Extremly common before Congress wrote a law banning the practice. Look up "racial restrictive convenants"
And every time a Paultard says crap like "goverment shouldnt be able to tell a business who they can do business with" Just remember employers, landlords and Bus's and many schools are private businesses not just restaurants and lumberyards
so you think it's OK to make black people go to the next town over to buy lumber in order to protect the racist lumber salesman?

is that the position you want to take?

Black people have or should the right to do with their private property what they wish. Why do you want to take that right away from them, are you racist?
Extremly common before Congress wrote a law banning the practice. Look up "racial restrictive convenants"
And every time a Paultard says crap like "goverment shouldnt be able to tell a business who they can do business with" Just remember employers, landlords and Bus's and many schools are private businesses not just restaurants and lumberyards

at a lumber yard who is not serving the minority?..the owner? the salesperson? the cashier?

1. doubt very much the owner because a minorities money is as green as anyone else.

2. the cashier probably not because good chance that person is a minority.

3. the sales person? see #1

if i ever had a sales working for me and refused a customer, they would not have a job..i cannot imagine business owners in this day and age refusing business and i know some pretty racist business owners IRL..their belief is #1.
at a lumber yard who is not serving the minority?..the owner? the salesperson? the cashier?

1. doubt very much the owner because a minorities money is as green as anyone else.

2. the cashier probably not because good chance that person is a minority.

3. the sales person? see #1

if i ever had a sales working for me and refused a customer, they would not have a job..i cannot imagine business owners in this day and age refusing business and i know some pretty racist business owners IRL..their belief is #1.

Certainly it is a poor business choice and shitty manners to refuse a customer capable of paying on the basis of race.

However a person cannot "own" a business if the decisions of how it will be operated are made by others that use threats of force which back dictations of HOW that business will be run. The solution lies not in telling others how to run their private business, but for other smarter businesses to seize the opportunity and provide service based on credit worthiness or some other criteria that has a basis in aligning interests of the consumer and the service provider.

Private property ceases to be "private" when the owner loses control of the ability to operate it in a manner of their choosing.
Wasn't that long ago minority's got higher interest rates on cars even though they were equally qualified

The interest rate a person charges and a person accepts is between those parties. Why do you think it is important for an unwanted third party to dictate terms to people ? Isn't the act of dictating terms, in effect, an act AGAINST freedom? Why are you such a freedom prohibitionist?
Uncle Buck, you make some weak ass arguments. Because I don't want the govt telling people how to operate their business that means I'm OK with refusing service to black people? That makes me a racist? I'm curious, how old are you? You argue like a child. But then again you are the one who posted a picture of a boot on someones head, while you're the biggest statist on this forum, who spends hours a day defending the govt and the state, which is the biggest oppressor and the most violent organization on the planet. <slow clap for you>

You feel its ok for the govt to initiate violence, against non-violent people who are not stealing/damaging other peoples property, and you have the nerve to call me names like racist. Let me guess, you must teach philosophy at the university?

Buck does not make arguments at all. He propagandizes and worships the state. Like all propagandists, he is dishonest and has no interest in a discussion.

He is one of the few people who can do brain damage to those who read his posts.
Buck does not make arguments at all. He propagandizes and worships the state. Like all propagandists, he is dishonest and has no interest in a discussion.

He is one of the few people who can do brain damage to those who read his posts.

why don't you defend your opposition to title II and your preference for harming blacks instead of making personal attacks on me, bigot?