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I didn't say that quantum entanglement proved anything other than the speed of light not being the fastest parameter in the universe. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was for things with mass.

When I ask you what you believe, I'm asking for your best guess as to the larger issues of creation and existence, things that maybe can't be proven. I have been atheist, agnostic, and now I believe in a God that might be better described as a force, source energy might be another description that I prefer. One to which I am not smart enough to understand but yet have a feel for.

You seem to be in the agnostic camp, perhaps atheist. The force I am feeling does not care what path you take, no magic words, it just gives you what you focus on. I have no interest in trying to prove the unprovable, but I am now capable of having faith, which is an unexpected change for me. I am loving the feeling. I'll try to tone it down for those annoyed by it, no promises. :peace:
Religious nuts down through time have the same feeling you do. They went on to do awful things. I'm willing to bet the folks in ISIS who burned innocent people alive felt the same thing.

Nope, not going to base any decisions on "my feeling of a connection with God". The existence of the universe does not require the existence of a supernatural being. If anything, belief in a God, gods or The Force stifles thought and human effort at understanding. Why did a species of clams die out and another species supersede them? God made it happen. End of investigation. Wow, now that's useful.

Why do we find that particles can be coupled with each other and interact simultaneously as if time and distance don't exist? God made it happen.

Useless garbage.
Religious nuts down through time have the same feeling you do. They went on to do awful things. I'm willing to bet the folks in ISIS who burned innocent people alive felt the same thing.

Nope, not going to base any decisions on "my feeling of a connection with God". The existence of the universe does not require the existence of a supernatural being. If anything, belief in a God, gods or The Force stifles thought and human effort at understanding. Why did a species of clams die out and another species supersede them? God made it happen. End of investigation. Wow, now that's useful.

Why do we find that particles can be coupled with each other and interact simultaneously as if time and distance don't exist? God made it happen.

Useless garbage.
He’s a christofascist
Religious nuts down through time have the same feeling you do. They went on to do awful things. I'm willing to bet the folks in ISIS who burned innocent people alive felt the same thing.

Nope, not going to base any decisions on "my feeling of a connection with God". The existence of the universe does not require the existence of a supernatural being. If anything, belief in a God, gods or The Force stifles thought and human effort at understanding. Why did a species of clams die out and another species supersede them? God made it happen. End of investigation. Wow, now that's useful.

Why do we find that particles can be coupled with each other and interact simultaneously as if time and distance don't exist? God made it happen.

Useless garbage.
Fair enough, I've been there. I'm not a "God made it happen" kind of guy, or "God will fix it for us". Not an out to not care about our planet, just the opposite really. It never gets boring having you guys tell me what my beliefs are. What a coincidence that you always frame them in darkness. LOL May you find maximum peace via whatever path or no path works best for you. I'll do the same.
I didn't say that quantum entanglement proved anything other than the speed of light not being the fastest parameter in the universe. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was for things with mass.

When I ask you what you believe, I'm asking for your best guess as to the larger issues of creation and existence, things that maybe can't be proven. I have been atheist, agnostic, and now I believe in a God that might be better described as a force, source energy might be another description that I prefer. One to which I am not smart enough to understand but yet have a feel for.

You seem to be in the agnostic camp, perhaps atheist. The force I am feeling does not care what path you take, no magic words, it just gives you what you focus on. I have no interest in trying to prove the unprovable, but I am now capable of having faith, which is an unexpected change for me. I am loving the feeling. I'll try to tone it down for those annoyed by it, no promises. :peace:

I'm not saying I believe the following, I'm posting this because there are better explanations for what you call "religious feelings". When confronted with two theories, the one that fits observable facts is the better one. Your theory, should be discarded. It is not a good one.

The psychology behind religious belief

In the end, the researchers identified 16 basic desires that we all share: acceptance, curiosity, eating, family, honor, idealism, independence, order, physical activity, power, romance, saving, social contact, status, tranquility and vengeance.

Reiss then developed a questionnaire, called the Reiss Motivation Profile, that measures how much people value each of these 16 goals. More than 100,000 people have now completed the questionnaire. The research is described in Reiss's book Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires that Motivate our Action and Define Our Personalities.

"We all share the same 16 goals, but what makes us different is how much we value each one," Reiss said.

"How much an individual values each of those 16 desires corresponds closely to what he or she likes and dislikes about religion."

Just saying there are alternative reasons for your religious feelings that don't require the existence of a supernatural being. It could be that religious people get all religious because religion fulfills needs that can't be met in the physical world. It all happens between their ears, though. Not real. Just a feeling.
Fair enough, I've been there. I'm not a "God made it happen" kind of guy, or "God will fix it for us". Not an out to not care about our planet, just the opposite really. It never gets boring having you guys tell me what my beliefs are. What a coincidence that you always frame them in darkness. LOL May you find maximum peace via whatever path or no path works best for you. I'll do the same.
Simply put,

You are a religious nut.

I'll keep that in mind in future discussions.
I'm not saying I believe the following, I'm posting this because there are better explanations for what you call "religious feelings". When confronted with two theories, the one that fits observable facts is the better one. Your theory, should be discarded. It is not a good one.

The psychology behind religious belief

In the end, the researchers identified 16 basic desires that we all share: acceptance, curiosity, eating, family, honor, idealism, independence, order, physical activity, power, romance, saving, social contact, status, tranquility and vengeance.

Reiss then developed a questionnaire, called the Reiss Motivation Profile, that measures how much people value each of these 16 goals. More than 100,000 people have now completed the questionnaire. The research is described in Reiss's book Who Am I? The 16 Basic Desires that Motivate our Action and Define Our Personalities.

"We all share the same 16 goals, but what makes us different is how much we value each one," Reiss said.

"How much an individual values each of those 16 desires corresponds closely to what he or she likes and dislikes about religion."

Just saying there are alternative reasons for your religious feelings that don't require the existence of a supernatural being. It could be that religious people get all religious because religion fulfills needs that can't be met in the physical world. It all happens between their ears, though. Not real. Just a feeling.
Could be, I like the feeling.
Thank you for engaging. The elements of quantum physics that have shaped my spiritual beliefs are wave particle duality, nonlocality and entabglement. I think the double slit experiment speaks to my belief that consciousness transcends space and time. Perhaps we have not reached a final conclusion on what it all means, I can accept that. But it certainly proves that the physical world is not as easy to interpret as we might like. Quantum entanglement pretty much disproves Einsteins theory of light being the fastest thing in the universe. This opens the door to all sorts of new thoughts.

What do you believe in?
Lol, physics amateur, how does entanglement disprove special relativity, and what is your explanation for dark energy and the expansion of the furthest reaches of the universe exceeding c.?
Lol, physics amateur, how does entanglement disprove special relativity, and what is your explanation for dark energy and the expansion of the furthest reaches of the universe exceeding c.?
It proves God exists and angels at each end of coupled particles.

Also means it's OK if we kill off life on this planet because we'll all go to another one to continue the cycle.
Lol, physics amateur, how does entanglement disprove special relativity, and what is your explanation for dark energy and the expansion of the furthest reaches of the universe exceeding c.?
I don’t think I said that it did. I think anything with mass is constrained by speed of light.
“How does entanglement disprove special relativity” me
I don’t think I said that it did. I think anything with mass is constrained by speed of light.
You don’t think? Let me help
“Quantum entanglement pretty much disproves Einsteins theory of light being the fastest thing in the universe” Bugeye
“How does entanglement disprove special relativity” me

You don’t think? Let me help
“Quantum entanglement pretty much disproves Einsteins theory of light being the fastest thing in the universe” Bugeye
Whatever the communication method is between entangled pairs, it is instantaneous, is it not? That would be faster than light.
Whatever the communication method is between entangled pairs, it is instantaneous, is it not? That would be faster than light.
What is you point after this ??
I don’t think I said that it did. I think anything with mass is constrained by speed of light.
Which is absolutely incorrect.
Stop with the physics. You have a hard time with basic science, and understanding weather versus climate
What is you point after this ??

Which is absolutely incorrect.
Stop with the physics. You have a hard time with basic science, and understanding weather versus climate
If you want to go faster than the speed of light you will need to separate from mass or cancel it out. What is the mass of your consciousness?