Bountiful Precipitation and Full Reservoirs in California

More fake news for criminals, repubes, and slow thinkers.
A good overview of obvious yet compelling issues. It's short on solutions, although it's not hard to work out what they might look like.

Moar! Is not better. It's profitable for corporations that need a constantly growing bottom line but past the point of sufficiency a better life doesn't require a bigger house, car, garden, toys, etc.

Conservation can be an aspirational value.
A good overview of obvious yet compelling issues. It's short on solutions, although it's not hard to work out what they might look like.

Moar! Is not better. It's profitable for corporations that need a constantly growing bottom line but past the point of sufficiency a better life doesn't require a bigger house, car, garden, toys, etc.

Conservation can be an aspirational value.

Vote Democrats in
“Although the North State saw historic precipitation during the winter of 2018/19, the prediction is no surprise for anyone who was unlucky to witness the past few fire seasons in NorCal up close. The massive precipitation and low-elevation snow during the winter actually hurt the situation, bringing down trees and brush to the ground to provide more fuels to worry about during the dry months.”

Big fire season predicted for NorCal.
“Steady reductions in sea ice are opening new passageways and new opportunities for trade," he continued. "This could potentially slash the time it takes to travel between Asia and the West by as much as 20 days."
"Arctic sea lanes could become the 21st century Suez and Panama Canals," Pompeo remarked.”

The only time the right even halfway acknowledges the rapid change in climate is to praise the benefits and excite the inevitable “investors”.
Why the concern and excitement about shortening routes between Asia and the USA? This coming from the very side crying around about globalization. The xenophobic symphony for ignoramuses.
Why the concern and excitement about shortening routes between Asia and the USA? This coming from the very side crying around about globalization. The xenophobic symphony for ignoramuses.
Remember the source; he's proud of the fact that he took classes to learn how to lie, cheat and steal.
Remember the source; he's proud of the fact that he took classes to learn how to lie, cheat and steal.
Speaking of sources... How about sourcing your stated "fact" that "the vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro"?

You know, it's one thing to fuck up a time or two and realize it, but you never learn. Everything you say is bullshit.
Speaking of sources... How about sourcing your stated "fact" that "the vast majority of Venezuelans support Maduro"?

You know, it's one thing to fuck up a time or two and realize it, but you never learn. Everything you say is bullshit.
Ah yes, the constant chewing my pant leg with one point, endlessly repeated.

Prove me wrong, clown.

For a liberal you sure seem to want a lot of wars for oil.
Ah yes, the constant chewing my pant leg with one point, endlessly repeated.

Prove me wrong, clown.

For a liberal you sure seem to want a lot of wars for oil.
When Republicans are in office always heavy in with defense contractor stocks
Ah yes, the constant chewing my pant leg with one point, endlessly repeated.

Prove me wrong, clown.

For a liberal you sure seem to want a lot of wars for oil.
Coward. Post evidence or you have lost... again.

You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it.
He's the flat earther of politics.
He certainly has a lot in common with them.
  • reliance on youtube videos
  • reliance on cult-like thought guides
  • reliance on dodgy, uneducated and just plain wrong sources
  • unwilling to acknowledge information contrary to his views
  • insistence that people watch every youtube video he drags up despite the previous ones he posted being utter crap
  • belief that a source, any source, is a good one if it validates his opinions regardless of their factuality
  • insults and demeans anybody who disagrees as being dumb, unenlightened or part of some conspiracy
  • deflects when caught in a bald faced lie
If anything, flat-Earthers are more honorable and honest than Tty in that they will continue to post sources despite people exposing those sources as worthless. Tty just whines that we picked on his sources and claims that he no longer needs to post sources - we should just take his word for it due to his self-professed intellectual superiority. Apparently Tty believes that posting a source, any source, is good enough. Using that logic, he must believe that blacks are inferior to whites because somebody posted a Stormfront article.

Bernie is an incubator for this sort of foolishness. They feel that they own the definition of Progressive and can denounce anybody who does not unquestioningly accept "Bernie's ideas". This is a cult of personality - same as Trump's.

They are both symptoms that we will hopefully recover from soon.
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Why do you care?
I don't have to care one bit about CO2 to know that living in harmony with nature and my fellow man is the way to go. To the extent I care about CO2 it is because, you, my fellow man and brother, are concerned about it and I care for you. So I am aware of my energy consumption and see conservation as the easiest way to do something in the here and now. I know that better technologies are coming and I look forward to transitioning to them because I expect this will not be my last life on this planet, nor yours.

I would hope that conserving energy for reasons other than reducing CO2 is okay with you, but I sense it may not be. You seem to come at me from a place of anger, frustration, low patience, distrust and disregard. Sadly, this will not help you reach your goals like you could if you marshaled your love for the planet in a more positive manner that invited cooperation and teamwork. An 'us vs. them' attitude will not solve much, just distract. We are all of the same source energy but very individual in our attitudes. If we choose to love one another, we can get anything done because it will be in our collective interest to do so and it will feel right.

Alas, if we are unable to prevent destroying ourselves on this planet, there are other planets that we can inhabit in future lives. But I have a great love for this planet and hope to see our species find the balance needed for sustaining life here. Thanks for asking.