Well-Known Member
Serious question, is it some sort of compulsion that makes you lie about everything,even the little meaningless stuff?
Serious answer, I don't accept your premise.Serious question, is it some sort of compulsion that makes you lie about everything,even the little meaningless stuff?
That is your prerogative.I don't accept anything that you post.
You see the loss as something we can just walk away from. The die-off of the Great Barrier Reef alone is staggering in its scope and loss of life as well as beauty that will never be seen again. Whales dying off. Rain forests going away. You treat it all as disposable. Mind blown.I don't have to care one bit about CO2 to know that living in harmony with nature and my fellow man is the way to go. To the extent I care about CO2 it is because, you, my fellow man and brother, are concerned about it and I care for you. So I am aware of my energy consumption and see conservation as the easiest way to do something in the here and now. I know that better technologies are coming and I look forward to transitioning to them because I expect this will not be my last life on this planet, nor yours.
I would hope that conserving energy for reasons other than reducing CO2 is okay with you, but I sense it may not be. You seem to come at me from a place of anger, frustration, low patience, distrust and disregard. Sadly, this will not help you reach your goals like you could if you marshaled your love for the planet in a more positive manner that invited cooperation and teamwork. An 'us vs. them' attitude will not solve much, just distract. We are all of the same source energy but very individual in our attitudes. If we choose to love one another, we can get anything done because it will be in our collective interest to do so and it will feel right.
Alas, if we are unable to prevent destroying ourselves on this planet, there are other planets that we can inhabit in future lives. But I have a great love for this planet and hope to see our species find the balance needed for sustaining life here. Thanks for asking.
If I had the ability to save the planet, I would. All I can do is my part. Blessings to you.You see the loss as something we can just walk away from. The die-off of the Great Barrier Reef alone is staggering in its scope and loss of life as well as beauty that will never be seen again. Whales dying off. Rain forests going away. You treat it all as disposable. Mind blown.
You are reading fiction as if it were fact. Actually, we only have this planet to live on. The other planets are out of reach until we solve many technical issues, the largest being staggering distances to them.
But my comment was more a mocking of you, not a real question. I already know you have no soul. I was mocking you for your empty words.
If you really want that then Vote Democrats in.If I had the ability to save the planet, I would. All I can do is my part. Blessings to you.
Most of my interactions on this site with democrats are not very inviting. But I will consider it. I very much like Mary Ann Williamson, Mayor Pete, Bernie, Joe (wish he hadn't drafted the forfeiture law), and a couple others. Thank you.If you really want that then Vote Democrats in.
A staggering level of ignorance shown in the posts of yours above and below.Most of my interactions on this site with democrats are not very inviting. But I will consider it. I very much like Mary Ann Williamson, Mayor Pete, Bernie, Joe (wish he hadn't drafted the forfeiture law), and a couple others. Thank you.
Alas, if we are unable to prevent destroying ourselves on this planet, there are other planets that we can inhabit in future lives.
You are welcome. I do believe there are other planets where our souls can be attached to biological organisms for life experiences. Consciousness transcends space and time so getting there is not an issue for souls not currently on earth. No worries if you do not share this belief. I understand.A staggering level of ignorance shown in the posts of yours above and below.
You defend fascists, talk of the earth as if it were a disposable object and then wonder why you get short shrift from people who respond as the do to you because you are as easy to read. You blame others for revealing your lies. Just like pad, tty and sky, your replies show you blame others for not falling for your lies.
Thanks for the sig line, btw.
OMGYou are welcome. I do believe there are other planets where our souls can be attached to biological organisms for life experiences. Consciousness transcends space and time so getting there is not an issue for souls not currently on earth. No worries if you do not share this belief. I understand.
lol, I believe it. I could be wrong. But with my beliefs comes zero fear of death, no need to worry, and the experience of living life in joy, gratitude and appreciation. Not a bad down side!I believe you're a compulsive liar and if you believe your last post I'll add you're a escaped mental patient.
I am spiritual, not religious. I am not a member of any religious organization. I believe the earth is kind of spherical, not quite perfect, it bulges a bit in the middle.OMG
You are a religious nut. You are basically saying we can write the planet off because God will save us.
Flat earther too?
You say you believe (fill in the blank) will save us so it's OK to ruin this planet for human habitation. Religion requires belief in a supernatural without proof. Splitting hairs about the difference between spirituality and religion is just another way of deflecting.I am spiritual, not religious. I am not a member of any religious organization. I believe the earth is kind of spherical, not quite perfect it bulges a bit in the middle.
I would expect you to take this position. No worries. I take it you are in the materialism camp that believes we think because we exist? I'm in the idealism camp that believes we exist because we think. I believe science supports this view. I was formerly a materialist but had to accept the evidence. Good luck on your personal journey of discovery, the truth is out there. lolYou say you believe (fill in the blank) will save us so it's OK to ruin this planet for human habitation. Religion requires belief in a supernatural without proof. Splitting hairs about the difference spirituality and religion is just another way of deflecting.
You are a religious nut because that's what you have revealed yourself to be. You can default back to being a jailhouse lawyer and pick at what the definition of religion is. Too funny you fell back into that mode. Trump and neofascism have ruined your mind.
You are a religious nut who believes God will save us when we deplete this planet of resources.I would expect you to take this position. No worries. I take it you are in the materialism camp that believes we think because we exist? I'm in the idealism camp that believes we exist because we think. I believe science supports this view. I was formerly a materialist but had to accept the evidence. Good luck on your personal journey of discovery, the truth is out there. lol
That too.I'm sticking with he's mental patient with internet access.