Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

Trumps WINNING every day I mean he said we would get tired of winning. But I haven't I mean iam we're WINNING when we wake up everyday and we're WINNING when we lay our heads down.
Triggered much?

who do you think will be indicted next by the special prosecutor?

do you think stormy daniels will reveal the trump dick pics and abortion he forced her to get?
lol. So the Democrat base is now only the most unstable, ignorant, naive, weak-minded and gender confused weirdos. You know, the ones who still watch and believe the likes of CNN and MSLGBTQDNCNBC.
what language is that? Completely incomprehensible. There are free apps that can do a better job of translating if you think that was English. Dmitri.
600 Million firearms in America right now. I'd like to know who and what force will come take our weapons!! Think of the LA riots. When a city gets pissed off you see what happens. What do you think it will look like when the entire country is pissed off and rioting? Some people are so stupid
Go to any meat and 3, ballgame, movie theater, factory, school, grocery store or night club in the south and you will see racial harmony. Average, everyday black and white folks get along just fine.
600 Million firearms in America right now. I'd like to know who and what force will come take our weapons!! Think of the LA riots. When a city gets pissed off you see what happens. What do you think it will look like when the entire country is pissed off and rioting? Some people are so stupid
Calm down grampa. We are talking about guns, not gums.

Nobody is talking about taking those away either.
Why do you think it's about a word? "Gringo" doesn't bother me.

Definition of race-baiting
: the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group
What racial group are you? White is not a race.
see # 5 Nothing upsets the #NotRacist stomach more than hearing the phrase “white people” used in any capacity. Only the term “white privilege” causes more consternation.
So we have BET, Black Entertainment Television and I watch it occasionally. Some good content. And everyone seems to accept this as OK, which it is.

Now what would happen if us white boys started up WET, White Entertainment Television?

I'll tell you... nobody in big cities would get to work or home from work as all interstates would be blocked with protesters. Since when does stopping traffic on the main arteries in a cities become protesting??? They should to be worth points whether they are black, white, yellow or green.