Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
You can't use other country's statistics because the history of said country makes that situation unique, along with current economics etc. Many African Americans are essentially perpetuating a destructive culture that keeps them locked in the past. That new movie black panther is one example of basically capitalizing on the situation. That certainly doesn't help either.
the point of looking at statistics in other countries is to try to find a common base point....the less common ground you find, the less evidence that race is a factor and more evidence it's societal. which is what i'm expecting to find.


Well-Known Member
Its got nothing to do with the US. Blacks make up most of the homicides on planet earth. Not just in the US. Just use the search engines to confirm that. Facts aren't racist. Although, theres no point in mentioning it. Its not gonna make race relations any better or lower the homicide rate.
Bullshit. It is just that when whites kill, it is usually legal, because the hyper-violent whites have subjugated the planet in order to exploit its resources. White people have always been extremely violent. I usually assume white people are armed and carrying deadly microbes. History doesn't lie.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. It is just that when whites kill, it is usually legal, because the hyper-violent whites have subjugated the planet in order to exploit its resources. White people have always been extremely violent. I usually assume white people are armed and carrying deadly microbes. History doesn't lie.
Our one-trick pony has returned for more race baiting. :sleep:

Creativity is not your forte. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
luckily you guys will be banned soon enough
I personally love to read their arguments.
Nah, actually I'm sick as shit about it because every morning I turn on the news and read about some other inane bullshit artist trying to sell his pure shite to the American people and the world at large, and you should know whom I am talking about.
Sick of fucking Trump, but where would RIU be without those fucking idiots that love him?
Keep them coming, and I will have fun.
That's what RIU is about, right, having fun?
Fuck Trump, and anyone that thinks that he is a good POTUS.


Well-Known Member
Go to any meat and 3, ballgame, movie theater, factory, school, grocery store or night club in the south and you will see racial harmony. Average, everyday black and white folks get along just fine.


Active Member
Ok. At least you're not unhinged and lend some humor to your argument (deadly microbes..HA!). To be honest, If I were black I would not like it one bit if whites mentioned any statistics to put people of my color in a negative light or even supported any of the statistics that go with it for many reasons that justify the anger I received .
But you say white people are extremely violent. All white people? What percentage of the white population has killed or assaulted another legally? Is it that so many white people have committed legal atrocities and assaults that have not been recorded properly in the annals of history? Extremely violent? What is the rate of assault in predominantly white cities throughout this country? Is it extreme in comparison to Chicago?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Not really. It's your one-trick. That's why you do it and yes, it is easy. Projection is just a coping mechanism, don't shoot up a school when you have a meltdown, gringo.
How many times are you going to play the projection card for me and countless others?
That's so worn out, it doesn't even count as a "trick".

Hugs & kisses.
You will always be my little one-trick pony. 8)


Well-Known Member
the point of looking at statistics in other countries is to try to find a common base point....the less common ground you find, the less evidence that race is a factor and more evidence it's societal. which is what i'm expecting to find.
Direct race war was a issue in almost every country and ongoing in many. The race that ''win'' buy up or take the land/business and pass it down the family line. The side that lost will be set back economically (even when racism no longer exists) for X duration entirely depending on said races ability to work it's way out of the economic trench. The economic factor is the only common ground.

However, for all upfront racism may not exist it does not take away the fact that African Americans are still suffering from the past actions that lead to economic discrepancy. They got off the race blocks last but theirs no restart.. so sit on the line complaining or catch up.

Imagine for a second that the African Americans were Jewish. We would not be having this conversation.