BlackHash's Mushroom Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
There's also a "Chicken of the Forest" which is said to taste like chicken meat. I wanna try that, Lion's Mane, Portabello's, and Shitake's.

What are regular mushrooms called? My mom said button mushrooms or something...


Well-Known Member
There's also a "Chicken of the Forest" which is said to taste like chicken meat. I wanna try that, Lion's Mane, Portabello's, and Shitake's.

What are regular mushrooms called? My mom said button mushrooms or something...
Have you tried Fly Agaric?? It tastes like you're eating a person. And it smells like shit.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure they are called button mushrooms.
I bought some that were whole fried mushrooms, button mushrooms, tasted so good.

And I am for sure going to grow Lion's Mane! I have seen those in the wild.

Yeah Fly Agaric is not good. Muscaria.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried Fly Agaric?? It tastes like you're eating a person. And it smells like shit.
I now feel the need to specify. A "Raw" person. Because I think if you cooked a person right, or just fried them up, they would probably taste pretty good. Not that I would do that in a nonapocalyptic scenario.


Active Member
Honestly, they probably would.
Almost every mammal tastes damn good so I see no reason why a human wouldn't taste good too.


Active Member
That's only 12 days in????

How long until you expect first harvest?
My bad bro, didn't see that you posted bongsmilie
It has been 12 days since I put the casing layer on it.
They first had to colonize the grain jars, which took a month and a half.
Then I mixed 1:1 with field capacity verm, and let that recover, which took about 3 days.
And now I'm on day 15, you better be ready for some updates today! (it's 1 am so morning I will take & upload pics)

I am hoping to harvest around the 25th or so, just before the 29th, because I'm planning on studying with someone whom I haven't seen in awhile, and wont see for awhile after the 29th.


Well-Known Member
There's also a "Chicken of the Forest" which is said to taste like chicken meat. I wanna try that, Lion's Mane, Portabello's, and Shitake's.

What are regular mushrooms called? My mom said button mushrooms or something...
You can get "kits" for all of these from fungi perfecti - they are just bags of spawn innoculated with instructions and they are a bit pricey for you (I know you don't have a lot of money) but it will get you into the stream and you can clone almost all mushrooms.

If you are getting interested in this stuff, there is one mushroom that you want to know about - Coprinus Comatus or shaggy mane. You cannot fuck this one up - there is no mushroom in north America (I don't know about the other regions) that looks or acts like this mushroom and it grows pretty much everywhere but the desert. Many years ago my buddies and I would insist on carrying a camp stove and butter everywhere we went during fall or spring. Eventually we would see a proud stand of manes, pull over, slice them up in butter and eat them on the spot - they are some of the most tastey mushrooms on the planet, second only to chanterelles and morels. You cannot mistake them for any other mushroom once you have seen them a few times. You have a few things to worry about but none of them are harmful -
1. They deliquiesce - in other words, they turn to slime from the bottom up when they start dispersing spores - if you don't get them early, they aren't very appetizing.
2. They tend to pick up heavy metals, pesticides and insecticides from the environment - If you see them growing by the side of busy highways you probably don't want them, or if they grow in golf courses, say, you might want to ask the grounds keeper what they use on their lawns before you eat them.

You can domesticate them and you can grow them in your present grow system - I have gotten a few to grow on grain but they don't much like it - they grow fairly well on worm castings but straw is what they really like. I have yet to get a second flush so unless you want to experiment with conditions - it is only barely worth the effort if you want to get a constant supply.

Shitakes are pretty easy to grow if you have the patience. They will grow on blocks of compressed sawdust or on logs (if you have the patience to wait).

Oyster mushrooms will reward you with 100 percent bioefficiency, if you get even close to doing it right you will get TONES of mushrooms - they grow on straw or paper waste. If you want to know a secret, I am working on a type of oyster that will grow on palm fonds. Ordinarily palm fronds take a long time to break down and they fill up the land fills here, a mushroom that would grow on them will break them down to wonderful soil, you can get paid to carry them away, and you can get a couple of dollars a lb for the mushrooms. And they taste damn good - the pink however is the least tasty (I think). You can get a strain of oyster to suit every predominant climate - there are hot weather oysters and cool oysters.

If you really want to go for the brass ring - try your hand at morels - if you can crack their life cycle and bring them into the lab you will be an instant millionare - so far one person has figured out the black morel, he was backed by investors and started Morel Mountain. His method is patented and I have tried it - and failed every time.

Or you can work on truffles - white or black and make even more money. You can buy saplings that are innoculated with truffle mycelium, plant the trees and if you are lucky they will grow


Active Member
I have a feeling my tray is fucked up..
Time to trash this and re-inoculate some grain.. that is, if they don't kick back in in the next few days.
Going to trash this FC and make some zombie tubs.
Let's hope for the best :)


Well-Known Member
That sucks man. Hoping for the best, what tek were you using again and u got a link to zombie tubs? You know im in the middle of my first mcycology adventure with brfs but im swithing to bulk soon so im interested to know what you think is happening?


Active Member
The tek I am using now is the Rez-Effect. It's a great tek but I'm pretty sure the reason it might fail is because of faulty FC design. Here is a link to Zombie Tubs. There are 5 pins showing, but most of the pins are bruised pretty badly. I'm not sure why they are bruising, but I think it could have something to do with not enough FAE. Some of the pins are seizing to grow also, only one has made a growth, and it's not even noticeable. (hence why I haven't updated with pictures.) I am going to take pictures of it so maybe I could get some help, or someone could tell me not to bother with it so I don't waste any more time when I could be colonizing jars.

2 of my 4 BRF jars are finished too, too bad I don't have a FC that is adequate enough to fruit cakes. They need an RH higher than 80% (which is the highest my FC goes). I'm hoping that the 100% colonized jars have a relatively long shelf life for me to get my shit together once again.


Active Member
Day 16
I have a problem here!
Some of the pins are bruising pretty bad, I took pictures of some of the pins, which, have been the same size for a couple of days. Do pins wait for all pins to show, then grow up together or something?

Here is a picture of the bulk tray.
Picture (2).jpgPicture (3).jpg

Then here are pictures of the pins, they are pretty bruised.
Picture (4).jpgPicture (1).jpg

Should I be worried?


Well-Known Member
I thought it had to be 100% colonized before it'll fruit. I think it looks fine, but I'm far from an expert xD


Active Member
Yeah it could very well be fine, I sure hope so!
But you can't really see the blue in the pictures as good as looking directly at them.
They are BLUE.


Active Member
I've been looking into it and I think that this tray is fine.
They are side-pinning like a motherfucker though, guess I should have put my foil tape to good use :p
Anyone know if side-pins are still edible?

And thanks BBQ!
Pins are already forming btw ;)


Active Member
Yup, I am doing a different method next grow too, can't wait!
Also going to be prepping my grain pretty soon, 3 qt jars of either WBS or Rye (where can I buy rye?)
Going to use a double tub method, that makes it where you never need to fan/mist, just start, and forget until harvest.