Bitch ass neighbors

Dude, you're overlooking the tenacity of your situation. She gets drunk, mad and starts posting your plant. Child protective services gets a warrant for a child safety check. Wait till they take your kids and tell you that you can get them back after a Stent in rehab, and multiple random piss test. Even if they don't go that far, with 7 kids legal cost can be a mf! Dem or Rep don't matter, local government wants your money and don't give a flying rats ass about you or your family. Start your indoor grow and let that plant die in front of her eyes. It's cheaper in the long run.
If this doesn't open your eyes idk what will
I would have just ignored the lady and not called the cops. I also would have left the plant in the spot you moved it back to where she can't see it.
Shouldn't of had it in plain sight to begin with but we all make mistakes sometimes
Option B:

Get rid of the plants and deal with that crazy bitch. Your 7 kids don't need to deal with that shit. And the husband sounds like he doesn't want to get involved in her craziness. Sounds just like my neighbors. Who are trained now, lol.

The dude didn't even get out of the truck and I know he doesn't want any confrontation. I haven't had a problem in years since I put her in her place, and have talked to them many times since and they are very nice, lol.
If this doesn't open your eyes idk what will
You never know humiliation until a judge says you...AND! Your wife have to go to rehab, parenting classes, and submit to random drug test. Then the wife for some reason gets her classes free but you get billed for yours. Plus court cost. How much does it cost to pay for 7 kids to see a psychologist in case you fucked up their heads. You'll think about it alot while you do community service walking down the side of the highway picking up trash. Did you know theres more than one type of community service? One to help pay court cost and another to help pay probation cost. The court one is real fun. They sent me to work in a church where everybody looked at me like I was a gay thief with AIDS. Go ahead and laugh, you can afford it. Get a good lawyer though, he'll only stretch the case for 6 months to a year. Two weeks at a time! or just go with the court appointed basterd, then your really screwed. Ask me how I know!

I can go on and on! For a fuckin plant!
Genius right?

It definitely wasn't an Einstein moment. :mrgreen:

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You never know humiliation until a judge says you...AND! Your wife have to go to rehab, parenting classes, and submit to random drug test. Then the wife for some reason gets her classes free but you get billed for yours. Plus court cost. How much does it cost to pay for 7 kids to see a psychologist in case you fucked up their heads. You'll think about it alot while you do community service walking down the side of the highway picking up trash. Did you know theres more than one type of community service? One to help pay court cost and another to help pay probation cost. The court one is real fun. They sent me to work in a church where everybody looked at me like I was a gay thief with AIDS. Go ahead and laugh, you can afford it. Get a good lawyer though, he'll only stretch the case for 6 months to a year. Two weeks at a time! or just go with the court appointed basterd, then your really screwed. Ask me how I know!

I can go on and on! For a fuckin plant!
Had to laugh when you said gay theif with AIDS, lol.
You never know humiliation until a judge says you...AND! Your wife have to go to rehab, parenting classes, and submit to random drug test. Then the wife for some reason gets her classes free but you get billed for yours. Plus court cost. How much does it cost to pay for 7 kids to see a psychologist in case you fucked up their heads. You'll think about it alot while you do community service walking down the side of the highway picking up trash. Did you know theres more than one type of community service? One to help pay court cost and another to help pay probation cost. The court one is real fun. They sent me to work in a church where everybody looked at me like I was a gay thief with AIDS. Go ahead and laugh, you can afford it. Get a good lawyer though, he'll only stretch the case for 6 months to a year. Two weeks at a time! or just go with the court appointed basterd, then your really screwed. Ask me how I know!

I can go on and on! For a fuckin plant!
I had rehab longgggggg time ago with some people who had their kids taken away and they would just start crying in the middle of sessions because they lost their kids...
Why in the world would you get the law involved? Even if everything on your end is 100% legal. Unless it was for coming out onto the porch to scream on your kids mid Only Fans photoshoot. I could probably get behind that. But at the same time she was probably trying to get into the right headspace and your loud ass kids were killing the vibe.
Whole time the husband has been sayin " now honey don't call the cops he might smoke with me"

Wife "shut up and give me $3 for some more vodka"

Ditch the plant. It’s not worth it. Looks good, but it is a small plant and way early.

Main thing is she probably has photos of it. I know it seems stupid over such a small plant, but the cops wont see it that way. That’s damning evidence and an easy slam dunk for the police. Don’t give them the satisfaction (the cops or the cunt)
I had rehab longgggggg time ago with some people who had their kids taken away and they would just start crying in the middle of sessions because they lost their kids...

I had to go through some ordered stuff back in my 20's. Not rehab but anger management. I got kicked out for getting mad and yelling at them. I was only mad because I had to sit through these stupid meetings with idiots trying to get me to open up and tell them my feelings. I told them to kiss my ass.

They called the next day to tell me that I was kicked out of the program for failing to participate or some crap. Ended up having to pick up trash and then spent a weekend in the county jail because I refused. 2 days of mingling with the undesirables was better than weeks of some stupid anger management crap or being seen picking up trash on the side of the road. It wasn't that bad. They had a book cart that they brought around and I grabbed a book and either read or slept. I never finished that book and it still bothers me to this day.
I personally wouldn't have rocked the random onies boat. If my neighbor broke me off a couple chillum pulls as I was dragging my garbage cans out to the curb, I would take any amount of verbal abuse from his crazy wife.
I had to go through some ordered stuff back in my 20's. Not rehab but anger management. I got kicked out for getting mad and yelling at them. I was only mad because I had to sit through these stupid meetings with idiots trying to get me to open up and tell them my feelings. I told them to kiss my ass.

They called the next day to tell me that I was kicked out of the program for failing to participate or some crap. Ended up having to pick up trash and then spent a weekend in the county jail because I refused. 2 days of mingling with the undesirables was better than weeks of some stupid anger management crap or being seen picking up trash on the side of the road. It wasn't that bad. They had a book cart that they brought around and I grabbed a book and either read or slept. I never finished that book and it still bothers me to this day.
Bro they had me do some recycling and they put me in plastic and if the bottles have liquid in it still we had to pour it out....the milk jugs were like tear gas lmao so Everytime I recycle a bottle or jug I empty you never know who's day you just made a lot easier

Then I had rehab with this dude from was still illegal in my state at the time....he used to get so pissed because he said he use grow quarter pound plants and now he's in rehab because he moved...they would make us admit our addictions and it just bothered this dude so much...lmao
I personally wouldn't have rocked the random onies boat. If my neighbor broke me off a couple chillum pulls as I was dragging my garbage cans out to the curb, I would take any amount of verbal abuse from his crazy wife.
OP smokes with husband while taking trash out*

Husband walks in blistered*

Wife " you tell the neighbors fuck off"

Husband "I spent that $3 on some Cheetos"
Things can get out of hand really fast over nothing.

Just binge watched this one because I'd heard one of the episodes happened here in my neck of woods. I couldnt imagine having neighbors so close and dealing with some of that nonsense.

We live in boonies but at camp things are a little tighter. We host a lot of outdoor gathering during the summer and have never had a single noise complaint...which is a blessing cuz once you involve the law, that changes things.

I could even deal with some shrieking nutty lush beaving the neighborhood but involving the law? Nope.
I had to go through some ordered stuff back in my 20's. Not rehab but anger management. I got kicked out for getting mad and yelling at them. I was only mad because I had to sit through these stupid meetings with idiots trying to get me to open up and tell them my feelings. I told them to kiss my ass.

They called the next day to tell me that I was kicked out of the program for failing to participate or some crap. Ended up having to pick up trash and then spent a weekend in the county jail because I refused. 2 days of mingling with the undesirables was better than weeks of some stupid anger management crap or being seen picking up trash on the side of the road. It wasn't that bad. They had a book cart that they brought around and I grabbed a book and either read or slept. I never finished that book and it still bothers me to this day.
Oh damn, they must have picked you up at the beginning of the week. I got picked up on Thursday and had to rot till Sunday. No bail. The air conditioning was broke in the county jail. All you could do is lay there and sweat. Then when you get out the property room is closed, so no wallet, ID, house keys, money, watch, wedding band, nothing. So then you have to walk home 15 miles with your shoes flopping cause you couldn't get your shoe strings back either.

I could go on............oh almost forgot....for a fuckin Plant!