Bitch ass neighbors

Never cast the first stone. Sets the bar. If you're not legal it's best to kiss the neighbors ass. Bring them lots of free shit cut their grass for them even if they're dicks. That way they'll be less inclined to have the guy who cuts their grass for free, gives them free shit, and keeps the neighborhood tidy sent to jail.
For an ounce ....... lol. Ya I’d have a hard time doing that lol. We can buy ounces of blueberry for $60 at the reserve dispensary (just bought one to try it) so if it was me, yes things are very different here, I’d probably be a very bad neighbour lol.
49.5% are permanently blind from looking at that picture you posted. The other 49.5% used it as a screensaver. I'm in the 1% that only suffered from temporary blindness and will not be scrolling back to take another look.
Mmhm yea I believe you lol
I was thinking the same thing from the gate. She could get CPS involved and fuck his shit up good. I have had situations like this in the past and I ALWAYS opted to cut my losses. She has pics of the plant I’m sure and it is just a matter of getting mad enough or drunk enough to report him. You can always regrow a plant and it sucks but not as much as having your life turned upside down and have some bullshit on your record
Yea I'm thinkin yall right tho. Would anything be smokable on it yet?
Is it an auto? It would probably get you high, maybe not the high you’re looking for. Could be racy feeling like a sativa.