Bitch ass neighbors

Big difference between being civil/minding your own and being someones doormat.
There's a fine line that some can take, most can't. Like I said in another thread recently, I miss the days when everybody was a criminal. Not saying they are better, just that I miss them.
There's a fine line that some can take, most can't. Like I said in another thread recently, I miss the days when everybody was a criminal. Not saying they are better, just that I miss them.
It is a fine line but most of whats being said already goes without saying
Lmao I just realized she wasnt wearing pants at all. That's awsome. I though she had pjs on and her scabs were little bears or flowers on her PJs. Lmfao. I was looking and like wheres this puss shot everyone's talking about when I realized she had no pants on.