Bitch ass neighbors

Never cast the first stone. Sets the bar. If you're not legal it's best to kiss the neighbors ass. Bring them lots of free shit cut their grass for them even if they're dicks. That way they'll be less inclined to have the guy who cuts their grass for free, gives them free shit, and keeps the neighborhood tidy sent to jail.
I get the Karen thing but whats a good name for an aggressive middle aged black woman thats acting hilarious? Loranda? Keke? Its important to distinguish these differences incase society ever has to deal with someone like that. I know I dont want anyone feeling less than equal in these peter pan times

Use Bitch… it’s universal
Never cast the first stone. Sets the bar. If you're not legal it's best to kiss the neighbors ass. Bring them lots of free shit cut their grass for them even if they're dicks. That way they'll be less inclined to have the guy who cuts their grass for free, gives them free shit, and keeps the neighborhood tidy sent to jail.
Free shit? Cut their grass? For being a sloppy drunk? FUCK THAT. Nothing is that important, even growing, where I'd turn myself into the neighborhood chore boy cuck. Especially for a lush neighbor whose yard probably looks like shit anyways.

She's a drunk. A drunk is a drunk ia drunk. You can be the best neighbor on the block and all's it would take is one blackout drunk away from her calling the cops.
I get the Karen thing but whats a good name for an aggressive middle aged black woman thats acting hilarious? Loranda? Keke? Its important to distinguish these differences incase society ever has to deal with someone like that. I know I dont want anyone feeling less than equal in these peter pan times

Uhh. Still Karen. You just made that name pro white lmfao. And it’s not.
Free shit? Cut their grass? For being a sloppy drunk? FUCK THAT. Nothing is that important, even growing, where I'd turn myself into the neighborhood chore boy cuck. Especially for a lush neighbor whose yard probably looks like shit anyways.

She's a drunk. A drunk is a drunk ia drunk. You can be the best neighbor on the block and all's it would take is one blackout drunk away from her calling the cops.
You're right fight with them and live in anxiety not being able to grow or enjoy your own house. A drunks a drunk but they still remember the person who gives them booze
Some people enjoy conflict some don't. Personally I've had shitty neighbours and I know how it feels to deal with it. There is no real solution other than move. If you have the capacity to fight and argue with someone then all the power to you. I have way better things to do/think about
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Neighbor guy was shooin his wife back in the house. He was cool. And I also know he smoke. And Durban poisoner I would at least harvest what's there instead of jus tossing it. Yes complaints are relevant in my area. And my question is would whats there if I had to harvest soon get me stoned
you are best to grow straight in ground here. At least all they will do is chop down the plant. Here on indoor grows they will weigh everything including the lights, the tent. If growing in dwc they weigh the water. My son is a police officer that let me now this during Christmas dinners at my house. And this backwards state is Texas

Back in the 80's there was a rumor around here that they'd lock you up in Texas for a single seed. I don't know if that was true but we believed it then.

Years ago I bought a bag while I was in Orlando. Like an idiot I decided to bring back what I had left. I had to switch planes in Houston. When I realized I was in Texas with a bag of weed I got kind of nervous. I sure was glad when that plane took off for Portland.