Biden's Border Crisis

Do you approve of Biden's Border Policy?

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Both my 6 years old nephew, and 4 years old niece, are Bilingual. Their father, is from Sweden, and they can speak, and understand one, as well as the other.

About a month ago, my nephew started saying something to his dad, and his dad coudnt understand him, and he asked my nephew? What are you talking about, and he informed him, he has been teaching himself Finnish, with the help of the computer. Now the little fucker, is becoming pretty darn good at speaking, and understanding, Finnish.

Though, really, kids are smarter, than many give them credit for. At least many are. Mozarts uncle, was already jealous of him, when Mozart, was 3 years old, so he would lock up the sheet music, in a safe at night, and at 3 years of age, Mozart would sneak downstairs, and copy the musical notation, by candlelight. So at age 3 Mozart, could already read music, and completely understood it.

I went to a Catholic school, in the 60s-70s. Early on, if you wanted to be an alter boy ( Of which I didnt ) you had to learn the mass, in Latin.
It was Mandatory to take Latin, in 9th-10th grades. We also had some really good teachers. Most of the Nuns, and Priests, are PHD, and they would hire anyone that either was working on a Masters, or already had one. My 6th grade teacher, sister Elerita, was a PHD in Math. Chemistry teacher was a PHD. Her nickname was Bugger. She got seen, feeding a bugger, to the fish. Goes to show you everyones got something!!!!!

My wife is from the Philippines, and worked in both Singapore, and Cypress, as a live in caregiver. She started when she was 18-28. Her first employers were Chinese, both dentists, living in Singapore, and she had to learn to understand them. Which was a combination of Mandarin, and English, which is what most of the Chinese, in Singapore speak. Then, she went to Cypress, and had a Greek employer, so she had to pick up on that ect. And not counting her native Tagalog, she can speak, and understand 3-4 different dialects of Filipina. Basic Filipina is called Tagalog. And many of the other dialects,, are nothing like Tagalog.

I myself?? I speak East Kentucky!!! Hillbilly that is!!!! She says my penmanship, looks like a 1st grader.

Im also 100% against stopping teaching people, how to write Cursive. WTF???? I dont know who started that idea, but its a bad one.
Both my 6 years old nephew, and 4 years old niece, are Bilingual. Their father, is from Sweden, and they can speak, and understand one, as well as the other.

About a month ago, my nephew started saying something to his dad, and his dad coudnt understand him, and he asked my nephew? What are you talking about, and he informed him, he has been teaching himself Finnish, with the help of the computer. Now the little fucker, is becoming pretty darn good at speaking, and understanding, Finnish.

Though, really, kids are smarter, than many give them credit for. At least many are. Mozarts uncle, was already jealous of him, when Mozart, was 3 years old, so he would lock up the sheet music, in a safe at night, and at 3 years of age, Mozart would sneak downstairs, and copy the musical notation, by candlelight. So at age 3 Mozart, could already read music, and completely understood it.

I went to a Catholic school, in the 60s-70s. Early on, if you wanted to be an alter boy ( Of which I didnt ) you had to learn the mass, in Latin.
It was Mandatory to take Latin, in 9th-10th grades. We also had some really good teachers. Most of the Nuns, and Priests, are PHD, and they would hire anyone that either was working on a Masters, or already had one. My 6th grade teacher, sister Elerita, was a PHD in Math. Chemistry teacher was a PHD. Her nickname was Bugger. She got seen, feeding a bugger, to the fish. Goes to show you everyones got something!!!!!

My wife is from the Philippines, and worked in both Singapore, and Cypress, as a live in caregiver. She started when she was 18-28. Her first employers were Chinese, both dentists, living in Singapore, and she had to learn to understand them. Which was a combination of Mandarin, and English, which is what most of the Chinese, in Singapore speak. Then, she went to Cypress, and had a Greek employer, so she had to pick up on that ect. And not counting her native Tagalog, she can speak, and understand 3-4 different dialects of Filipina. Basic Filipina is called Tagalog. And many of the other dialects,, are nothing like Tagalog.

I myself?? I speak East Kentucky!!! Hillbilly that is!!!! She says my penmanship, looks like a 1st grader.

Im also 100% against stopping teaching people, how to write Cursive. WTF???? I dont know who started that idea, but its a bad one.

I grew up in W. KY. with my 4 siblings. Brother, we are both very lucky to have gotten a top-notch education in KY. Bless our parents.

I quit the altar boy gig on the first day of training. Felt pressured to be there and hated it. Thought I'd get a little flak for dropping on the first day but the only ones that seemed disappointed were the priests. That was a good lesson for a shy young kid, it's OK to say no. Said it a lot thereafter.
I have a small, but not great, vested interest in this because I was raised in a Canadian DND environment, so French as a 2nd language was a part of the curriculum from grade one. What I'm curious about is the video in the first link where it sounded like all students will be taking both English and Spanish. Is this true, or will it be some type of extra course that a student or the student's parents can request to take if they want to?
its the same as canada, but some schools can be specifically bilingual my point was CC school hes talking about was never specifically Spanish speaking only the ONLY one certified bilingual which is absolutely needed was the one i posted about and that was 22
The first link was about Western Gateway Elementary, a charter school that a student would opt-in and be accepted in order to attend. There is nothing about concurrent Spanish/English in the Cesar Chavez Elementary School's website although they probably do have some sort of bilingual education services available. But I'm speculating because I could find nothing specific about bilingual education at that school, either in the news or in their website.

Basically, it seems that there was an earlier post made by somebody who had an ax to grind and wasn't bound by the truth or facts.

The headline in the first link says it all:

Oklahoma City’s first bilingual school opens enrollment for 2021-22 school year

So, no. Cesar Chavez isn't a bilingual school or wasn't as of 2022. Western Gateway was the first and as far as I can tell from my seat in Oregon, no other school in OKC has announced that they are the second one. This includes Cesar Chavez Elementary.
yes exactly what i was saying
The Mexicans like American jobs, but this time on their side of the border, Mexico is booming, but that's ok, so is America with massive jobs growth and a shortage of employees. The reason why the price of your fast food is so high is a labor shortage in the services industry and those migrants could use green cards. Not to be nice, but for money gringo and bring the price of that burger down a bit. They aren't Mexicans either, they are from central America and America caused a lot of the chaos that they are fleeing from by destroying their democracies in the 50s, 60s and 70s (Kissinger and Chile come to mind as well as the United Fruit company) and today by providing a market for drugs and a source for guns.
The Mexicans like American jobs, but this time on their side of the border, Mexico is booming, but that's ok, so is America with massive jobs growth and a shortage of employees. The reason why the price of your fast food is so high is a labor shortage in the services industry and those migrants could use green cards. Not to be nice, but for money gringo and bring the price of that burger down a bit. They aren't Mexicans either, they are from central America and America caused a lot of the chaos that they are fleeing from by destroying their democracies in the 50s, 60s and 70s (Kissinger and Chile come to mind as well as the United Fruit company) and today by providing a market for drugs and a source for guns.

A bit out of my regular zone, but that Maduro dude in Venezuela is making a lot of democracy seeking citizens of that country run like hell to Lady Liberty. Just for a different spin...America has to accommodate some of these people with a real solution to the issues.

A bit out of my regular zone, but that Maduro dude in Venezuela is making a lot of democracy seeking citizens of that country run like hell to Lady Liberty. Just for a different spin...America has to accommodate some of these people with a real solution to the issues.

Yep, and it is a rural urban divide with bigotry too, Maduro gets his support from poor rural natives who don't notice the chaos in the cities, they are subsistence farmers and live like their ancestors did for thousands of years, with some modern conveniences. It's basically what MAGA would do to America, destroy the place.
They likely want their voters to forget that they shot that last border bill down.
Right, they screwed themselves when they shot down a bill that gave them what they had been demanding. So now it's all about Biden's functional decline, which is about as real at the crisis at the border that they were all so up in arms over.

I'm looking forward to seeing Biden own them again like he did last year at the State of the Union address. Watching Margorie Greene scream in anger at Biden using her own words against her was priceless.
Right, they screwed themselves when they shot down a bill that gave them what they had been demanding. So now it's all about Biden's functional decline, which is about as real at the crisis at the border that they were all so up in arms over.

I'm looking forward to seeing Biden own them again like he did last year at the State of the Union address. Watching Margorie Greene scream in anger at Biden using her own words against her was priceless.
The R tactics flip flopping between no aid til border bill/then killing border bill/then aid bill solo killing that due to border is the "Peanut's" Lucy pulling back the football from C. Brown. How do MAGAnites rectify this and not get the slightest inkling that they are being outright dissed intellectually. With such an outrageously obvious 180's thrown in their faces in such short order the R party must infer that their electorate are "IQ challenged" ,"Special Needs' or whatever other cute term to describe lack of intelligence.This is fillibustering without a fillibuster,OBVIOUS OBSTRUCTION, refusal to govern that a 10 yo could figure out.What a sad,sorry record this House has under R control,complete abstinence of responsibility,empty shells in suits,drama and histrionics with no accomplishments of substance. While they were impeaching Mayorkus in a sham vote they were losing a NY seat,this current House of reps needs a pest control treatment as it has a rodent issue.How can any American other than a racist,way far right hater not be moved by complete legislative inertia enacted by R's pandering to the musings of a un-elected shameless psycophant come election time.?