Biden's Border Crisis

Do you approve of Biden's Border Policy?

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There may be some exaggeration in my post, but the underlying 4 or 5 issues are still present. I don't have the mental health capacity to keep up with it all, the time/energy to put myself in the sphere of public discourse, the patients and decorme to debate with imbeciles. This is MAGAt territory. A location that has been a national spotlight on the bookbaning fiasco.
If ya want to go down the rabbit hole just look up news headlines of the Spotsylvania County school board, I'm sure it would be hilarious to an univested bystander.

I didn't mean my comments to be judgemental or condescending. But to reflect that none of us have control of what public education our kids recieve, and only limited influence.
My daughter entered kindergarten knowing her ABCs being able to count accurately to 20, do some basic arithmetic. My son will not. The difference is my influence and environment that I provided. I spent the years at the end of and after the pandemic failing myself and intern failed my son. I don't pass judgemental on parents who can't/don't take the most active roles in their kids early education, it's hard for everyone and not possible in all life sercumstances. But that dose not mean we should place blame on others in our community, it is the job of schools to serve the educational needs of their community and it is unfortunate that the needs of your community are not in line with what is best for your child's personal education.
Dude, your posts are more coherent and filled with worthy points than many that I've read. I hope that you continue to do so. I'll check out the educational challenges in Spotsylvania County but I won't be laughing, I can assure you. More than likely a low grade rage will be my response.
Dude, your posts are more coherent and filled with worthy points than many that I've read. I hope that you continue to do so. I'll check out the educational challenges in Spotsylvania County but I won't be laughing, I can assure you. More than likely a low grade rage will be my response.
It's not all bad, at least there is some money in our schools. Most of the teachers have been wonderful. While it is quite red in all the wrong ways near me, development is creating a chang in overall demographic. We have great parks. Lots of extracurricular opportunity. We just (or are about to) fire(d) our wackado school supervisor. I really felt as though my county was a microcosm of the trump political climate, and some return to normalcy is happening/on the horizon. But now I feel I have hijacked this tread and taken it well off it's intended subject. So I will just get to the end point that more national and state educational funding and oversight should be a voting concern for most Americans.
And I really don't give a damn if the people getting that better education are children of legal or illegal citizens as I have to live and deal with all of them and don't want to live in a society of idiots of any race
Looks like it's the republican's border crises, since they are the one's refusing to fix the problem. They use it to frighten bigoted morons who they lied to and conned, more suckers, who don't really know WTF is going on. They act like a herd of sheep and are treated that way by the republican leadership, it's not just Trump conning them. Many also con themselves and become victims of their conditioning and propaganda, unable to rise above it and evolve as human beings.

Looks like it's the republican's border crises, since they are the one's refusing to fix the problem. They use it to frighten bigoted morons who they lied to and conned, more suckers, who don't really know WTF is going on. They act like a herd of sheep and are treated that way by the republican leadership, it's not just Trump conning them. Many also con themselves and become victims of their conditioning and propaganda, unable to rise above it and evolve as human beings.

This is being driven by Trump's deal with Putin regarding Ukraine. Nothing will get done for either border security or Ukraine until next year and maybe not even then. Trump and his GOP MAGA have every incentive to block aid for both and they will do that regardless of political blowback.
This is being driven by Trump's deal with Putin regarding Ukraine. Nothing will get done for either border security or Ukraine until next year and maybe not even then. Trump and his GOP MAGA have every incentive to block aid for both and they will do that regardless of political blowback.

The Dems are so going to clean up in November.

I foresee that they rule the house and senate and go at least two more terms unless they pick a real looser to replace Joe after his 2nd is over.

Biden is probably the best President for the People since JFK and all but the truly stupid magats will come to see that before the repubs ever have another chance. How much of their base did they just lose over this Taylor Swift craziness alone I wonder. Only the hardcore will be left by Nov as they are pissing off so many facets of society and that's maybe 30% of available voters.

Sure a lot of dems think Biden is too old but with his experience he has the respect of most world leaders and really knows how to get along with everybody. With the mess the world is in I can't think of anyone else who could do that job half as well.

The future's so bright we're gonna need shades! Aviators of course. :)

The Dems are so going to clean up in November.

I foresee that they rule the house and senate and go at least two more terms unless they pick a real looser to replace Joe after his 2nd is over.

Biden is probably the best President for the People since JFK and all but the truly stupid magats will come to see that before the repubs ever have another chance. How much of their base did they just lose over this Taylor Swift craziness alone I wonder. Only the hardcore will be left by Nov as they are pissing off so many facets of society and that's maybe 30% of available voters.

Sure a lot of dems think Biden is too old but with his experience he has the respect of most world leaders and really knows how to get along with everybody. With the mess the world is in I can't think of anyone else who could do that job half as well.

The future's so bright we're gonna need shades! Aviators of course. :)

Considering that the way they completely bungled the border issue, one that they held as a Trump card against anything Democrats did well, such as the economy and employment, I agree. Intentional or not, these guys act as if they want to lose in November.

And Yet. I think they are acting in their interests regardless of what happens in November. I think they will screw themselves in order to serve the Russian dictator by handing him Ukraine. Apparently issues with immigration and administering border security (it's not a crisis) are ones that Trump doesn't want addressed either.

Fixing the border crisis is bad for Trump and good for Biden. That's the problem.

But with immigration, there is no cost for him to pay, no multimillion dollar verdict to hold him accountable.

It’s all upside for Trump as he tries to kill the bipartisan effort, which poses a threat to his attempted return to the White House. Congress actually doing its job on Biden's watch would hurt Trump's chances.

Never mind that they just did Democrats a big favor by saying it out loud. The dumbasses said on the record that they didn't want to move the bill forward because it might make Biden look good. They handed Democrats the audio and photo record to show to the US public that Republicans are at fault for this recent failure to reach a deal over border security. But it doesn't matter to GOP leadership. Trump, who has caused the GOP to underperform in three consecutive elections, losing two for them, has zero political skill but is all powerful in the GOP. The article linked above talks about what happens when a Republican does the right thing when Trump stupidly says otherwise. It's almost impossible to get a politician to do something that is against their interests and this is why tying aid to Ukraine with addressing issues over immigration and border security means both won't get done this year. Trump won't let either happen.

I agree that this election could be a sweep for Democrats and next year will probably be a good time to repair the damage Trump and his MAGA caused this year. Damage will be addressed, just like Democrats did in 2021, when Biden put in motion the great recovery that we are benefitting from today. Let's just hope that Ukraine and border security won't be added to the list of hundreds of thousands of US casualties due to Trump's acts. If the they do cause damage that results in failures, you can be sure they will be blamed on Biden and Democrats.

Because it is their nature.

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i smell bullshit as a school age parent ......
^^ only ONE bilingual school in OKC opened in 2022

This is no different than canada having french as second language your child wasn't taught exclusively Spanish it was introduced as a second language,
almost every country has a second language skill taught to kids :roll:

I have a small, but not great, vested interest in this because I was raised in a Canadian DND environment, so French as a 2nd language was a part of the curriculum from grade one. What I'm curious about is the video in the first link where it sounded like all students will be taking both English and Spanish. Is this true, or will it be some type of extra course that a student or the student's parents can request to take if they want to?
I have a small, but not great, vested interest in this because I was raised in a Canadian DND environment, so French as a 2nd language was a part of the curriculum from grade one. What I'm curious about is the video in the first link where it sounded like all students will be taking both English and Spanish. Is this true, or will it be some type of extra course that a student or the student's parents can request to take if they want to?

i had spanish as an elective when i went to school, figure it was a good idea being in Texas and all....still use a little bit of it today as well
I have a small, but not great, vested interest in this because I was raised in a Canadian DND environment, so French as a 2nd language was a part of the curriculum from grade one. What I'm curious about is the video in the first link where it sounded like all students will be taking both English and Spanish. Is this true, or will it be some type of extra course that a student or the student's parents can request to take if they want to?
The first link was about Western Gateway Elementary, a charter school that a student would opt-in and be accepted in order to attend. There is nothing about concurrent Spanish/English in the Cesar Chavez Elementary School's website although they probably do have some sort of bilingual education services available. But I'm speculating because I could find nothing specific about bilingual education at that school, either in the news or in their website.

Basically, it seems that there was an earlier post made by somebody who had an ax to grind and wasn't bound by the truth or facts.

The headline in the first link says it all:

Oklahoma City’s first bilingual school opens enrollment for 2021-22 school year

So, no. Cesar Chavez isn't a bilingual school or wasn't as of 2022. Western Gateway was the first and as far as I can tell from my seat in Oregon, no other school in OKC has announced that they are the second one. This includes Cesar Chavez Elementary.
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What was old is new again. It sounds like Trump hasn't updated his playbook even if he was wrong the first time.

Trump Has ‘No Doubt’ Refugees Will Stage a 9/11-Scale Attack in U.S.
By Chas Danner, staff editor at Intelligencer

Turns out that Trump acting presidential is indistinguishable from Trump acting like Trump. Photo: Mark Lyons/Getty Images
Fresh off insisting that his proposal to ban Muslims from America was “just a suggestion,” Donald Trump has now predicted that refugees with ISIS-funded cell phones will conduct another 9/11-like terrorist attack in the U.S. In a segment of Trump’s Sunday appearance on the National Border Patrol Council’s “Green Line” radio show, passed along by BuzzFeed News, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee agreed with the host that it would take another 9/11-scale event for Americans to “wake up about border security and take it seriously,” then proceeded to explain that he had “no doubt” the would-be attackers were already entering the country:

Bad things will happen — a lot of bad things will happen. There will be attacks that you wouldn’t believe. There will be attacks by the people that are right now that are coming into our country, because, I have no doubt in my mind. I mean you look at it, they have cell phones. So they don’t have money, they don’t have anything, they have cell phones? Who pays their monthly charges, right? They have cell phones with the flags, the ISIS flags on them. And then we’re supposed to say, ‘Isn’t this wonderful that we’re taking them in?’ We’re led by people that are either incompetent or they don’t have the best interest of our country

Trump ‘100% Certain’ Of Terror Attack Because Of Migrants, He Says
Ana Faguy
Forbes Staff
Jan 23, 2024,03:56pm EST

Trump criticized the Biden Administration’s response to the increasing number of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border while speaking with reporters outside a campaign stop in New Hampshire ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

The former president said millions of people were entering the U.S. and “a lot of terrorists are coming in.”

Trump then said it was “100% certain” there will be “some horrible acts, terror acts,” because of that increase in migration—a claim he then attributed to Hannity.
i had spanish as an elective when i went to school, figure it was a good idea being in Texas and all....still use a little bit of it today as well
Same here. Spanish was taught one hour a week in sixth grade and completing two years of education in a second language was a requirement of a High School diploma. Spanish was the elective I chose. I'm not bilingual by any means but what little that stuck is helpful to me.
Same here. Spanish was taught one hour a week in sixth grade and completing two years of education in a second language was a requirement of a High School diploma. Spanish was the elective I chose. I'm not bilingual by any means but what little that stuck is helpful to me.

mine started in HS, first 2 yrs we had to complete the main core, the next 2 yr, you main core was early in the morning but you had to fill 2 slots for an elective. Choices were French, German, Spanish. Figured living in the texas and the city i'm in Spanish was a good fit. Helped me a lot with my trips to mexico back in the day, cause if you didn't speak spanish, you were a mark basically. I still speak a little today, but not as much. Comes in handy in a lot of ways.

Being Bilingual is not a bad thing at all, i call it a plus honestly, if your fluent, man there are some great jobs out there......
Same here. Spanish was taught one hour a week in sixth grade and completing two years of education in a second language was a requirement of a High School diploma. Spanish was the elective I chose. I'm not bilingual by any means but what little that stuck is helpful to me.
It was not offered at my East Coast school. However here in the Southwest I have picked up some basics — not enough to effectively eavesdrop on native speakers, but enough to winkle out the billboards that come my way.

I did learn French in school … and when I visited, I was told my accent was strongly German. (French was taught from German there …) Being an American saved my derrière, since the parents of the adolescent crowd I hung with were deeply and lastingly grateful to US for the war, which had ended about 30 years ago at the time.
i had spanish as an elective when i went to school, figure it was a good idea being in Texas and all....still use a little bit of it today as well

Yeah. We also had French and Spanish electives in HS. In Junior High, the school I went to also had Italian as a main curriculum course for those who wanted it. It was setup that way, I believe, because the neighborhood had a very high Italian population. But those were separate schools (Catholic as opposed to public here).
The first link was about Western Gateway Elementary, a charter school that a student would opt-in and be accepted in order to attend. There is nothing about concurrent Spanish/English in the Cesar Chavez Elementary School's website although they probably do have some sort of bilingual education services available. But I'm speculating because I could find nothing specific about bilingual education at that school, either in the news or in their website.

Basically, it seems that there was an earlier post made by somebody who had an ax to grind and wasn't bound by the truth or facts.

The headline in the first link says it all:

Oklahoma City’s first bilingual school opens enrollment for 2021-22 school year

So, no. Cesar Chavez isn't a bilingual school or wasn't as of 2022. Western Gateway was the first and as far as I can tell from my seat in Oregon, no other school in OKC has announced that they are the second one. This includes Cesar Chavez Elementary.

Thanks. I did check that Chavez site briefly but didn't see anything suggesting a bi-lingual curriculum neither. They did have a course aimed at English for Spanish speaking kids. Not sure if that is reciprocated somewhere else in their curriculum though. I'm finding the ways your country and States runs things pretty fascinating, good or bad.