Biden's Border Crisis

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The R tactics flip flopping between no aid til border bill/then killing border bill/then aid bill solo killing that due to border is the "Peanut's" Lucy pulling back the football from C. Brown. How do MAGAnites rectify this and not get the slightest inkling that they are being outright dissed intellectually. With such an outrageously obvious 180's thrown in their faces in such short order the R party must infer that their electorate are "IQ challenged" ,"Special Needs' or whatever other cute term to describe lack of intelligence.This is fillibustering without a fillibuster,OBVIOUS OBSTRUCTION, refusal to govern that a 10 yo could figure out.What a sad,sorry record this House has under R control,complete abstinence of responsibility,empty shells in suits,drama and histrionics with no accomplishments of substance. While they were impeaching Mayorkus in a sham vote they were losing a NY seat,this current House of reps needs a pest control treatment as it has a rodent issue.How can any American other than a racist,way far right hater not be moved by complete legislative inertia enacted by R's pandering to the musings of a un-elected shameless psycophant come election time.?
Its a winning strategy for Trump. MAGA wants its king.
This MF compared himself to Navalny this morning on MSNBC,seeing him sit there w/Laura Ingraham (the Maga princess herself) while spewing his complete delusional BS on his documents case,what a FKN "MESSIAH COMPLEX" resides in his mind.HE hits a chord of hatred in me that has never been strummed.
One chord, struck over and over again loses its appeal over time. It's not my idea but I was struck by this when I heard it: A big difference between the Hillary Clinton campaign against Trump and the '24 Joe Biden campaign against Trump is that Trump's campaign was able to convince people Hillary was corrupt by releasing negative information about her on a regular basis over several months. Trump's campaign has what against Biden?

The Hunter Biden story already seems to have reached its maximum bandwidth, now that their star witness has confessed to relaying disinformation that he received FROM Russian spies.

What else do they have? Biden's classified information story has played out. Biden is old but so is Trump and Trump is corrupt.

Maybe Russia has some more psy ops prepared for the campaign but to counter any of that is Trump's nonsensical claims like "I'm a US Navalny" and the drip-drip-drip coming from court filings regarding the 91 indictments he's facing.

So, we come back to the border. Trump lost the GOP THAT issue when he demanded they NOT pass a bill that would have given them what they were asking for. It's not that GOP leaders like Sen. Tuberville can't claim Biden is still the cause of the border crisis but that line has lost its credibility for those who are still listening. And it's just one chord. Border, border, border. Over and over again for the next 7 months. Sure, it's a winning strategy for Trump right now but will it still be one in November?
One chord, struck over and over again loses its appeal over time. It's not my idea but I was struck by this when I heard it: A big difference between the Hillary Clinton campaign against Trump and the '24 Joe Biden campaign against Trump is that Trump's campaign was able to convince people Hillary was corrupt by releasing negative information about her on a regular basis over several months. Trump's campaign has what against Biden?

The Hunter Biden story already seems to have reached its maximum bandwidth, now that their star witness has confessed to relaying disinformation that he received FROM Russian spies.

What else do they have? Biden's classified information story has played out. Biden is old but so is Trump and Trump is corrupt.

Maybe Russia has some more psy ops prepared for the campaign but to counter any of that is Trump's nonsensical claims like "I'm a US Navalny" and the drip-drip-drip coming from court filings regarding the 91 indictments he's facing.

So, we come back to the border. Trump lost the GOP THAT issue when he demanded they NOT pass a bill that would have given them what they were asking for. It's not that GOP leaders like Sen. Tuberville can't claim Biden is still the cause of the border crisis but that line has lost its credibility for those who are still listening. And it's just one chord. Border, border, border. Over and over again for the next 7 months. Sure, it's a winning strategy for Trump right now but will it still be one in November?
and Spudtown blocking military promotions for over a year because abortion …
This MF compared himself to Navalny this morning on MSNBC,seeing him sit there w/Laura Ingraham (the Maga princess herself) while spewing his complete delusional BS on his documents case,what a FKN "MESSIAH COMPLEX" resides in his mind.HE hits a chord of hatred in me that has never been strummed.
With any luck, Donnie will also meet his end in prison, so this is just karma warming up to do its job.
One chord, struck over and over again loses its appeal over time. It's not my idea but I was struck by this when I heard it: A big difference between the Hillary Clinton campaign against Trump and the '24 Joe Biden campaign against Trump is that Trump's campaign was able to convince people Hillary was corrupt by releasing negative information about her on a regular basis over several months. Trump's campaign has what against Biden?

The Hunter Biden story already seems to have reached its maximum bandwidth, now that their star witness has confessed to relaying disinformation that he received FROM Russian spies.

What else do they have? Biden's classified information story has played out. Biden is old but so is Trump and Trump is corrupt.

Maybe Russia has some more psy ops prepared for the campaign but to counter any of that is Trump's nonsensical claims like "I'm a US Navalny" and the drip-drip-drip coming from court filings regarding the 91 indictments he's facing.

So, we come back to the border. Trump lost the GOP THAT issue when he demanded they NOT pass a bill that would have given them what they were asking for. It's not that GOP leaders like Sen. Tuberville can't claim Biden is still the cause of the border crisis but that line has lost its credibility for those who are still listening. And it's just one chord. Border, border, border. Over and over again for the next 7 months. Sure, it's a winning strategy for Trump right now but will it still be one in November?
I said this earlier the RR party (Russo Republican),old school Rep. hawks are rolling over in graves and as I also said before,posse up and form groups and hit the airwaves/media,W,Jeb,D Cheney,L Cheney,J Flake,A Kinzinger,Romney,other old R's,Cassidy Hutchinson,Gens.Kelly and Mattos,maybe even Milley(if he isn't executed yet) and TELL IT,assassinate Trump w/their stories detailing his absolute ineptness and the dark ass meanderings he spewed,unleash this late summer/earl fall up to Nov. maybe add a bi-partisan flavor w/the Clintons/Obamas. It'd have impact and I'd love to see Trump and Maga's reaction to this assault. I mean something out of the ordinary needs to go down to combat the sickening false narrative these pricks are painting,and this FKN disgusting MF can't get a whiff of the Oval Office again,call it the NTC,Never Trump Coalition: these times are dire.
With any luck, Donnie will also meet his end in prison, so this is just karma warming up to do its job.
I haven't considered how imprisonment would go for the dick,how would it work,he can't have a cellie,and what about S.Service(he is a X Pres.) it's interesting,hopefully we'll find out,raping women isn't pop. in the can,then again maybe he bonds w/ the AB,all unlikely,unprecedented ground for S.Service have no idea how this will go down.
I haven't considered how imprisonment would go for the dick,how would it work,he can't have a cellie,and what about S.Service(he is a X Pres.) it's interesting,hopefully we'll find out,raping women isn't pop. in the can,then again maybe he bonds w/ the AB,all unlikely,unprecedented ground for S.Service have no idea how this will go down.
Trump has already said how he should be treated.

"Please don't be too nice,"
"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’"
"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head],"
"Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'

Trump has already said how he should be treated.

"Please don't be too nice,"
"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’"
"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head],"
"Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'

Thanks for this reminder,behind his poser-ass tough guy bluster,I see a pansy,I'm pretty sure when he was in France for Normandy ceremonies that he passed on visiting graves(his suckers comment),he stated the rain would FK his hair up,this clown doesn't even exercise,like all bad asses out there who've never been in a dojo or on a mat who are killers until they're gassed in a minute(ignorance).Beyond his glaring weaknesses ,so eagerly overlooked/ignored by his fan boys/girls, his vanity is chart breaking. Who TF wants a Pres. who can tank sensitive negotiations by being exploited through flattery.Mirror,mirror on the wall,dude you're an overweight almost 80 yo sack of shit,spraypainted orange,eat salads.
. . . . . . . .raping women isn't pop. in the can,then again maybe he bonds w/ the AB,all unlikely,unprecedented ground for S.Service have no idea how this will go down.
I'm not one to stand up for trumpf, but he is not really a rapist. Other than the new york case, where the finger counts as rape, he has 27 cases of attempted rape against him. He is just not very good at rape. Maybe he will get a participation trophy for trying so many times.
Well, you know, I'm not big on politics, but...aint the same shit happened in germany and other places with immigrants? Guys from Paris saying there's a lot of arabs trying to rape french girls and they are not even allowed to carry weapon for self deffence