Biden's Border Crisis

Do you approve of Biden's Border Policy?

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well here is the press release of the border bill,, and i have to say it isn't bad......

the senate will vote for it this week

over the weekend we have 12 MAGA moron govenors down by the border bitching while this is came out. All of the crying and whining about how biden needs to close the border. From my research i can't find one area where Biden can do that without executive order and even those can be shaky. Now that it's out what are the obstructionist repugs gonna do now? Ball is in there court now.
well here is the press release of the border bill,, and i have to say it isn't bad......

the senate will vote for it this week

over the weekend we have 12 MAGA moron govenors down by the border bitching while this is came out. All of the crying and whining about how biden needs to close the border. From my research i can't find one area where Biden can do that without executive order and even those can be shaky. Now that it's out what are the obstructionist repugs gonna do now? Ball is in there court now.
I was a little worried it might give away too much. But there is nothing in there I can't live with. We do have to do something. With wars all over world, drug gangs running central america and climate change getting worse, it is going to keep getting worse.

The fact is, it is very good for the GOP. More than they could have hoped for. So of course they will trash it.
I was a little worried it might give away too much. But there is nothing in there I can't live with. We do have to do something. With wars all over world, drug gangs running central america and climate change getting worse, it is going to keep getting worse.

The fact is, it is very good for the GOP. More than they could have hoped for. So of course they will trash it.
The GOP doesnt want anything good to happen... If there is no fire, they have no ammunition.
I was a little worried it might give away too much. But there is nothing in there I can't live with. We do have to do something. With wars all over world, drug gangs running central america and climate change getting worse, it is going to keep getting worse.

The fact is, it is very good for the GOP. More than they could have hoped for. So of course they will trash it.

we do, and i like the step....kinda wish they would have added a little more to the Judges and Lawyers to get things down as far as time, but i'm satisfied.

you know else is satisfied...The Border Patrol....they've endorsed it too....

Of course like most of us know.....Maga and the Obstructionist Repugs will try to torpedo it....just like they always do, and go back the whining..."we need to do something about the border". Maga Mike has already said it's dead when it hits the house.....
we do, and i like the step....kinda wish they would have added a little more to the Judges and Lawyers to get things down as far as time, but i'm satisfied.

you know else is satisfied...The Border Patrol....they've endorsed it too....

Of course like most of us know.....Maga and the Obstructionist Repugs will try to torpedo it....just like they always do, and go back the whining..."we need to do something about the border". Maga Mike has already said it's dead when it hits the house.....
It can be changed after the election, if the republicans fuck up the way I think they will this November. Trump paradoxically being the greatest danger to the country and yet the greatest hope for a big democratic majority in congress and Joe back in. We will soon see the lay of the land when the courts speak and that should be soon.
I live in OKC southeast side and there is no English speaking Elementary school option publicly where I live. My son left second grade and couldn't say his ABC's they spent all day teaching the Mexican kids how to speak English while all the other kids get left behind, all along his teacher's are telling us he's doing great. The OKC public school is named Caesar Chavez, lol. There is no other public options for his schooling . So my wife has to stay home and home school our son so he doesn't fall behind. I am all for the Hispanic kids getting an education but not at the expense of our legal abiding citizens children. It's easy to have sympathy for people when they aren't hurting you personally (north) but here in the south were feeling it.
I live in OKC southeast side and there is no English speaking Elementary school option publicly where I live. My son left second grade and couldn't say his ABC's they spent all day teaching the Mexican kids how to speak English while all the other kids get left behind, all along his teacher's are telling us he's doing great. The OKC public school is named Caesar Chavez, lol. There is no other public options for his schooling . So my wife has to stay home and home school our son so he doesn't fall behind. I am all for the Hispanic kids getting an education but not at the expense of our legal abiding citizens children. It's easy to have sympathy for people when they aren't hurting you personally (north) but here in the south were feeling it.
So sorry you are going through this. Schools are funded on the local level, and poor people always get the short end of the stick. But it looks like the folks in your neck of the woods all are getting the short end.

I live in OKC southeast side and there is no English speaking Elementary school option publicly where I live. My son left second grade and couldn't say his ABC's they spent all day teaching the Mexican kids how to speak English while all the other kids get left behind, all along his teacher's are telling us he's doing great. The OKC public school is named Caesar Chavez, lol. There is no other public options for his schooling . So my wife has to stay home and home school our son so he doesn't fall behind. I am all for the Hispanic kids getting an education but not at the expense of our legal abiding citizens children. It's easy to have sympathy for people when they aren't hurting you personally (north) but here in the south were feeling it.
Your son entered elementary school without being able to say his ABCs?
So sorry you are going through this. Schools are funded on the local level, and poor people always get the short end of the stick. But it looks like the folks in your neck of the woods all are getting the short end.

I would not put much concern into state rankings. Like you said school are primarily funded at the local level. My country contains a top 5 and bottom 5 high school in my state, a similar thing can be said about the neighboring County. The primary source of school funding in most places is property tax. The "rich" parents have time to go to school board meetings, help draw district lines and bitch. Get grouped together and consolidate all of the local resources. That good high-school is next to my daughter's elementary school and 3 miles from my house. As the districts are drawn now she will be bused 12 miles to that not so nice high-school while others kids in the new developments closer to that not so nice school will be bussed pass my house and attending her neighborhood high-school.
I would not put much concern into state rankings. Like you said school are primarily funded at the local level. My country contains a top 5 and bottom 5 high school in my state, a similar thing can be said about the neighboring County. The primary source of school funding in most places is property tax. The "rich" parents have time to go to school board meetings, help draw district lines and bitch. Get grouped together and consolidate all of the local resources. That good high-school is next to my daughter's elementary school and 3 miles from my house. As the districts are drawn now she will be bused 12 miles to that not so nice high-school while others kids in the new developments closer to that not so nice school will be bussed pass my house and attending her neighborhood high-school.
That needs to change, and education should be equalized statewide, the current system is just a variation of private schools for the well to do. Fuck the school board win the state and change the entire fucking school system. Anybody who wants to ban a book has to read it out loud in its entirety at a school board meeting, too many of these clowns wanna ban books they have never read and reading the fucking book should be a prerequisite to making the proposal.
I would not put much concern into state rankings. Like you said school are primarily funded at the local level. My country contains a top 5 and bottom 5 high school in my state, a similar thing can be said about the neighboring County. The primary source of school funding in most places is property tax. The "rich" parents have time to go to school board meetings, help draw district lines and bitch. Get grouped together and consolidate all of the local resources. That good high-school is next to my daughter's elementary school and 3 miles from my house. As the districts are drawn now she will be bused 12 miles to that not so nice high-school while others kids in the new developments closer to that not so nice school will be bussed pass my house and attending her neighborhood high-school.
"not put much concern into state rankings" and "she will be bussed 12 miles" "new developments bussed past my house" :confused:

I don't understand so much about that. There seem to be about four or five issues buried in your post, all of which send my nerves into the concern category.

My kids are both gone from home, both still in college but there is no way that would happen in my smallish city. We get a good chunk of school funding from the state due to shenanigans long while back when voters emasculated local control by cutting property taxes, which drew state lawmakers into local school budget battles. From what you say, maybe local control isn't such a good idea after all.. We still have plenty of issues with the quality of our education system. don't get me wrong. But kids don't have to face what sounds like a Gerrymandering type scheme in how school boundaries are drawn.
"not put much concern into state rankings" and "she will be bussed 12 miles" "new developments bussed past my house" :confused:

I don't understand so much about that. There seem to be about four or five issues buried in your post, all of which send my nerves into the concern category.

My kids are both gone from home, both still in college but there is no way that would happen in my smallish city. We get a good chunk of school funding from the state due to shenanigans long while back when voters emasculated local control by cutting property taxes, which drew state lawmakers into local school budget battles. From what you say, maybe local control isn't such a good idea after all.. We still have plenty of issues with the quality of our education system. don't get me wrong. But kids don't have to face what sounds like a Gerrymandering type scheme in how school boundaries are drawn.
What puts me in beard-stroke mode is how one county can have a top-five and a bottom-five school out of a pool of (disclaimer: guess) hundreds.

It’s perhaps the core issue of the states’ rights phenomenon in miniature: not geared toward egalitarianism, but a refraction of the Calvinist ideas underpinning the thesis that affluence is an indicator of holiness. Bummer for the righteous poor.

Rich? Winner. Alleluia.
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I live in OKC southeast side and there is no English speaking Elementary school option publicly where I live. My son left second grade and couldn't say his ABC's they spent all day teaching the Mexican kids how to speak English while all the other kids get left behind, all along his teacher's are telling us he's doing great. The OKC public school is named Caesar Chavez, lol. There is no other public options for his schooling . So my wife has to stay home and home school our son so he doesn't fall behind. I am all for the Hispanic kids getting an education but not at the expense of our legal abiding citizens children. It's easy to have sympathy for people when they aren't hurting you personally (north) but here in the south were feeling it.
Thank you so much for bringing the right wing perspective into this thread. We are lacking that now that @DinGrogu stopped posting in it.

The right wing tell is that you conflated Hispanic with being different from "legal abiding citizens. It's not that I don't believe a word you said, it's that I don't have any means of sorting facts from fiction in what you said. Somebody who doesn't know that most Hispanics in this country ARE legal abiding citizens simply doesn't know their facts. Also, those Hispanics who might not be here legally are still legal abiding citizen or, let's just say that being here illegally isn't an indicator of criminality in the sense that they are not more likely to steal your shit, do anybody harm or fail to pay taxes than anybody else. In fact they are less likely to do so. .

White people do all of those things at higher rates than illegal migrants do. Also include running fentanyl into the US across the US border. They do that through legal points of entry as something that is almost the exclusive act of white natural born citizens. I say this for your own benefit because your leaders are misinforming you about that in their desire of your abject servility in the form of your vote and occasional act of menacing or mayhem visited upon whom they deem to be vermin.

So, I have no means or inclination to challenge the first part of your statement other than looking at the last part of your post and deciding from there that you simply aren't credible.
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I don't understand so much about that. There seem to be about four or five issues buried in your post, all of which send my nerves into the concern category.
There may be some exaggeration in my post, but the underlying 4 or 5 issues are still present. I don't have the mental health capacity to keep up with it all, the time/energy to put myself in the sphere of public discourse, the patients and decorme to debate with imbeciles. This is MAGAt territory. A location that has been a national spotlight on the bookbaning fiasco.
If ya want to go down the rabbit hole just look up news headlines of the Spotsylvania County school board, I'm sure it would be hilarious to an univested bystander.
Stepson I came in his life at 4 he Is ahead of his class now
I didn't mean my comments to be judgemental or condescending. But to reflect that none of us have control of what public education our kids recieve, and only limited influence.
My daughter entered kindergarten knowing her ABCs being able to count accurately to 20, do some basic arithmetic. My son will not. The difference is my influence and environment that I provided. I spent the years at the end of and after the pandemic failing myself and intern failed my son. I don't pass judgemental on parents who can't/don't take the most active roles in their kids early education, it's hard for everyone and not possible in all life sercumstances. But that dose not mean we should place blame on others in our community, it is the job of schools to serve the educational needs of their community and it is unfortunate that the needs of your community are not in line with what is best for your child's personal education.