Best Places For White People

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I've never seen a white person. Most of them seem to be a shade of light brown. Then there are some, these albinos, but they have a bluish cast. As I understand it from the study of genetics, it is impossible to have white skin. But, a dark skinned family group put in northern climes becomes light skinned after about 25,000 years. And the mito dna shows some family groups came back to equatorial settings and became darker skinned. India shows this very clearly. They are Aryan Caucasians. But, the skin tone differences are the same as going from Europe to Africa in latitude. Very dark in the south. Very light brown in the North. In far East Asia, we see the same thing, from Beijing to Darwin. Very light, to very dark. Eskimo land to the Amazon basin, same thing. So, you are all various shades of brown. Light blue-brown, to dark purple-brown. This divisiveness from your fathers needs to stop, Earthlings.
Eskimos are actually fairly dark skinned. Darker than the Brazilians I've seen on TV.
I'm not too good with grammar
Isn't the W supposed to be capitalized? Even in quotation marks?

since i was using quotation marks, i figured i'd go ahead and quote it as presented.

besides, i don't think you capitalize it for the non-whites. inferiority and all.
since i was using quotation marks, i figured i'd go ahead and quote it as presented.

besides, i don't think you capitalize it for the non-whites. inferiority and all.

Thanks Professor!

I didnt think of the context. It makes a difference

just a bunch of dudes running in circles. ;) i was trying to make a point. NASCAR is not just a bunch of people going in circles. it starts out with having to build a car in a week that can handle running full throttle for 3+ hours straight. then there is the whole strategy of when to pit, what adjustments to make, how much tire pressure, how many tires. one false move and the day is over. then there is the whole bump drafting at 200 mph thing. NASCAR is like chess, only a lot faster. most of you have never gone over 90. let alone done it while sideways. [video=youtube;5nyrYgkSe08][/video]
I don't think anyone was ever injured or killed playing chess. A chess board doesn't cost a $100,000.00 either.
his kind?

you mean, the kind that scrubs the toilets for his nobel prize winning colleagues?
I was more thinking the kind that live in a trailer park (not necessarily "bad" in itself), bang their sisters, hate "colour" and still have a picture of George Bush in EVERY room in the house (read: trailer).
I was more thinking the kind that live in a trailer park (not necessarily "bad" in itself), bang their sisters, hate "colour" and still have a picture of George Bush in EVERY room in the house (read: trailer).

i think that's ANALEXCESSGAY1.

i think stormfront red keeps the bodies of his wives and kids (see: souvenirs/trophies) on display around the house.
You two need to get a room. Don't forget to wipe your chin and brush your teeth afterward.

Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Showin' lots of class once again. Have you found your perfect white community yet? You know, where everybody looks and thinks like you? Free from gay people, not-white-enough people and other miscreants.
...but they sure dont let you have a white month.

well, as soon as white people go through a couple hundred years of persecution and slavery, we'll give them a month.

it will be longer than the month we gave the black people, too.
hey buck someone must have made this pic just for you :p
in reguards of last time we talked.

View attachment 2516214

funny enough, arizona had a huge drunk driving problem. they took some common sense safety measures and reduced their DUI fatalities by a huge amount.

but oh, i almost forgot. you say those types of regulations NEVER do ANYTHING.

stupid empirical evidence getting in the way of your goddamn nonsense.
funny enough, arizona had a huge drunk driving problem. they took some common sense safety measures and reduced their DUI fatalities by a huge amount.

but oh, i almost forgot. you say those types of regulations NEVER do ANYTHING.

stupid empirical evidence getting in the way of your goddamn nonsense.

i never said those type of regulations never do anything. how does that compare to the gun ban? if common sense WAS used we wouldnt be banning any weapons we'd be pushing for mandatory gun safety courses for people buying guns or something like that. guns featured in the assault rifle ban have less deaths each year than hands, feet, and fists alone.

in and out before we close this one too. just wanted to show you that pic. have a good night buck!
i never said those type of regulations never do anything.

you sure did say that, and now you're being a real lying pussy by trying to say you didn't, knowing full well that the thread in which you claimed that has been deleted.

why don't you pull some more articles about people depending themselves with guns that are not even on the ban list to make some retarded point that is apropos to nothing?

LOL@ the title. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming are fucking incredible. 99.9% white if it matters, and the majority of the people I've meet in these places are for the most part honest and welcoming but careful. Everybody has a gun and the motto for most is "what's your business is your business". I have a total of only 7 neighbors within 5-6 square miles and I know them all. My first neighbor I met a few weeks after moving in was blowing my quarter mile gravel driveway at 5 in the morning after a nighttime snowstorm, I went out there to thank him and he told me to come over to his home later that day and I spent many hours drinking beers and smoking cigars(not mary :() and from there a new neighbor came to check me out every week until I basically knew everyone in the area. I was use to the big city of Chicago and Milwaukee all my life, the change was incredible. Cheap beautiful land, tons of wildlife, good people, but absolutely no jobs. So you gotta have something going unless you want to be a farm hand or a cowboy.
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