Best Places For White People

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May I call you 'f' as your full name seems so formal. Is this string of numbers magical? Does it give you special powers?

You seem to be upset by the facts you've been shown. Is this your first time with facts? You are clearly a master of debate but your wiggly logic and ignoring things that you don't like will not make you any new friends.

In my first response I gave an opinion based on the OP's question. You took issue with a part of it and opened up the insult box. You have become increasingly more angry as you get pushed into a corner and you are starting to sound desperate.
May I call you 'f' as your full name seems so formal. Is this string of numbers magical? Does it give you special powers?

You seem to be upset by the facts you've been shown. Is this your first time with facts? You are clearly a master of debate but your wiggly logic and ignoring things that you don't like will not make you any new friends.

In my first response I gave an opinion based on the OP's question. You took issue with a part of it and opened up the insult box. You have become increasingly more angry as you get pushed into a corner and you are starting to sound desperate.
The numbers were because before I edited the post, I didn't have the forum required 10 characters...

This forum is boring AF atm, I'm trolling son. I'm not a conservative or liberal so I could care less how to classify them. Your logic was just horrible as conservatives are the minority of "herd" like individuals in CA; get the point?
lol at herd mentality being a conservative trait.

Check ALL major cities voting records compared to the burbs and get back to me. Check ALL densely populated areas and their voting records compared to the outlying cities. The high-rise mentality vs the country living mentality draws a sharp contrast.
lol at herd mentality being a conservative trait.

Check ALL major cities voting records compared to the burbs and get back to me. Check ALL densely populated areas and their voting records compared to the outlying cities. The high-rise mentality vs the country living mentality draws a sharp contrast.

I looked at all of the voting records of everybody who has ever voted in any election in every state and the records are perfectly aligned with my post. So there.
The numbers were because before I edited the post, I didn't have the forum required 10 characters...

This forum is boring AF atm, I'm trolling son. I'm not a conservative or liberal so I could care less how to classify them. Your logic was just horrible as conservatives are the minority of "herd" like individuals in CA; get the point?

Man, it took you long enough to get to your weak point. Troll on youngster.
May I call you 'f' as your full name seems so formal. Is this string of numbers magical? Does it give you special powers?

You seem to be upset by the facts you've been shown. Is this your first time with facts? You are clearly a master of debate but your wiggly logic and ignoring things that you don't like will not make you any new friends.

In my first response I gave an opinion based on the OP's question. You took issue with a part of it and opened up the insult box. You have become increasingly more angry as you get pushed into a corner and you are starting to sound desperate.

"Master of debate" = "master-debater"

That is all.
I looked at all of the voting records of everybody who has ever voted in any election in every state and the records are perfectly aligned with my post. So there.

my bad. I didn't really need you to check them all, just the most populated, but thanks for checking all of them.

so, you found out you were really really wrong didn't ya.

out of the 50 states, how many of them have the most populated cities voting more conservative than the burbs?
my bad. I didn't really need you to check them all, just the most populated, but thanks for checking all of them.

so, you found out you were really really wrong didn't ya.

out of the 50 states, how many of them have the most populated cities voting more conservative than the burbs?

Who the fuck cares? You've joined f on his agenda to side track an innocent opinion with some opinionated bullshit. Shove your values up you ass and mind you own fucking business.
On the contrary it was you who took long enough to comprehend the point. I had to restate it in several different ways for goodness sake

Your only point was to was to include gay liberals when they weren't relevant. You had to restate your point several time because you did such a poor job of stating it the first time. Did you ever answer the OP's question of you just an asshole wasting people time?
Your only point was to was to include gay liberals when they weren't relevant. You had to restate your point several time because you did such a poor job of stating it the first time. Did you ever answer the OP's question of you just an asshole wasting people time?

There is no answer to the op you moron. Plus you're illiterate and couldn't decipher that being herd like doesnt inherently make you conservative, especially when the rest of the herds in that state are liberal.

Such a dumbass

I swear words change in my posts.... ... ... .. .. . . . . .
Who the fuck cares? You've joined f on his agenda to side track an innocent opinion with some opinionated bullshit. Shove your values up you ass and mind you own fucking business.

just addressing an idiotic point you made, blew it out of the water, and you get pissed and say it doesn't matter that you were spewing retarded opinion that was easily disproved. It was your opinionated bullshit that was off. Don't shoot the messenger, just man up.
Wisconsin if it didn't have the dirt worst weed laws in the fuckin' country. We make Texas look like tokers.
I blame the Good German mentality. Per capita this state has the most rat finks in the nation.
There isn't enough crime to keep the pigs busy so they always have their snouts out to bust a guy
for pot-related stuff.

Thinking about thinking about thinking of growing pot is a felony.
Beardo, saw a statistic today, we reject between 92 and 94% of asylum applications.

This is an awesome place to be white...oh wait, we reject white people too :)

We'll happily send all you aliens home, regardless of what part of the spectrum you occupy.
Beardo, saw a statistic today, we reject between 92 and 94% of asylum applications.

This is an awesome place to be white...oh wait, we reject white people too :)

We'll happily send all you aliens home, regardless of what part of the spectrum you occupy.

Didnt know Irish were white

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