Best Places For White People

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It would be if that second statement was correct, but it isn't. It is a result of former racist policies and a racist mindset. I'm not trying to turn anything into what it isn't.


Best place for white people, whether it's white racist trash or white folks who fear competition from 'others' for themselves or for their kids, is Australia.

Let me guess... you are from Australia? :lol:

And who's Buck? :roll:

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Don't utter his name twice more...
You're not my fucking boss, go do it your self if it's so important to you, and I will keep doing what I am doing.
I don't need to prove what I say.
how about you google burden of proof dumbass child. lol ''your not my boss'' is that what you tell your mummy?

You think I'm Irish?... Ill tell ya what, I won't tell you if I am or not, that way you won't know anything at all.

continuing to prove what a pussy and how little faith you really have in your home country haha you know it will get ripped to fucking shreds. your trolls are becoming obvious. and on the slight chance you are actually serious here well that is fucking sad and you really have little hope.

you should just hurry up and go try steal someones plant again
Since dipshit 1 & 2 now think they have actually provided plenty of sources....

n Australia, many people have bad attitudes, and especially on the TV they badmouth other countries

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police did random RAIDS on RANDOM peoples homes just to make the top boss look good, to make him look like he was doing a good job with all the constant raids on suspected criminals, who in actual fact were just unlucky citizens who had their vehicle number plates picked out in a parking lot and were the victims of police corruption
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mad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously
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Fucking atm bombings
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fucking drug use (public fucking needle disposal bins are NOT normal)
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police especially. They will chase you down on your PEDAL BIKE for not wearing a helmet, and then beat you up
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to say Australia has no Multiculturalism problems is a big fat lie and an insult to every person who has ever travelled to Australia and has experienced "problems", especially due to their differing race.

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Australians dislike New Zealanders more than New zealanders dislike Australians.
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Oh and Australia has probably the worst weather in the world, dangerous, extreme, very hot, lots of natural and some man made disasters.
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you start burning after staying in the sun for ten minutes.

I have a theory that many people who live there suffer brain damage from the intense heat
The contrast between Australians and other cultures is quite profound, and the theory that the excessive heat is responsible for their stupidity is imo both quite funny and a perfectly valid theory
Citation needed do share your theory though.. I'm sure its a nobel prize winner

They actually have quite allot of access to food, although allot of their "fresh" food sits in storage for a REALLY long time
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And what are you going to say when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.
v v v v

Originally Posted by stoned cockatoo
you have been saying you have the evidence to support everything you say from the start and said you will show it. and iv been asking you to show it. but your every reply just adds to your pool of dribble and list of accustations without evidence

Oh really, have I? can you prove that I have been saying this?.
v v v v

when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?.
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.

It would be if that second statement was correct, but it isn't. It is a result of former racist policies and a racist mindset. I'm not trying to turn anything into what it isn't.


Best place for white people, whether it's white racist trash or white folks who fear competition from 'others' for themselves or for their kids, is Australia.

Let me guess... you are from Australia? :lol:

And who's Buck? :roll:

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where are you getting these bullshit pictures from? Link Zwarte piete?

Sativied sucks his mums cock.jpg
can you show me the post where you or dipshit number 1 provided all this proof

yeah you should have. A lie... thats what would be expected from a spineless little bitches that will put down other countrys with bullshit while at the same time saying im not telling you where I am from because you will prove me to be a fucking dumbass and my country shit. spineless little bitch grow a back bone you cunt and atleast stand behind your coutntry especially when ya taking a shit on another dumbass.

Fuck sativied, he's never been outta Europe and there's a reason his country is going to shit and it's because of spineless face painters like him... It's entertaining because we're "racist" for not letting every man and his dog in and have strict custom and border controls. Everytime he cries racist just have a look at my sig...
if only one piece of white racist trash moves to Australia, where it belong, it wasn't just entertaining. :clap:

I'm not moving anywhere I'm not into flight or submission like you. I my also visit your country I hear the hillsides are nice but the cities are shit. I seen you posting crying about how your town isn't the same your bakery is gone. Instead of manning up getting offline and doing something positive about it you choose to sit here and call Aussies racists for not bowing to islam like your pussified people did.
You obviously didn't see the whole "Jews suck babies dicks" thing then...some Nazi freak even posted a video (which thank fuck was taken down "post-haste")...

EDIT: And I hope noone watched it either, fucking sick fucks...
You're talking about something you didn't see as if you actually saw it. I posted them and I can assure you that if they showed anything inappropriate they wouldn't be on youtube. It wasn't "jews suck baby dicks" it was "keep that baby's dick out yo mouth."

The story centers around a rabbi who killed a kid by giving him herpes during the "oral suctioning" process of the child mutilation procedure.
So after reading this thread I have come to the conclusion that Australia is a good place for white people.

Shit I would move there just for the wildlife and the surf. I hear the ladies are quite nice as well?
So after reading this thread I have come to the conclusion that Australia is a good place for white people.

Shit I would move there just for the wildlife and the surf. I hear the ladies are quite nice as well?

I have an ASP beach just up the road from me... Here are some of the local talent;

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