Best Places For White People

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Hey cockatoo, im not gonna provide citations for things iv seen in the news, Don't get ahead of your self, Im not gonna swift through millions of documents on google about the shit that goes on down under there.

you want a cite for burning in the sun after ten minutes?
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personal experience.

Did you know that in Ausland there are tree's which have seeds that only open in burning temperatures? They literally need fire to crack open. and it just so happens to be that its so hot in Australia that there are natural wild fires all the fucking time. (well, Apparently, Iv never really tested the theory)

and the sun can be so hot at times that after ten minutes in it, you begin burning. Obviously everyone is different, I'm sure that if ur born there then you're just used to it.

Lmao, so now im about half way through reading your big stupid post, and I see you'v posted a heap of previous experiences of mine and asking for a citation.
I laughed at some of them.... Australia has fucking wack aaz weather. The four years that I was there, I experienced one dust storm... That is whack man! sand everywhere in the air.. When you go outside, it would pay to get your self a mask unless you wanna breath in sand... Its not particularly pleasant.

You can add this to your list if you want.

"Talking shit about Australia with Mr Highlowwazzupkush, saturday nights at 11".
that should be my tv show so I could talk about all the shit in Australia. Na, stuff that it should on be every weeknight at 6. lol
Hey bird guy, I already posted proof of one of the things Iv said about your nasty nasty country. I posted an article about how some mentally challenged guy was in jail for ten years with not official charge or trial, w/e, they busted him for some shit. Ill leave you to finding the proof your self, have fun.

I said that I bet I could google up something to backup what I said, and that's what I did. I never said I would google up ALL of the shit which I have OUTED about aussi country.
im not gonna provide citations for things iv seen in the news, .

you want a cite for burning in the sun after ten minutes?
personal experience

maybe your skin is shit? maybe your genetics are fucked and maybe you just blame the weather. to prove your point you would have to give a source showing most of Australian citizens suffer extreme sunburn.

Did you know that in Ausland there are tree's which have seeds that only open in burning temperatures? They literally need fire to crack open. and it just so happens to be that its so hot in Australia that there are natural wild fires all the fucking time. (well, Apparently, Iv never really tested the theory)

did you know many trees do this all over the fucking world dumbass?. I know you probably thought you had stumbled upon a breakthrough discovery on the evolution of trees but sorry no you are actually just being a retard again

and the sun can be so hot at times that after ten minutes in it, you begin burning. Obviously everyone is different,

yes everyone is different so your point is moot dumbass. in your case you have shit genetics giving you weak skin that burns easily. so you blame the weather.
Hey bird guy, I already posted proof of one of the things Iv said about your nasty nasty country. I posted an article about how some mentally challenged guy was in jail for ten years with not official charge or trial, w/e, they busted him for some shit. Ill leave you to finding the proof your self, have fun.

I said that I bet I could google up something to backup what I said, and that's what I did. I never said I would google up ALL of the shit which I have OUTED about aussi country.

you posted 1 story? lol yeah I guess that sums up a country entire police force and justice system...

There is way worse shit going on in this country and all over the world you fucking idiot. you have been asked to tell us what country you are from and I will prove to you just as bad/ worse shit happens in your country.. but you be the fucking pussy that comes here and starts an argument by spewing bullshit about another country without any sources to back it up and you wont even say what country you are from... can you see how fucking stupid that looks? until you atleast say you country or start posting the proof and facts you claimed to have you have zero credibility and look like a liar, thief, dumbass and all round retard
probably has the highest rate of alligator attacks while taking a shit on the toilet

his post style and content would rule him out as American. Generally all the yanks in this section have thick skin and wouldn't be ashamed to admit they're American.

My money is on "howlowankunt" being from Europe somewhere, either that or Canadian.
his post style and content would rule him out as American. Generally all the yanks in this section have thick skin and wouldn't be ashamed to admit they're American.

My money is on "howlowankunt" being from Europe somewhere, either that or Canadian.
I'm ashamed to say, but I think I remember him saying he was Irish.

So no offense, he's probably just retarded drunk.
his post style and content would rule him out as American. Generally all the yanks in this section have thick skin and wouldn't be ashamed to admit they're American.

My money is on "howlowankunt" being from Europe somewhere, either that or Canadian.

That's funny? Why would you two care to know where I am from?

I bet you're just dying to know so that you can stereotype me and be done with it!
You are Australian after all... I did say Aussies were racist, and here you are, wanting to know my geographic history. You won't find out any time soon!

You know, its kinda sad, yet a little hilarious just how involved in this you two have been and how emotional you've become over just a little bit of non-personal criticism of your country. God bless Australia, right guys?

You're just so patriotic aren't ya?
That's funny? Why would you two care to know where I am from?

I bet you're just dying to know so that you can stereotype me and be done with it!
You are Australian after all... I did say Aussies were racist, and here you are, wanting to know my geographic history. You won't find out any time soon!

You know, its kinda sad, yet a little hilarious just how involved in this you two have been and how emotional you've become over just a little bit of non-personal criticism of your country. God bless Australia, right guys?

You're just so patriotic aren't ya?

Instead of posting more and more bullshit why don't you back up your claims.... After all the garbage you've posted, you decide to respond to the one post that wasn't directed at you...

If you're Irish, don't be ashamed, it's not all bad news...
Nazi Germany? You can do white people stuff in San Quentin where you probably belong, you racist fuck

I don't think the OP is actually a REAL racist... I mean, I think he may be smart enough to realise that being racist isn't a smart thing, but? I don't know.. Idk the guy.

Why don't you just substantiate your bullshit? You keep talking about there being sand here and even needing a gas mask - you haven't been to Afghanistan... That would really irritate your vagina, how's Gardasil working out for you?

I would wager you won't reveal your country of origin out of fear of ridicule bullshit double standards....

You're not my fucking boss, go do it your self if it's so important to you, and I will keep doing what I am doing.
I don't need to prove what I say when you two are doing a fine job of providing real time evidence of Australian character.

Instead of posting more and more bullshit why don't you back up your claims.... After all the garbage you've posted, you decide to respond to the one post that wasn't directed at you...

If you're Irish, don't be ashamed, it's not all bad news...

Instead of posting more and more bullshit why don't you go and **** your self?



You think I'm Irish?... Ill tell ya what, I won't tell you if I am or not, that way you won't know anything at all.
You're not my fucking boss, go do it your self if it's so important to you, and I will keep doing what I am doing.
I don't need to prove what I say when you two are doing a fine job of providing real time evidence of Australian character.

Did you need a gas mask when you were here because of all the dust? did you overstay the visa and get locked up?

After reading just a small number of your posts, I can only imagine how fucking irritating you must be in person - you should thank our coppers for laying you out :clap:
gas mask? wtf

Oh yea yea bro, I got locked up, that's what you wanna hear isn't it. You want to be "higher" than I am, you want to feel superior. That's typical of your sort.
cops layed me out? why, what ever do you mean? why would the cops lay me out?
Oooh GAS mask? No your fool.. too much dust = DUST mask... or even just a cloth over your face.. Gas mask? Lmao, and you were saying I was full of shit? As if.
Oooh GAS mask? No your fool.. too much dust = DUST mask... or even just a cloth over your face.. Gas mask? Lmao, and you were saying I was full of shit? As if.

Nah you'd want a gas mask to be extra safe and a bio-suit to protect against skin cancer... Have some tea 'guv, you'll feel much better...

who the fuck is marlon brando? The American list is half shit I could think of better actors to put up their. The Australia isn't good either. Funny how you would use hollywood or movies to base where you would like to live. All and all tho Your argument is moot considering most of them are jewish. But 1+ Australia Russell Crowe has made a few decent movies.
who the fuck is marlon brando? The American list is half shit I could think of better actors to put up their. The Australia isn't good either. Funny how you would use hollywood or movies to base where you would like to live. All and all tho Your argument is moot considering most of them are jewish. But 1+ Australia Russell Crowe has made a few decent movies.

Don Vito Corleone... the godfather... Oh and we love rusty here, he brings back the biff! I've done a fair couple of gigs with him and used to see him regularly when I used to fish for kingfish down at the "finger wharf" in Sydney. He's a decent bloke, very, very down to earth...
who the fuck is marlon brando? The American list is half shit I could think of better actors to put up their. The Australia isn't good either. Funny how you would use hollywood or movies to base where you would like to live. All and all tho Your argument is moot considering most of them are jewish. But 1+ Australia Russell Crowe has made a few decent movies.

Guess that would count ole mel Gibson out...
So can anyone explain how to avoid all the trouble of equal housing or whatever it's called, am I on the right track with calling it a private community or homeowners association or church?
What if we do it at sea and in international waters? whats up with international waters? Can I just get a bunch of shit that floats and build on it and do what I want or will the Navy hate us for our freedom?
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