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Paula Deen's neighborhood ? 

Oh for real? I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for probably everything that I mentioned. In fact, so could you!
Oh look gais evidence of what a great country that big old desert next to New Zealand is.
Disabled man jailed without trial freed after 10 years
What else did I say that you guys would have everyone here believe is not true?
How about that one time when Australians thought that the Aboriginals of Australia weren't good enough to raise their own children, and decided to steal their children!!
One must simply google "stolen generation" in order to read up about that one.
It is true that many countries have a dark history, the problem is that Australia (amongst other countries unfortunately) has a dark and shameful PRESENT!
you have been saying you have the evidence to support everything you say from the start and said you will show it. and iv been asking you to show it. but your every reply just adds to your pool of dribble and list of accustations without evidence
yep our justice system is shit in parts. you really think yours is any better. no injustices in NZ? this is why I call you a fucking dumbass.
Well I was just pointing out a few flaws of the Australian country, and then all of a sudden I was attacked by some rude people who I'v never even ever met before.
They started making baseless claims about my intelligence and demanded that I give evidence to the claims that I made. One of them even made a threat that people would destroy me if I did not give evidence to what I was saying about Australia being a terrible place to live, for many many reasons.
Actually, I think it all started when I made a point of the fact that many (noooo not all; 100%) Australians are racist.
yea but that's sort of like the weather, sometimes its cloudy and sometimes its sunny. Sometimes a person may react like this, and sometimes like that. After all people aren't robots.
Ah yes, that is also true, I totally agree. In that case, Australia has the WORST weather in the world. (well maybe not the worst, I don't know if that is true, but I'm sure that it is amongst the top contenders for having the worst weather)
They actually have quite allot of access to food, although allot of their "fresh" food sits in storage for a REALLY long time, so by the time that it gets into the shops, it becomes really un-fresh and not nice at all. That was really annoying.
Also, the Australian police force (from my own personal experience and the MANY stories iv seen on tv) are bloody lunatics who have power complexes....
If you have ever watched an American tv show where the police chase down people (because they're idiots and haven't figured out yet how to invent better ways of dealing with "crime") that is basically what Australia is turning into (in fact Australia Is imo already just like a Mini America).
A cesspool of criminals and cops who love to get wound up on adrenaline when they go on the hunt for law breakers. (of course, some of these things I say, OBVIOUSLY, do not apply to Everyone. That should be obvious)
(So if I was to say, Dogs bite, Please don't begin arguing with me and cussing at me because you think that not all dogs bite.)
One time I was riding my bike and I wasn't wearing my helmet. There were two cops standing at the end of a pedestrian bridge, catching people like me who were putting our selves in extreme danger [/sarcasm] by not wearing our helmets, and they were giving out fines to such people. So anyway, I rode past these 2 cops and one of them made a hand gesture to me, he obviously wanted me to stop for him, but I ignored him and quickly put my helmet on as I was pedalling.
(I had my helmet with me but wasn't wearing it)
So as I was putting on my helmet, the cop began chasing me and then all of a sudden I saw him beside me, (Unfortunately I could not get away because the bike I was riding at the time was REALLY shit) SO then this cop grabbed me while I was pedalling, and he dragged me down to the ground like I was some dangerous criminal or something. I did not resist in ANY way, but he was grabbing me and wrestling with me as if he wanted to rape me or something.
So, obviously he wanted to "process me" by giving me a fine, but I didn't give him my name, so he could not give me a fine. So I spent the night in jail, because for all they knew I could have been a wanted criminal!! Even Osama bin laden.
The next morning I went to see the judge, but just before I saw the judge I gave the cops my name and they checked me out in the system to make sure I wasn't wanted for any crimes. The judge said to me that the cops had made a statement and she asked me whether or not i agree with it. I told the judge that I do not know what statement the cops had made and that I wished to hear it. Basically the cops said that I shouted profanity at them and that I hit them and was fighting with them.
This was astounding for me because they lied to the judge. I admitted to the judge that I did indeed shout profanity at them, but I did not touch them!
And all of this happened simply because I did not want to put a helmet on my head while I was on my leisurely bike ride in the hot sun. btw the judge let me go with no fines or anything.
This was the 2nd time something like this happened.. The first time the exact same thing happened, except that the first time the pigs gave me a beating! They literally stood over me in a small group and kicked me while I was covering my head with my arms. These types of brutal attacks by the POLICE on ordinary innocent citizens are known to happen too often in Australia and have been captured on camera and shown on the news.
Now, the two Australians who're participating in this thread: "stoned cockatoo" and "echelon1k1", they would have everyone believe that I am making up lies.... Why would I do that? Why SHOULD I waste my time to make up lies? I have no reason to make this up. However these two guys are trying REALLY hard to shut me up.
In fact, it is my OPINION, that many other Australians would do similar (of course not all, but many) It is because of their pride. They are patriotic to their country on such a level that any criticism towards their country is perceived to them as a personal attack on them, even If I was to just mention that it is my opinion that the weather in Australia sucks, which it does allot of the time. Thank god for Air conditioned busses! right guys?
Of course, I am no big idiot (well, I like to think I am not an idiot most of the time at least) I understand why they behave this way, and I am sure that if someone made negative comments about my country, it would be my nature to be defensive as well. Though, there has been a valuable lesson in my life, that lesson is to think before you speak. So then If someone was to make negative comments about my country, I think it would be wise to first consider if those negative comments are true or not before I was to blurt out my idiotic defensive claims of dishonesty.
Oh for real? I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for probably everything that I mentioned. In fact, so could you!
You think I am an idiot? you've called me rude things so many times now, yet you think you have enough of my respect that I will give you my location? Who's the idiot?
You think I am an idiot? Yet you feel the need to repeat your self over and over again, obviously because you're too stupid to come up with anything new to say. Who's the idiot?
Or perhaps you're just not cool! (well, actually that's obvious!!) A cool person doesn't feel the need to repeat them selves the way you have been, because they know that usually saying something once is enough.
You think I am an idiot? you're the idiot.
You can't handle the jandle bro. I didn't criticise anyone personally.
You know what? You're like the American government and the whistle blowers. The whistle blowers wanted to tell the world what naughty things the US government has been doing, but the US government didn't want to just let them get away with it, so they try to stop them using whatever means necessary.
I'v done the same, I told the truth about Australians and their racist tendencies, but you didn't want everyone to know the truth, so you're using what comes naturally to you (bully tactics) You're constantly calling me rude things because you don't want your pride to be hurt when the world finds out what a terrible place your little desert down under really is. Actually its not so bad. but the truth is that the country has quite a bit of issues.
this is my local beach View attachment 2711426 said beach is a two minute walk away, we average 17.6c in the wet season and 29.4c in the dry, not exactly cooking my skin dude. I don't like the police very much but the last time I had a problem with them was when I was about 13, I think I told a sergeant to "get fucked", he grabbed me by the throat. I don't blame him.
Also just to add that regarding the 'ape' incident at the recent Sydney vs Collingwood AFL game the young girl involved was shielded from the furious crowd, who, incensed by her disgusting comments, were hurling abuse at her. Just sayin'
dude...Its not really my business, but grabbing someone by the throat is a big no no! especially if you're a cop!!!!!! I mean, like? ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY. I imagine that sort of behaviour would be grounds for at least suspension.
As for the weather, I actually came to realise that people who were born in Australia were a hell of a lot more happy tolerating the heat. But someone who is born in a much more MILD climate doesn't really adjust very quickly. But then again, when I was living there, there were plenty of aussies who were equally as stuffed up as I was by the hot weather.
Are you a pre-pubescent girl? I mean what do you think's gonna happen when you mouth off to a cop?
Glad you left since it's too "rough" here...
When who mouths off to the cops?? Who are you talking to? and about what?
yep you got a beat down twice for being a dickhead, then refusing to tell them your name, then wonder why you got locked up - Good one Einstein...
Too rough? ha..... hahaha. It took me a long while to get used to just the weather, but I got used to it. The cops weren't rough, they were just bad people with power complexes who liked going on power trips. That's not the type of person you want policing your town.
In fact, as long as they don't piss me off, I have little to no issue with cops, because I know they are needed.
Just like to exaggerate half the population is cops then see NO connection between a rising population and the need for an increase in police.
The place I am living at right now is different from Australia, I can ride around on my bike with no helmet and the cops are fine with it, though if you're under 16 or 15 or some age down in the teens, the law says you must wear a helmet. So if you were over here, they'd ticket you for riding a bike without a helmet
I'm glad you love riding your bike without a helmet you rebel... Fact is helmets were designed for people like you... So where are you from that's so superior?
Oh really, you're glad I left? why are you glad that I left?
Most certainly...
Echelon, you act like an unrefined uneducated baboon, I'm sure that you're one of those people who make racist comments about foreigners that live in "YOUR" country. Right?
So tell me, how do you feel about immigrants? You say you're glad that I left, but how do you feel about the people who're coming into "your" country?
lol echelon1k1, are you smart? you probably aren't; We'l see in just a moment.
Do you know why Australia has such a bad reputation as it does? Its because of people like you who treat strangers like my self the way you are now, with so much ease and freedom. You don't feel you are doing anything wrong at all. Its because you don't know that you are doing anything wrong, and you don't know it, because you don't think about it, and you don't think about it because you're a dumbass.
You don't think about what you're saying, you don't think about why you're saying it, you simply felt that I had offended you and so you immediately turned on attack mode, like a simple being. A Neanderthal would have more sense than you, after all they did apparently evolve, didn't they?
You don't understand that you do not need to feel offence, but you do, because you're simple minded.
You've been nothing but extremely rude to me, while I have barely done anything to deserve your barrage of rude and immature, unwitty comments.
One could actually speculate that I am also stupid for expecting a single intelligent response from you. (truth is, I don't expect that.)
I bet you like having argument's like this, and I bet you feel "Australian" for defending your country from people like me, don't you?
Just fyi, those replies of yours in the red font are stupid. Your presumptions are full of fallacy. So please, just end this and shut up. We're not friends, I'm not going to tell you where I live because I think you're a faggot, so do your self a favour and stop trying to communicate with me. Save your self the pain. I mean, its clear that you continue to name call because iv upset you.
Tl;drYou know, you're not worth arguing with because you keep putting words into my mouth. I didn't say that you said we're friends, nor did I say that I don't call names. But you definitely did start the name calling.
I didn't say anything about the police other than that the aussie pigs would rather have more policing than smarter policing.
see, everything you just said was wrong and I shot you down that easily.
Oh and I didn't assume to know your character, I deduced; You've given me plenty of evidence for me to safely categorize you along with the other idiots that you live with.
unintelligible? LMAO!! yea of course I'm unintelligible to you! lmao......... !!! You know how old people sorta deteriorate? well, I think its safe to assume your age is shining through more than mine is, on account of your in ability to even understand what I say.
In Australia, many people have bad attitudes, and especially on the TV they badmouth other countries
Citation neededpolice did random RAIDS on RANDOM peoples homes just to make the top boss look good, to make him look like he was doing a good job with all the constant raids on suspected criminals, who in actual fact were just unlucky citizens who had their vehicle number plates picked out in a parking lot and were the victims of police corruption
Citation neededmad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously
Citation neededFucking atm bombings
Citation neededfucking drug use (public fucking needle disposal bins are NOT normal)
Citation neededpolice especially. They will chase you down on your PEDAL BIKE for not wearing a helmet, and then beat you up
to say Australia has no Multiculturalism problems is a big fat lie and an insult to every person who has ever travelled to Australia and has experienced "problems", especially due to their differing race.
Citation neededAustralians dislike New Zealanders more than New zealanders dislike Australians.
Citation neededOh and Australia has probably the worst weather in the world, dangerous, extreme, very hot, lots of natural and some man made disasters.
you start burning after staying in the sun for ten minutes.
Citation needed do share your theory though.. I'm sure its a nobel prize winnerI have a theory that many people who live there suffer brain damage from the intense heat
The contrast between Australians and other cultures is quite profound, and the theory that the excessive heat is responsible for their stupidity is imo both quite funny and a perfectly valid theory
Citation neededThey actually have quite allot of access to food, although allot of their "fresh" food sits in storage for a REALLY long time
v v v vAnd what are you going to say when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.
v v v vOh really, have I? can you prove that I have been saying this?.
when I come along and post proof to everything iv said? huh? wise guy?.
I bet that if i actually opened up google, I could easily find evidence for everything that I mentioned.