Parties evolve. You can't pick your party on who was in it decades ago, you have to vote for whoever you think is best for america (or the world). For me, that is always a liberal. I think that the trickle down effect is the biggest load of bull shit ever created. I think that if you give the rich more money they are going to spend it on fancy cars from Europe, a bigger house which is more money to wealthy people, a vacation to somewhere exotic, a fancy new tv or other electronic or anything else retarded that will be twice as retarded in two years. Basically, no matter how they spend that tax break, it's only going to go into the hands of more rich people, not mom and pop, because the rich reap the rewards of more money spending, if they buy more a bit more groceries at safeway the owners of the company are the only ones going to see more money. I think that tax cuts to the rich is going the long risky way to get money to the people because of the basic law of the universe that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and because of that, with every step in money transfer more money is lost (due to friction usually in physics) to the wealthy. The wealthy always want to be richer and more powerful. Look where conservative leadership has gotten us. I also think that we should have an open border. It's a good idea and anyone who apposes it is a racist who thinks that an american is white, if they come to america, they are americans. Ron Paul is a dumbass. He wants to withdraw from the UN and avoid any foreign policy. He is against the war on drugs (I'm for the outright legalization of weed but I'll stay underground if it means I don't have to worry about meth-labs and PCP addicts as much) which is a dumbass idea.
So don't bash Democrats right now because right now a Republican is a much worse choice.
And a third party candidate is a bigger waste of paper then an ordinary vote.