being a democrate?


Well-Known Member
What does it mean to be a democrate?
Like everything eles we look into it's history.
How far back shell we go?
Let's start in 1868.(since I'm reading about it)
1868-The democratic stronghold of the klan violence worked to suppress black voting. over 2,000 persons were killed, wounded and otherwise injured in louisiana within a few weeks prior to the Presidential election of November 1868. Although st. landry parish had a registered Republican majority of 1,071, after the murders, no Republicans voted in the fall elections. White Democrats cast the full vote of the parish for Grant's opponent. The KKK killed and wounded more than 200 black Republicans, hunting and chasing them through the woods. Thirteen captives were taken from jail and shot; a half-buried pile of 25 bodies was found in the woods. The KKK made people vote Democratic and gave them certificates of the fact. In the April 1868 georgia gubernatorial election,columbia county cast 1,222 votes for Republican rufus bullocks By thenovember presidential election, however, Klan intimidation led to suppression of the Republican vote and only one person voted for ulysses s. grant.
Klansmen killed more than 150 African Americans in a county inflorida, and hundreds more in other counties. Freedmen's Bureau records provided a detailed recounting of beatings and murders of freedmen and their white allies by Klansmen.

skip ahead to 1924
Klan delegates played a significant role at the path-setting 1924 DNC in NY 1924, often called the "klanbake convention". The convention initially pitted Klan-backed candidate william gibbs mcadoo William Gibbs against New York Governor al smith. In some states, such as Alabama, the KKK worked for political and social reform. The state's Klansmen were among the foremost advocates of better public schools, effective prohibition enforcement, expanded road construction, and other progressive political measures. In many ways these reforms benefited lower class white people. By 1925, the Klan was a political force in the state, as leaders like j thomas heflin, david graves and huge black. J. thomas and Hugo black manipulated the KKK membership against the power of Black Belt planters who had long dominated the state

This post will take forever. to shortin it up.......
1) Democratic Ku Klux Klan members march down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. in 1928.
2)James K. Polk, Mexican American War.
3)Jefferson Davis, civil war. Well, he's hardly a US president, being only president of the confederacy.a conservative southern Democrat.back when the democrats were all about states rights.
4)Woodrow Wilson, ww1
5)Franklin D. Roosevelt, ww2
6)Harry S. Truman, Korean War.
7)John F. Kennedy: Viet Nam
8)Lyndon B. Johnson: Escalation in Viet Nam
9)1968 DNC, Chicago IL.100,000 hippies calling the democrates nazis and aint american.
10)Bill Clinton: Attacked Yugoslavia without a UN Security Council resolution, Invaded Haiti to restore the democratically elected president, invaded Somalia and cut and ran when it turned to chaos. Bombed al Quaeda bases in Afghanistan with cruise missiles in an attempt to kill bin Laden. Bombed Bahgdad.

Democrats: Grandfathered the KKK into politics.
Democrats: Fought for years against civil rights.
Total Democratic Presidents who Took Us to War? : 8-9 :wall:

Will it be 9-10 democratic presidents who take us to war?
Does history repeat itself?
...even Joe Biden believes so.


Well-Known Member
The point is more joepro bullshit.
It's all bullshit. I just made it up.
My point is.....the smile that you see, isn't a smile at all.
It's the grin of the wolf in sheep's clothing.
Buyer beware.
This aint bush movement will only lead you to grandmas house, and guess who's waiting?
my what sharp teeth you have, grandma?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Why is it when GOP stooges get backed into a corner they smile and say, "I was just joking?"
so much on the attack, you don't even see what you fight for.

buddy, I've voted third party the last 4 elections.
I kinda voted GOP this year, seeing that I voted RP.
...and will write-in his name in 2 weeks.
was gona go with mccain, intill he without question thumbs up NAFTA and open boarders.

Don't act if you fuckin know me, were not girl friends.


Well-Known Member
The South left the Democratic party in the early 60's because they did not want desegregation, The democratic party party supported desegregation in the south? What party did all these Southern folk switch too ?, because they didn't want give "negros" equal rights

I see your quick to defend the poor white women who was savaged by the evil black man
Any reply I would give would only be outright 100% racist. aint fuckin right, that's someone daughter, sister.

I take that shit personal!!!
I'll leave it as that.
Where did you get that KKK info, your own personal literature?



Well-Known Member
The South left the Democratic party in the early 60's because they did not want desegregation, The democratic party party supported desegregation in the south? What party did all these Southern folk switch too ?, because they didn't want give "negros" equal rights

I see your quick to defend the poor white women who was savaged by the evil black man

Where did you get that KKK info, your own personal literature?
I want you to disput just one of my facts, big mouth.

heres more lies.

Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.

Republican President, Ulysses Grant, signed into law the Ku Klux Klan Act. The law banned the KKK and other Democrat terrorist organizations. President Grant then deployed federal troops to crush a Klan uprising in South Carolina.
Eleven years later, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned most provisions of the Act. Though legalized, this original version of the Ku Klux Klan soon faded. Why? Because as Democrats regained control over southern state governments, they could oppress African-Americans openly, without need of sheets.

Where did the KKK turn to after they left the democratic party?
The stronghold by then was gone.

as far as defending that pooor white women, I believe my post was made before the report disproved her tall tail. why would I debate a lie givin by someone who needs mental help?...kinda like debating with you:lol:


Well-Known Member
We all know our history so we move on, while others move to being Republican..
The issue of slavery, people have moved on? really?
..did this start, today?
or did you want to just move on from the topic of the repukes, ending every war the dems started, fought against the dems for civil rights, fought against the dems to end slavery.
because it doesn't fit into what you think the republican party stands for?

yea, fuck the repukes! what have they ever done for me!?:wall:


Well-Known Member
The issue of slavery, people have moved on? really?
..did this start, today?
or did you want to just move on from the topic of the repukes, ending every war the dems started, fought against the dems for civil rights, fought against the dems to end slavery.
because it doesn't fit into what you think the republican party stands for?

yea, fuck the repukes! what have they ever done for me!?:wall:
wahetva, like I said, we all know our history :roll:, and it's not what I think :dunce:, it's what you think it stands for :wall:... besides I don't vote for parties Repbulcian, Dem, library, rucksack, freedom bells, :finger:


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier why did all these white Southerners leave the democratic party in the early 1960's?


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier why did all these white Southerners leave the democratic party in the early 1960's?
Let's not play cat and mouse, show your cards.
'white southerners' of the..... 80s.
Now where talkin about the bible belt and their positions on moral and ideological issues.

So history started in what you believe is the 60s with the southern movement to the republican party?
ergo: republicans evil and democrats good.


Well-Known Member
Parties evolve. You can't pick your party on who was in it decades ago, you have to vote for whoever you think is best for america (or the world). For me, that is always a liberal. I think that the trickle down effect is the biggest load of bull shit ever created. I think that if you give the rich more money they are going to spend it on fancy cars from Europe, a bigger house which is more money to wealthy people, a vacation to somewhere exotic, a fancy new tv or other electronic or anything else retarded that will be twice as retarded in two years. Basically, no matter how they spend that tax break, it's only going to go into the hands of more rich people, not mom and pop, because the rich reap the rewards of more money spending, if they buy more a bit more groceries at safeway the owners of the company are the only ones going to see more money. I think that tax cuts to the rich is going the long risky way to get money to the people because of the basic law of the universe that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and because of that, with every step in money transfer more money is lost (due to friction usually in physics) to the wealthy. The wealthy always want to be richer and more powerful. Look where conservative leadership has gotten us. I also think that we should have an open border. It's a good idea and anyone who apposes it is a racist who thinks that an american is white, if they come to america, they are americans. Ron Paul is a dumbass. He wants to withdraw from the UN and avoid any foreign policy. He is against the war on drugs (I'm for the outright legalization of weed but I'll stay underground if it means I don't have to worry about meth-labs and PCP addicts as much) which is a dumbass idea.

So don't bash Democrats right now because right now a Republican is a much worse choice.

And a third party candidate is a bigger waste of paper then an ordinary vote.