$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

I love painkillers:hump:
I don't, they REALLY bork me out. I talked with my doc and he asked me to help him learn more about medical mj. He said he doesn't want to lose his license (I don't want him to, either!), but that if it really helps me and doesn't mess me up the way drugs like Soma, Flexiril, and the different painkillers do, he will try to help me get me card. HE SO ROCKS.
Hey FDD I heard of this strain that has a narcotic type effect....I can't remember what it is callled but it should ease your pain....bwhahahahaahah:mrgreen:
Maybe he's already smoked some and has passed out.:eyesmoke::sleep:

Oh yes, the RIU whore thread was closed by Chiceh, and I, for one, am glad she did. Too much misogyny here. What I want to know is why I lose my rep points if I was repped for a post in a closed thread. Unfair! :lol:
damn man how the hell did you do that on a seadoo? and i guess your doc will be uping your prescription now huh did you do this on purpose FDD lol jk
Stay off the leg as much as you can. I had an ACL reconstruction last year, and a few other repairs on the knee, and I was on it too soon. And It really slowed my recovery. I also wanna say watch out for the oxy, it can get you hooked and sprung before you know or realize it. I rarely took the meds they gave me after the first week. It was just good herb, and rest, and sleep. Good luck, and we are all here if you need help, don't be afraid to ask. Some of us are actually genuine and sincere when we say it too. Peace.
FDD, this is your mother speaking. :cuss:(Not really, it's Phoenix. Damn I hate it when I forget to check who's logged in. Damn weed!)

Lay down and rest, you silly boy. Bones don't mend when you 'hop around tending the garden'. :wall: Eat lots of protein, eat lots of fresh produce and drink lots of milk to boost your calcium levels. The first few weeks of healing, it's important not to stress the break too much.

My 10 year old daughter had an operation a couple of months ago to remove her plate. When she was 7 we were in a car accident and she broke her right femur just under the hip ball. She had surgery at the time and they screwed a metal plate to join her bone. A few days later she was using crutches. A week later I was yelling at her to slow down on them. Two months after her surgery she ran in her school sports day races and came 2nd in her age group.

But I made her take care of herself. As for you... Surely someone will tend your garden for a week or two. Stop being a tough guy and let yourself heal.
FDD, this is your mother speaking. :cuss:(Not really, it's Phoenix. Damn I hate it when I forget to check who's logged in. Damn weed!)

Lay down and rest, you silly boy. Bones don't mend when you 'hop around tending the garden'. :wall: Eat lots of protein, eat lots of fresh produce and drink lots of milk to boost your calcium levels. The first few weeks of healing, it's important not to stress the break too much.

My 10 year old daughter had an operation a couple of months ago to remove her plate. When she was 7 we were in a car accident and she broke her right femur just under the hip ball. She had surgery at the time and they screwed a metal plate to join her bone. A few days later she was using crutches. A week later I was yelling at her to slow down on them. Two months after her surgery she ran in her school sports day races and came 2nd in her age group.

But I made her take care of herself. As for you... Surely someone will tend your garden for a week or two. Stop being a tough guy and let yourself heal.

i'd lose a leg for my garden before i'd let anyone other than my wife touch anything. :twisted::blsmoke:

i had my legs strapped to a machine for 10 hours the day after surgery. you strap your leg in it and lay back and watch the olympics. it bends and straightens the leg using a small motor. 0 - 90 degrees over and over again for 10 hours. it felt soooooooo good.

the WORST thing to do is lay around and let everything weaken. the tendons will start to stiffen, swelling will start, the joint will get stiff., all the muscles will weaken. it needs to be used . i was shown how to properly stretch and what not to do. i listened to my DR. i am taking his advice and plan to heal ahead of his schedule. i usually do. i've been thru all this stuff before. :blsmoke::peace:
I was thinking of a new thread, 'Show off ya Scars', influenced directly by this thread FDD. I even got Ph03nix to take pics of my 25 year old scars and was going to post 'em. But then I had more billies and had to go out. Then got home and had more billies.

I'll get around to it sometime...1983, 185kmh rollover while blind drunk (19yrs old). Collapsed lung, ruptured Liver, ruptured stomach. Face smashed up a bit. Damaged my ribs and collar bone on the right side. Tore my right leg to shreds and broke my left femur clean and punched it out through my thigh. My left foot was next to my ear when my mates found me, with a few inches of femur poking out the 'end' of my leg.

I got thrown out of the car ('73 Charger) and it rolled over me on its way through the paddock. My legs tore the door skin off the drivers side door. I ended up about fifty yards off the road. The car was another 50 yards further on.

I had a four and a half month hospital holiday. :blsmoke:Half of that was in traction (it was the early eighties).
It took two years on crutches with chronic Osteo-myelitis (Golden Staph), plus a few years after that before I could walk nearly normally again. I ended up with some lateral roll where the femur mended, meaning my left foot turns out when my hips are parallel. I had an open 'sinus' wound on the outside of my left leg for two and a half years, that is, it cleared up about two months after they removed the K-Nail from my femur. For the uninitiated, a K-Nail is a long stainless steel pin that is shaped like angle iron, about a centimetre on each side and about (in my case) 40cm long. It is driven down from the top of the femur through the middle of the bone (where the marrow lives), to hold clean breaks together. Usually a half inch at the top is clear of the bone (it has a small eye hole in it) so that the surgeons can hook onto it and pull it out when the bone heals. For some unlucky punters, the k-nail can work its way up and punch out through the skin at your hip...no, I was lucky :)

UPDATE: Found this in my archives. Shows where my legs and the door skin argued over which way to go.


i'd lose a leg for my garden before i'd let anyone other than my wife touch anything. :twisted::blsmoke:

i had my legs strapped to a machine for 10 hours the day after surgery. you strap your leg in it and lay back and watch the olympics. it bends and straightens the leg using a small motor. 0 - 90 degrees over and over again for 10 hours. it felt soooooooo good.

the WORST thing to do is lay around and let everything weaken. the tendons will start to stiffen, swelling will start, the joint will get stiff., all the muscles will weaken. it needs to be used . i was shown how to properly stretch and what not to do. i listened to my DR. i am taking his advice and plan to heal ahead of his schedule. i usually do. i've been thru all this stuff before. :blsmoke::peace:
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Damn FDD!! I wish you well and a speedy recovery. I took some bad advice back in March while riding my atv with some buddies. The last thing I heard before the wreck was "Just smash on it and jump the top, Youll clear it". Well I smashed on it but didnt clear the top. I cased it and the atv started backwards down the hill. I panicked and released the clutch as I tried to bail and the back wheels locked in gear. When they did, the atv reverse fly-swatted me. THe nose bar hit me in the forehead just above my nose and caved my face in. I ended up with 6 1/2 hours of surgery to put 5 plates in my face and 4 plates in my jaw. I havent given up on the atv but I dont take my buddies advice anymore. Good luck!! Ride hard and smoke harder!!
i'd lose a leg for my garden before i'd let anyone other than my wife touch anything. :twisted::blsmoke:

i had my legs strapped to a machine for 10 hours the day after surgery. you strap your leg in it and lay back and watch the olympics. it bends and straightens the leg using a small motor. 0 - 90 degrees over and over again for 10 hours. it felt soooooooo good.

the WORST thing to do is lay around and let everything weaken. the tendons will start to stiffen, swelling will start, the joint will get stiff., all the muscles will weaken. it needs to be used . i was shown how to properly stretch and what not to do. i listened to my DR. i am taking his advice and plan to heal ahead of his schedule. i usually do. i've been thru all this stuff before. :blsmoke::peace:

Did they wrap your leg in that huge sheepskin wrap..... I didn't lke that knee bender, but once the pain meds kicked in it was kind of a bizarre good/bad pain thing..... only had to do 3 hour daily though.. they really didn't want your knee to lock up... it helped for my "drop foot".. after leg injuries the foot tends to point down by itself and stay like that... kind of a tippy toe..... which is a bitch to fix...
Hope you're feeling a bit better today man...... a little every day.....:joint:
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i'm feeling pretty damn good today. no meds yet. they lightly covered my stitches with soft gauze then lightly wrapped that in 1 layer of soft gauze, then threw an ACE bandage over it. i can take it all off to shower. i cover the wound with saran wrap to keep it dry but it's all right there for me to see. :)
That looks familiar.

Propellers do not cut like that. It looks like a hook got stuck in one side and was pulled upwards around the knee. It missed the major tendons and nerves. Probably messing around in the water when somebody laid out a big hook and it cropped the leg when it was jerked. They thought they caught the big one. It's jagged and slightly infected from what appears to be freshwater.
Man, my D.A.R.E. counselor was right, marijuana IS dangerous! I even heard that Victor Licata was riding a Sea-Doo when he murdered his family with an axe! I'm giving this stuff up and going back to Sunday School.
that looks familiar.

Propellers do not cut like that. It looks like a hook got stuck in one side and was pulled upwards around the knee. It missed the major tendons and nerves. Probably messing around in the water when somebody laid out a big hook and it cropped the leg when it was jerked. They thought they caught the big one. It's jagged and slightly infected from what appears to be freshwater.
