$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

I hope he got them taken out FDD my bro still has his plates in his leg and after about 5 yrs they really started bothering him, I guess the bone is growing round the plates or something crazy.
i'm gonna have to get that scar tattooed into a worm. or just leave it like it is. it may just heal looking like a worm. :mrgreen::mrgreen::hump:

lol a worm?
That thing looks like a fucking anaconda.That thing is huge/disgusting lol.I hope your alright now.

That happened to me when I had pins in my arm and same thing happened to my neighbor when she had plates in her knee.
13 screws and a plate. they won't take it out, unless i pay cash. it hurts when it's cold. it hurts when i walk. it hurts most the time. it swells up and retains fluid. i wear a neoprene brace daily. it's pretty much "shot". my DR says someday i'll get a new one. i have a pretty decent scar but it's smooth. you can see it but not really feel it. i can feel the edge of the plate and one of the screws thru my skin.

full view sized.jpg
i was wondering the same thing about whether or not you got them taken out fdded...
and i bet it still hurts.. for god's sake, you've got screws going through your bones m8..
not trying to be funny here or anything, but do you ever have issues with security at like airports and shit with the metal detectors going all crazy and shit, or haven't you ever encountered any since the accident??
i was wondering the same thing about whether or not you got them taken out fdded...
and i bet it still hurts.. for god's sake, you've got screws going through your bones m8..
not trying to be funny here or anything, but do you ever have issues with security at like airports and shit with the metal detectors going all crazy and shit, or haven't you ever encountered any since the accident??

I always wondered about the airports and other metal detectors to.
i had my patella tendon torn in 3 places to repair the insides of my knee(mcl,acl, meniscus) and they had to break my kneecap in 3 places so the tendon would fit over it again once they took what they needed. I have the video somewhere of my knee laying wide open. I was waiting for Kramer to drop a Junior Mint inside, lol.
I can feel the breaks in the knee cap and if i twist just right it will *pop* thats really loud and if you feel it...the tension and the movement is really gross. but I limp and feel everything in the weather a day ahead of time.

My screws in my knee dissolved over time.