$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

You crazy old bastard. I thought once was enough to learn a lesson, but most of the time it isn't. :D:clap:

i'm pretty sure i'll have the lake to myself this time of year. it was almost 80 degrees today. can't be any colder than the ocean. right? woooooooooo hoooooooo

look at this beast, .......


here we go, .....................

i just did 10 mins on the gazelle. gotta get in shape, now that i quit smoking and all. :)

i can almost run again. my limp is almost gone but i still have a little swagger. my knee is stiff but it works enough to where i can walk straight upright in a straight line. the more i stretch it the better it feels. i hope to never do this again.
Wish i would have seen the previous post.I live on a 94 mile lake and every year we have at least two people die on jetskies.I had the misfortune of seeing a young man of 17 jumping wakes get ran over by a 34ft boat.He did not live to tell about it.He did not see the second boat trailing off to the side of the first.
Hope you heal soon and get back to your garden.Oh ,if you pop that swollen thing it won't hurt as much.Sorry, sick humor.OPH
Wish i would have seen the previous post.I live on a 94 mile lake and every year we have at least two people die on jetskies.I had the misfortune of seeing a young man of 17 jumping wakes get ran over by a 34ft boat.He did not live to tell about it.He did not see the second boat trailing off to the side of the first.
Hope you heal soon and get back to your garden.Oh ,if you pop that swollen thing it won't hurt as much.Sorry, sick humor.OPH

MMMmmmmmmmmmmm Fresh Chum .... lets go fishin