$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

CAn't you be honest with him?Doctor patient confidentiality?You're legal, so why worry?

i told him i smoked pot. he told me not to smoke pot with a broken leg because it will slow healing. i asked if it was the thc or the smoke that was the worry. he said the smoke, "but unless your going to put it in your butt, then don't do it". i tried to tell him you can eat it but he wouldn't listen. i told me wife i should just tell him but she says he would probably think even less of me. :sad:
Dude, any doctor that makes you feel that way is not good for you.Period, I don't care what his credentials are.If he's so worried about money, he's a greedy fucker who really isn't in it to help people.My personal opinion.My doctor has friggen almost hugged me before.He's a nice guy who wants to help people get better.That's what you need.
i told him i smoked pot. he told me not to smoke pot with a broken leg because it will slow healing. i asked if it was the thc or the smoke that was the worry. he said the smoke, "but unless your going to put it in your butt, then don't do it". i tried to tell him you can eat it but he wouldn't listen. i told me wife i should just tell him but she says he would probably think even less of me. :sad:
i told him i smoked pot. he told me not to smoke pot with a broken leg because it will slow healing. i asked if it was the thc or the smoke that was the worry. he said the smoke, "but unless your going to put it in your butt, then don't do it". i tried to tell him you can eat it but he wouldn't listen. i told me wife i should just tell him but she says he would probably think even less of me. :sad:

Vaporizer + brownies for munchies for the win lol
Dude, any doctor that makes you feel that way is not good for you.Period, I don't care what his credentials are.If he's so worried about money, he's a greedy fucker who really isn't in it to help people.My personal opinion.My doctor has friggen almost hugged me before.He's a nice guy who wants to help people get better.That's what you need.

i see him again in a month. i think it will be the final release visit. as soon as my leg heals i'm outta there. don't even get me started on about my family DR. lol
It's sad when doctors care more about material possessions than the job they took,and all that comes with that.
i see him again in a month. i think it will be the final release visit. as soon as my leg heals i'm outta there. don't even get me started on about my family DR. lol
It's sad when doctors care more about material possessions than the job they took,and all that comes with that.

he's been really concerned with the money from the start. a losy 2200 dollars (really cheap for what he did though). i can pay him. he never really gave me an out, payments or something until i cash in. i told him i wasn't working and he just assumed from there. i could be living off my dead aunts money for all he knows.
I'd have dumped him immediately, lol.Doctors do what I say, or else, man!
he's been really concerned with the money from the start. a losy 2200 dollars (really cheap for what he did though). i can pay him. he never really gave me an out, payments or something until i cash in. i told him i wasn't working and he just assumed from there. i could be living off my dead aunts money for all he knows.
You'd think, in California, they'd have more than one qualified doctor about for those types of injuries.Lot of people, big state, lot of gangs and the like....
he was the only one who could fix me. it was an unusual fracture. i had to wait 3 days because he was so busy. he fixed me on a sunday. it all really sucked.
You'd think, in California, they'd have more than one qualified doctor about for those types of injuries.Lot of people, big state, lot of gangs and the like....

i didn't get it either. it was all bad from the start. the first thing they said was "get this guy on some OXY". the morphine was making me vomit. the DR said it would be a few days because he was so busy. i said "what, you going golfing?" i don't think he liked that. i apologized later but he still has a little attitude.
Some folks have no sense of humor at all.If it's the last time you have to see him, then get it over with and don't ever use him for anything like this again.Or, just don't get hurt this bad ever again, lol.
i didn't get it either. it was all bad from the start. the first thing they said was "get this guy on some OXY". the morphine was making me vomit. the DR said it would be a few days because he was so busy. i said "what, you going golfing?" i don't think he liked that. i apologized later but he still has a little attitude.
i guess there were 2 DR here that did knee surgery, now that i think back on it. my break was complicated so they said that only this guy could fix it. maybe the other guy didn't even want to try. if you look closely you can see a white line that runs along side the plate. this is the actual break. it split vertically. the part that broke was shoved into the other part. he had to drill thru the opposite side and hammer it back out. it sucks that he makes me feel this way but at least i'll run again. :-P

my broke knee joint.JPG
the red part was pushed all the way into the rest of the bone. the black is the hammer and rod fixing it. i bet he had to hit it pretty hard. :fire:

the course thread screw was used first to pull it all together. then the fine threads were used to get a nice bite and hold it all it place. they are self tapping screws.

fixin' it.jpg
You're lucky it happened now and not 30 years ago, like it did to my mom.
i guess there were 2 DR here that did knee surgery, now that i think back on it. my break was complicated so they said that only this guy could fix it. maybe the other guy didn't even want to try. if you look closely you can see a white line that runs along side the plate. this is the actual break. it split vertically. the part that broke was shoved into the other part. he had to drill thru the opposite side and hammer it back out. it sucks that he makes me feel this way but at least i'll run again. :-P

View attachment 203185
he also said "don't be naive, your 13 year old son has already tried smoking if his dad does it in front of him". my kid has hated the smell since day one. me smoking around him has done nothing but made him hate it. my wife and him ride me all day. i'm not his hero when it comes to cigarettes. he's doesn't want to be like his dad on this one. stupid DR's. :wall:

My little brother is the same way. He's 11, his dad has been smoking all his life, and he HATES cigarettes. When he was younger he got in trouble a few times because he took cartons of cigarettes and threw them away.

the red part was pushed all the way into the rest of the bone. the black is the hammer and rod fixing it. i bet he had to hit it pretty hard. :fire:

the course thread screw was used first to pull it all together. then the fine threads were used to get a nice bite and hold it all it place. they are self tapping screws.

View attachment 203194

*gulp* with the little illustrations it's easier to picture, and scarier too :shock:
My little brother is the same way. He's 11, his dad has been smoking all his life, and he HATES cigarettes. When he was younger he got in trouble a few times because he took cartons of cigarettes and threw them away.

*gulp* with the little illustrations it's easier to picture, and scarier too :shock:

i had fun drawing it. :-P

he told me "be careful, the screws could break". i just heard a weird noise.