$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $


Well-Known Member
Shit i have had bigger cuts on my weiner then that.
Or is your weiner that small the cuts just look big????:mrgreen::peace:
Also u could just use wax and stop getting those cuts, dirtyboy???

Well shit fdd didnt know u had done that, u dont do things by half's do u,,
Bet sum of ya best jar's have been smoked now due to that!?
take care of it hope it's feelin better now, and good luck on the long road ahead!!!!!!!bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i just wiggle my foot. my wife was sitting there with me. i was laying sideways looking the other way. about halfway thru my wife says, "there goes his foot". the nurse just looked at her funny. my wife says, "he does that when it hurts".

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
11 freakin' SCREWS!!!! some of them go all the way thru the bone. this is the front view so you can't see the full row of 5 that go across the top. the plat is L shaped so looking from the side you'd see 5 more screws across the top. i got all the staples out and have a simple bandage over it. i'm on a cane and walking. :mrgreen::blsmoke: View attachment 179201

:shock: WOW... I hope you don't have to fly much.... you're gonna light up the airport metal detectors like a christmas tree. TSA will have a field day with you. :o:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
:shock: WOW... I hope you don't have to fly much.... you're gonna light up the airport metal detectors like a christmas tree. TSA will have a field day with you. :o:mrgreen:
My steel hip sets those alarms off.... there goes any smuggling thoughts on my part...I remember how much having those staples out itched after... Plus the rehab..they gave me a electroshock to deaden the pain..hurt like hell when they shocked me..but it does work to remove any long lasting pain..The Marquis de Sade school of medicine..


Well-Known Member
i just wiggle my foot. my wife was sitting there with me. i was laying sideways looking the other way. about halfway thru my wife says, "there goes his foot". the nurse just looked at her funny. my wife says, "he does that when it hurts".
I wish I could just wiggle my foot when I was in pain. I could play that off a lot better than torrents of cuss words.


Well-Known Member
it hurts soooooo bad. a whole new type of pain. deep down in the bone and joint pain. the more i stretch it the better it feels but it hurts to stretch it. they got me down to vicodin and lorazepam. time to dig out the secret supply of xanax. :)


Well-Known Member
it's still killing me. they drilled a hole all they way thru my knee so they could pound the broken bone from the inside back out to where it belongs. i can feel it.


Well-Known Member
yep. i had 26 staples down one side and 3 on the other. the 3 from the hole they drilled. the dr had pics hanging in his office of someone having knee surgery. they peel all the skin back exposing the whole knee. i couldn't look at it up close. just the thought of what they did to me sends pain shooting down my leg.


Well-Known Member
When my mom injured her knee in a car accident, the skin on her knee was cut in such a way that they could actual flip it back and expose her entire knee. When they took my mom in, the doctor flipped the skin back and forth and joked, "We won't even need the xray, I can just look right here."


I say you go roast some marshmallows, take some pics, and think happy thoughts bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i think the pain is "breaking". i woke up yesterday morning and my leg felt really good. i went 3 hours without taking pain meds. today was the same. though once the pain sets in it hurts. it feels like someone is hammering a screwdriver thru it. i was actually in tears earlier today as i feel asleep for my nap. i'm up and walking on it with the help of a cane. i tried to start my truck today and found i had a hard time getting in. i can walk 20 feet without the cane. i start physical therapy on thursday. i plan on making it back to the lake this year. :)


Well-Known Member
holy shit have you fainted yet from the pain?
i fucked up my foot once and it was all fucked and i got into the shower to clean it off and i lost all conciousness, scary shit waking up not knowing where you are.


Well-Known Member
holy shit have you fainted yet from the pain?
i fucked up my foot once and it was all fucked and i got into the shower to clean it off and i lost all conciousness, scary shit waking up not knowing where you are.
i've passed out from the meds but not from the pain. i hear ya though. i got dizzy there a few times early on.

it just kinda sucks now. i'll be sitting here like right now and have no pain at all. then outta nowhere it just hits. sometimes it stops sometimes it takes a handful of pills and a long nap.