$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Very astute observation!It's hard to just let go of the reins, for you, right fdd...you like to keep it all together...don't like to show weakness.Now I sound either like a therapist, or some lonely loser trying to take you home from the bar, lol!!!
Ummmm duh???? j/k :mrgreen:.... but seriously... keep it elevated and QUIT dragging yourself through the garden! You are not 18 ... you are.... well... in the 40+ age group now... it takes longer to recover from these kinds of injuries now (like it or not!).

It doesn't make you weak to take the medical advice and take it easy... it makes you smart! If you keep up the "whatever" attitude then it could get infected and you could lose a leg... and then your students at Oaksterdam will call you "professor stump"... and no one wants that :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Stay on the couch and get well soon :D


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
leg still hurts. apparently i was supposed to be keeping it elevated 24/7. i haven't been. i've been up tending to things. when i do this my ankle swells. when my ankle swells my leg throbs. i called my Dr today as was told to lay down. i had an appointment for thursday but now it's been pushed out until next wednesday. i am almost out of meds and i can't get more.

I am sorry to see you in this pain. I sure hope it gets better soon. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
leg still hurts. apparently i was supposed to be keeping it elevated 24/7. i haven't been. i've been up tending to things. when i do this my ankle swells. when my ankle swells my leg throbs. i called my Dr today as was told to lay down. i had an appointment for thursday but now it's been pushed out until next wednesday. i am almost out of meds and i can't get more.
:dunce: I'm sooo not going to do the 'I told you so' thing. Nor am I going to try to channel your mum again... I promise. :lol:

It sux man, and I feel your pain. All my sympathies. Just be careful of getting blood clots... that's the worst. Your circulation won't be so great at the moment. And you do NOT want a big haematoma to deal with, trust me.

Take the advice of those who care... :hug: :bigjoint:

Get better, dude.


Well-Known Member
it looks really good. i get the staples out on tues. i can walk on it using a cane. it gets sore after an hour or so. i think it's gonna be a speedy recovery. :mrgreen: IMG_8772.jpg


New Member
we should start a wounded warrior thread where we can all show our scars...you might win fdd...that's going to be an awesome one....


Well-Known Member
Do you still want 2 ride? I did a similar thing all though it did not look that bad. I bailed on a wave and slammed down on the jetski and broke my knee cap (some pain) and like a year i slammed my head down on the handle bars split my chin wide and i almost k.o. but it is and addiction the ocean is way better then lakes and maby less risk in your case.


Well-Known Member
11 freakin' SCREWS!!!! some of them go all the way thru the bone. this is the front view so you can't see the full row of 5 that go across the top. the plat is L shaped so looking from the side you'd see 5 more screws across the top. i got all the staples out and have a simple bandage over it. i'm on a cane and walking. :mrgreen::blsmoke: full view sized.jpg


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks!!

on new years 07 i completely dislocated my metatarsels in my foot from my ankle bones and ripped all the ligaments, cartilage, tendons and halfway ripped the surrounding muscle, if i didnt have skin my foot would have been ripped off.

had 3 surgeries 3 screws 2 pins and A LOT OF FUCKING PAIN

i know where your coming from i can understand the pain and also the fact that painkillers maybe kill 25% of the pain...you dont notice how much they actually do until you stop taking them like i did


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks!!

on new years 07 i completely dislocated my metatarsels in my foot from my ankle bones and ripped all the ligaments, cartilage, tendons and halfway ripped the surrounding muscle, if i didnt have skin my foot would have been ripped off.

had 3 surgeries 3 screws 2 pins and A LOT OF FUCKING PAIN

i know where your coming from i can understand the pain and also the fact that painkillers maybe kill 25% of the pain...you dont notice how much they actually do until you stop taking them like i did
they got me on something a little milder than the oxy now. i'm trying to wean myself off those as well but it's still throbbing. :evil:


New Member
are you going to do any rehab? dude...I hate to tell you...but I have many screws and wires..you need to start getting your mind around the fact that it well hurt for a long time...:


New Member
11 freakin' SCREWS!!!! some of them go all the way thru the bone. this is the front view so you can't see the full row of 5 that go across the top. the plat is L shaped so looking from the side you'd see 5 more screws across the top. i got all the staples out and have a simple bandage over it. i'm on a cane and walking. :mrgreen::blsmoke: View attachment 179201
what were you thinking??
