$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

i'm trying to talk my wife into taking me to get some good edibles. i suck at making them myself. they are either really good or no good at all.
lol... its funny... I have like 2 dozen that were just made a couple days ago... homemade and dank, with hash oil in them... :)... I don't really eat them though, they might just sit on the counter for a month...
I know this is weird but in my 40+ years of smoking the marijuana, I have never eaten anything with marijuana in it...except for a joint I ate one time when I got pulled over...how's the leg today boss...
I know this is weird but in my 40+ years of smoking the marijuana, I have never eaten anything with marijuana in it...except for a joint I ate one time when I got pulled over...how's the leg today boss...
Me neither.. until jimmys shortbread ....BOOM..
I have eaten hash and grass as is, but never baked into stuff...but this year I'm between trying oil or baking with my trimmings..
I usually eat the roaches when I'm done with the joint.Some times, I eat pot too, but it doesn't seem to do anything.Maybe I'm not eating enough.
Had a friend wolf down 7 g's because he though we were getting pulled over...
By the time we got to the concert he was a babbling idiot..
leg still hurts. apparently i was supposed to be keeping it elevated 24/7. i haven't been. i've been up tending to things. when i do this my ankle swells. when my ankle swells my leg throbs. i called my Dr today as was told to lay down. i had an appointment for thursday but now it's been pushed out until next wednesday. i am almost out of meds and i can't get more.
damn thats a bummer about your crash stay in bed and get a lap with the wireless on it :D btw you didnt get a video of the crash did you you can like send it to amazing videos and get paid if they put yours on tv
leg still hurts. apparently i was supposed to be keeping it elevated 24/7. i haven't been. i've been up tending to things. when i do this my ankle swells. when my ankle swells my leg throbs. i called my Dr today as was told to lay down. i had an appointment for thursday but now it's been pushed out until next wednesday. i am almost out of meds and i can't get more.

Ummmm duh???? j/k :mrgreen:.... but seriously... keep it elevated and QUIT dragging yourself through the garden! You are not 18 ... you are.... well... in the 40+ age group now... it takes longer to recover from these kinds of injuries now (like it or not!).

It doesn't make you weak to take the medical advice and take it easy... it makes you smart! If you keep up the "whatever" attitude then it could get infected and you could lose a leg... and then your students at Oaksterdam will call you "professor stump"... and no one wants that :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Stay on the couch and get well soon :D