$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

Well looks like wifey is going to have to wheel you around your backyard to water and feed your loved ones...

Keep off that damn leg is the best advice i can give..and lots of drugs
Ewww, gawd!I hope it heals ok...I've had broken bones, but nothing quite that nasty.Hope youre better soon.
someone just may get hurt.

"rotated compression fracture". 2 plates. 2 pins. who knows how many screws. then there's all those staples down my leg. this and the fact i'm out of commission for 6 weeks.

lesson learned. carry on. :blsmoke::peace:
id feel like shit if i were him..did it do anything to the tendon?

tendons are all good. it just rotate the socket so two high spots were on top of each other. they should be down along side each other. when i roll my knee it lined up the two high points on the outside joint. then a nice quick sharp smack. crack the bottom high spot like a walnut shell. then that shell piece got pushed down into the marrow. so it was really that bad for how bad it could have been. the outer joint doesn't carry the load of the leg. i broke the outer. if i had broken the inner it would have been much worse. harder surgery and longer recovery time.

i have soooooooo many narcotics. :hump::hump::hump:
Haha that would be the day... Just be safe and dont get too excited with all your goodies...Get well soon and keep off that damn leg..Make sure your wife takes care of everything...n im mean EVERYTHING...:hump:
Holy fucking shit bro---I feel like shit and am done giving advice on this forum---Really/really sorrey---pm me if you need anything-----that is horrible:cry:. I just wanted you to have some fun tricks to pull off with your buddies. I told you I split my head open in the ocean just outside mission bay---fuck that sucks man----what can you take?---I'll make a run to mexico and send you some shit.
Holy fucking shit bro---I feel like shit and am done giving advice on this forum---Really/really sorrey---pm me if you need anything-----that is horrible:cry:. I just wanted you to have some fun tricks to pull off with your buddies. I told you I split my head open in the ocean just outside mission bay---fuck that sucks man----what can you take?---I'll make a run to mexico and send you some shit.

i locked my feet into the side pocket facing away from each other and spread apart. :confused::-? i'm pretty sure i should have stood on the edge of the rail with my feet closer together. my mistakes. my buddy said my stance looked dangerous. you didn't say either way so i took it upon myself to "improvise". i could have waited and just asked for clarification. it was not your fault. the trick worked. i didn't wreck and i pulled it off. i will learn it without the injury and get it on video for you. :blsmoke::hump::hump::peace::peace:

got anymore we could go over? i have 6 weeks to study. :)
oooohhh man I feel bad as hell----When I had my bad crash it was the end of the day-my Buddie and I had been running in the ocean about 1/2 mile out of the ship inlet into mission bay-we were jumping the rollers and waves with no problems-we would jump up and over the face and come down the back the rollers were that were 4 to 5 feet---the waves started to get bigger so we decided to put one more run in---stupid---the first problem was the sun was setting on the horizon line i was almost blind and it was very hard to tell the timing of the rollers--anyway I gunned the shit and was going about 47 when I hit the wave-timing was way off and the roller was just starting to break as I got half way up it---by the way the roller was now 10-12 feet---I went off the lip straight up and my ski went out in front of me---My Buddie said i was 15 to 17 feet in the air-my ski came down sideways and i was right behind it--the side of my head hit the bottom grate first----I came to with my Buddie holding me on his ski---he ran me to the first-aid station and i was life flighted to the emergency room---cracked my skull and 47 stitches latter I was fine-they released me after 24 hours.
oooohhh man I feel bad as hell----When I had my bad crash it was the end of the day-my Buddie and I had been running in the ocean about 1/2 mile out of the ship inlet into mission bay-we were jumping the rollers and waves with no problems-we would jump up and over the face and come down the back the rollers were that were 4 to 5 feet---the waves started to get bigger so we decided to put one more run in---stupid---the first problem was the sun was setting on the horizon line i was almost blind and it was very hard to tell the timing of the rollers--anyway I gunned the shit and was going about 47 when I hit the wave-timing was way off and the roller was just starting to break as I got half way up it---by the way the roller was now 10-12 feet---I went off the lip straight up and my ski went out in front of me---My Buddie said i was 15 to 17 feet in the air-my ski came down sideways and i was right behind it--the side of my head hit the bottom grate first----I came to with my Buddie holding me on his ski---he ran me to the first-aid station and i was life flighted to the emergency room---cracked my skull and 47 stitches latter I was fine-they released me after 24 hours.

Plus thats shark feeding time!!:shock:
jesus, man. that is too rough. hope you feel better soon, and that you've got health insurance for that shit.

are you going to be able to manage with the garden? i've got some staycation planned soon, so it's very feasible that i could come help. i know you don't like strange hands on your ladies, but shit. desperate times, desperate measures, all that.

yikes, man. fucking yikes.
damn that really went bad :-?

but well at least nothing that time can't cure (who knows... could have gone even worst than that)
Hope you get better soon :wink::blsmoke:
All i can say is...

At least it wasn't a few feet higher, right?

That's gonna give you trouble for a long time, feel sorry for ya man.

Hope it heals well.

Are you drinkin lots of milk?
It should help with the bones. :)
lesson learned. carry on. :blsmoke::peace:

LOL, Your right... carry on now u know what NOT to do :D:D


Hey dude, you should of jump'd off like i told ya :D

Nice scar for life :) Now u got 2 tatoos :D
Man that blows!!! Ive had my share of nasty breaks and soul killing surgiries! in my thoughts bro!!! The recovery is the always the worst for me! hard to not be active when that is all you know!! Well man I hope it all goes well for you!!
