$ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

Ouch! I ended up with a scar like that from a motorcycle accident. I was on crutches for months. Hopefully, you won't be too long. On a positive note, the Demerol they injected was pretty nice. (The pills don't do much.)
FDD look out for those OXYs. You don't need to be strung out on those babies. I hope you feel better soon.
Now you knew better than to try that shit. In any event...get well soon.I hope the girls don't suffer while you're out of commission.
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Thats one fucking scar to be proud of :)

^^ nothing compared to my blister i had or my cut ^^ hahaaa

hope u heal faster than expected ;)
OMG... FDD that just sucks...... especially since you just got your new toy and now can't play on it for awhile :(

I'm sending my best wishes for a speedy recovery :mrgreen:


i have FULL mobility of my leg. i'm sitting here playing air drums, double bass, to metallica. i'm supposed to be moving it and stretching it. it's working. i must pretend there is an egg on the bottom of my foot. i cannot break the egg. as long as i don't push down on the egg and break it then i can do just abut anything else. i have the brace limiting me to 90 degrees of bend at the knee. i'm using all of it. i took my morning dose of meds. no need for any extras.

i got time release oxy that last 8 hours. then i have "booster oxy" that i can pop as needed. i'm feeling really good right now. garden looks great. i do have to clean my trenches soon. that requires a lot of crawling under the plants. not sure how that will go. i may just sit on the ground and drag my ass baround. dirty up a pair of shorts. the soil is really soft. :)
i do have to clean my trenches soon. that requires a lot of crawling under the plants. not sure how that will go. i may just sit on the ground and drag my ass baround. dirty up a pair of shorts. the soil is really soft. :)

You should ask Mrs. FDD to do it for you.... or at the very least wrap that leg up good.... you don't want to get dirt in that wound. :D
there are not enough drugs in the world to kill pain as this. he scraped the surfaces of the joints to even them up. it was a major surgery. 4 hours. it fuckin' hurts like a mother fucker. i can't take 10 oxy and just sit here and drool on myself. my garden is 5 days behind and needs mad attention. i'm in A LOT of pain.

Almost the same shit...when I got my 1st real bike I had it a week before I got fucked..got hit head on and went through/over handle bar and broke off hip ball (like your knee joint ball)..could feel it in my ass cheek... Those staples are a good invention...mine was closed (15" long) by 3 wires...like you'd sew up a turkey... but fdd, these ortho surgeons are great...... you'll be better soon my friend..but you'll have a tough road ahead with the physiotherapy... Hang in man... all good things..etc..I know ....what a pile of shit......
So THAT's where you've been. Been wondering, been wondering. Fdd, you only just got the sea-doo and you tried a trick like that? What did you think, you're YOUNG or something? :lol:

Fucking awesome. BALLS OUT!!! :hump:
fdd, there are good nutritional means by which to SERIOUSLY speed healing, all well-documented. Shoot me a message if you're interested.
Sooo How much for the sea doo you got for sale ????????
You mean the sea-doo parts, right? :lol:
did that hurt?
:lol: Left a mark.
i'm gonna have to get that scar tattooed into a worm. or just leave it like it is. it may just heal looking like a worm. :mrgreen::mrgreen::hump:
That scar is a badge. :D
Almost the same shit...when I got my 1st real bike I had it a week before I got fucked..got hit head on and went through/over handle bar and broke off hip ball (like your knee joint ball)..could feel it in my ass cheek... Those staples are a good invention...mine was closed (15" long) by 3 wires...like you'd sew up a turkey... but fdd, these ortho surgeons are great...... you'll be better soon my friend..but you'll have a tough road ahead with the physiotherapy... Hang in man... all good things..etc..I know ....what a pile of shit......
So that's why you had to have the hip replaced, eh? I've done some mad crazy shit before, been kicked right in the middle of my right thigh by a horse, eaten MAJOR shit riding my dad's old racing quad (he used to do the Baja races and Barstow to Vegas), and have yet to break a bone. It was while riding that quad that I ran across that lovely little green rattler and got my sorry ass (finger) bitten.
Seeing my doc this morning, gonna hit him up about my hip problems and ask him for a medical mj card.
So THAT's where you've been. Been wondering, been wondering. Fdd, you only just got the sea-doo and you tried a trick like that? What did you think, you're YOUNG or something? :lol:

Fucking awesome. BALLS OUT!!! :hump:

So that's why you had to have the hip replaced, eh? I've done some mad crazy shit before, been kicked right in the middle of my right thigh by a horse, eaten MAJOR shit riding my dad's old racing quad (he used to do the Baja races and Barstow to Vegas), and have yet to break a bone. It was while riding that quad that I ran across that lovely little green rattler and got my sorry ass (finger) bitten.
Seeing my doc this morning, gonna hit him up about my hip problems and ask him for a medical mj card.

Yeah..1975..wore it out..replace 1986 and 2002... So thats how you stop a fdd..... a flesh wound...... sorry to kick a downed dude........dude..... :mrgreen::mrgreen:kiss-ass
Hey Sea... hope your Dr's not a dill hole..... Think about the repair.. I swear by it....works great..I only wore it out because I kept my mechanics job....
Luck on the card....
I had an excellent appointment with him. :)

I have yet to EVER break a bone. (keeping the good fingers crossed)
I had an excellent appointment with him. :)

I have yet to EVER break a bone. (keeping the good fingers crossed)

I love painkillers:hump:

Hey FDD I heard of this strain that has a narcotic type effect....I can't remember what it is callled but it should ease your pain....bwhahahahaahah:mrgreen:
shit i got a scar on my forhead from a stand up wheelie that went bad on my gsxr 1000 but its all good i still stunt ....pure adrenilin